Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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Apparantly the video has been pulled. I cannot find a complete video of the incident. All you get is snippets of the video with heavy prejudicial comment. If anyone can find a full video of this incident please be so kind to post it.
Huh ? The way you have been talking, one would have thought that you had full knowledge of this event or are you second guessing yourself now ??

I just find it funny that apparantly the video has been pulled.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t

You don't know that, the guy had just been violently pushed to the ground and the black guy initially advanced on him.... and he had no idea what the other guy had on him...... sitting at home, watching a video is not the same as being on the ground as the guy is standing over you.
Apparantly the video has been pulled. I cannot find a complete video of the incident. All you get is snippets of the video with heavy prejudicial comment. If anyone can find a full video of this incident please be so kind to post it.

I posted the video that didn't appear on news casts....... it was in the first few pages of this thread, I don't know if it will still link to it.
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
He did not have to retreat

He did not have to fire either

How many times should a person be hit before they can defend themselves? In a liberal's mind.
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
He did not have to retreat

He did not have to fire either

How many times should a person be hit before they can defend themselves? In a liberal's mind.
Progressives have no common sense, because they are fucked in the head
Apparantly the video has been pulled. I cannot find a complete video of the incident. All you get is snippets of the video with heavy prejudicial comment. If anyone can find a full video of this incident please be so kind to post it.

I posted the video that didn't appear on news casts....... it was in the first few pages of this thread, I don't know if it will still link to it.

This is the best one I can find now but it is loaded with prejudicial commentary. The fake news folks are working over time to obscure the truth on this one.

Well, that link seems to have been pulled also. Let me try another one.

This one does not run continuously either so difficult to see exactly how the whole thing went time wise. But it is plain the black man is hovering over the white guy after he is on the ground and steps back somewhat when he sees the gun come out. But still very close to the white guy and could have resumed his attack if he had not been shot.

Also heavy with the prejudicial commentary. This whole episode demonstrates how the fake news operates so extensively and with heavy bias.

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I see the bleeding hearts are smashing themselves against this stone in yet another thread... Lol! They just can't come to grips with the realization that they too, could be killed for assaulting someone