Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Except Law Enforcement and the State Attorney.
That is just it. Florida relies on your feelings at the time and totality of the circumstances if you reasonably fear harm or death.
But you know what's ever worse, you literally cannot be angry that some sleaze off the street put his hands on you, otherwise they'll try to make a case that "the woman" shot him out of anger or as retribution. Or that you were not "fearful" or more specifically in fear for you life, just a pissed off female and after all you had a weapon, why would you be afraid?

This is not speculation, these are arguments that have actually been made. I used to try working with some of the women/domestic violence shelters but they are unequivocally anti-firearm being that in most cases if there had been a firearm present or involved they end up being used against the women.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

The "crap" started when the deadman parked in a handicap spot. He ignored the man with a gun and went into the store. Apparently he did not perceive any threat. You are stupid enough to think you wait until attacked a second time before you draw your weapon.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.
That is just it. Florida relies on your feelings at the time and totality of the circumstances if you reasonably fear harm or death.
But you know what's ever worse, you literally cannot be angry that some sleaze off the street put his hands on you, otherwise they'll try to make a case that "the woman" shot him out of anger or as retribution. Or that you were not "fearful" or more specifically in fear for you life, just a pissed off female and after all you had a weapon, why would you be afraid?

This is not speculation, these are arguments that have actually been made. I used to try working with some of the women/domestic violence shelters but they are unequivocally anti-firearm being that in most cases if there had been a firearm present or involved they end up being used against the women.
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

The "crap" started when the deadman parked in a handicap spot. He ignored the man with a gun and went into the store. Apparently he did not perceive any threat. You are stupid enough to think you wait until attacked a second time before you draw your weapon.
Huh ?? You draw your weapon, the attack (the push down),stopped prior to you drawing your weapon, and when the weapon is drawn no further advancement takes place. Then the shot takes place as the man takes a step backwards. What am I missing here ??
Alot of projection going on here, but what makes up the case is the line between the gun entering the equation, the shot when it took place, and the actions of the victim when the bullet entered his chest.

I can see the justification in drawing the weapon sure, but the point where the shot was taken is where all the smoke is.
Nonsense ....your comments are highly prejudicial. It is shown by statistics that blacks though a minority in this nation kill more white folks than whites kill black. Blacks are fortunate that most whites do not know that. But they are waking up.
Can you explain how and why it wasn't until the year 2017 that the first white person was executed in the state of Florida for the murder of a black pers
Alot of projection going on here, but what makes up the case is the line between the gun entering the equation, the shot when it took place, and the actions of the victim when the bullet entered his chest.

I can see the justification in drawing the weapon sure, but the point where the shot was taken is where all the smoke is.
Alot of projection going on here, but what makes up the case is the line between the gun entering the equation, the shot when it took place, and the actions of the victim when the bullet entered his chest.

I can see the justification in drawing the weapon sure, but the point where the shot was taken is where all the smoke is.

It really is a quite simple case of self defense. People try and complicate it with their personal agendas....just stick to the law...but to do that you must first understand what the law is and very few on here do...though that too is quite simple.
on? How is that possible when hundreds of black people where lynched there?
Florida Lynched More Black People Per Capita Than Any Other State, According to Report

Well, no doubt the primary factor for lynching was that blacks committed so many horrendous crimes especially rapes. Say what you will about vigilante justice: the crime rate was much lower in those days and one could walk down any street in America day or night without fear.
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

The "crap" started when the deadman parked in a handicap spot. He ignored the man with a gun and went into the store. Apparently he did not perceive any threat. You are stupid enough to think you wait until attacked a second time before you draw your weapon.
Huh ?? You draw your weapon, the attack (the push down),stopped prior to you drawing your weapon, and when the weapon is drawn no further advancement takes place. Then the shot takes place as the man takes a step backwards. What am I missing here ??

It has been explained several times, you are just not keeping up.
This format is quite flawed when there are a lot of posts in a thread. They get all mixed up some are not seen etc.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.
I never owned a gun, nor never will. I am thinking in this particular case, what if, say, instead this was reversed. A armed black man parks in a handicapped spot. An unarmed white man confronts him about it. Same issue different slant. The black guy shoots the agitated white guy. In self defense. Same issue. Is shooting an unarmed angry person really self defense?
Just look at George Zimmerman a completely innocent man as all the evidence proved but a huge, huge attempt was made to railroad him by Obama, the attorney general eric holder, and the state of florida.
Zimmerman is a lot of things, but innocent is not one of them. There is no such thing as being found "innocent" only that the prosecution tried him on the wrong charges IMO and that they couldn't make their case on second degree murder, therefore the not guilty verdict.

No, the mistake was charging him at all. We know from witness testimony that Martin lost contact with Zimmerman and returned to find Zimmerman....then, he was on top of Zimmerman, as told by an actual witness....punching him and hitting his head against the ground.
Again, The dead pusher was measuring up a massive kick to down fat mans head. hitching up pants, leering down, advancing. The Gun came out just before. Pusher then began to drift, they (she was out of car heading for back) had planned to hit him front and back. Prove me wrong.

Easy. Watch the video.

Your imagination is running away with you.

You didn't see what the man on the ground saw..... sorry, sitting in your home is not the same as getting violently attacked and facing a much larger attacker.... You saw a video 50 feet from the attack from a rear angle, that is not the same thing.

OK, I have been physically attacked many, many times in training. There is simply no excuse for pulling that trigger. You are making up reasons to justify the shooting. There are none.

Training? There is no comparison between agreed upon contact in training and being blindsided in a violent attack in public. There is no comparison.
I am waiting to see if Masaad Ayoob weighs in on this one.... he would be the one to clarify the self defense aspect of the shooting.
Nonsense ....your comments are highly prejudicial. It is shown by statistics that blacks though a minority in this nation kill more white folks than whites kill black. Blacks are fortunate that most whites do not know that. But they are waking up.
Can you explain how and why it wasn't until the year 2017 that the first white person was executed in the state of Florida for the murder of a black person? How is that possible when hundreds of black people where lynched there?
Florida Lynched More Black People Per Capita Than Any Other State, According to Report

Well, no doubt the primary factor for lynching was that blacks committed so many horrendous crimes especially rapes. Say what you will about vigilante justice: the crime rate was much lower in those days and one could walk down any street in America day or night without fear.
Letting the shooter off the hook without even a full investigation or possible charges of manslaughter being brought, is what challenges our laws that are used inappropriately to justify such a thing.

Is this little parking lot stalker worth it in the end ??
His life is as valuable as anyone’s!
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

It was a violent assault you can tell by the way the man was sprawled on the ground. Thus the law of self defense kicks in and the perception of the one who has been assaulted is vital. Here he was merely talking to this lady asking her if they had a permit to park in the handicap spot and according to reports she went ballistic on him.

Anyhow the b/f comes charging out unbeknownst by the white guy and violently shoves the white guy who ends up on the ground and not only suprised but fearful now and perhaps even in a mild state of shock. Uppermost in his mind is not only to preserve his life but to prevent any grievious bodily harm. That is why he has a pistol in his pocket, that is a crime ridden black neighborhood to begin with. Anyone in that position would be more than a fool to think the black dude may not continue with the attack if not stopped. Thus in fear of his life he does the only thing he can do to absolutely insure his life and limb...shoot the one who assaulted him. It all happened very quickly and the exact moment of the shot is difficult to discern on the video. Despite what you saw it all happened very quickly....and the white guy had to act quickly to stop the attack. The police conducted a thorough investigation and came up with the right conclusion, as in justified use of deadly force because the white dude was in fear of his life.
Nonsense ....your comments are highly prejudicial. It is shown by statistics that blacks though a minority in this nation kill more white folks than whites kill black. Blacks are fortunate that most whites do not know that. But they are waking up.
Can you explain how and why it wasn't until the year 2017 that the first white person was executed in the state of Florida for the murder of a black person? How is that possible when hundreds of black people where lynched there?
Florida Lynched More Black People Per Capita Than Any Other State, According to Report

Well, no doubt the primary factor for lynching was that blacks committed so many horrendous crimes especially rapes. Say what you will about vigilante justice: the crime rate was much lower in those days and one could walk down any street in America day or night without fear.
Letting the shooter off the hook without even a full investigation or possible charges of manslaughter being brought, is what challenges our laws that are used inappropriately to justify such a thing.

Is this little parking lot stalker worth it in the end ??
His life is as valuable as anyone’s!
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

It was a violent assault you can tell by the way the man was sprawled on the ground. Thus the law of self defense kicks in and the perception of the one who has been assaulted is vital. Here he was merely talking to this lady asking her if they had a permit to park in the handicap spot and according to reports she went ballistic on him.

Anyhow the b/f comes charging out unbeknownst by the white guy and violently shoves the white guy who ends up on the ground and not only suprised but fearful now and perhaps even in a mild state of shock. Uppermost in his mind is not only to preserve his life but to prevent any grievious bodily harm. That is why he has a pistol in his pocket, that is a crime ridden black neighborhood to begin with. Anyone in that position would be more than a fool to think the black dude may not continue with the attack if not stopped. Thus in fear of his life he does the only thing he can do to absolutely insure his life and limb...shoot the one who assaulted him. It all happened very quickly and the exact moment of the shot is difficult to discern on the video. Despite what you saw it all happened very quickly....and the white guy had to act quickly to stop the attack. The police conducted a thorough investigation and came up with the right conclusion, as in justified use of deadly force because the white dude was in fear of his life.

Although the prosecutor is still looking at the information and can still press is likely he will take this to court.

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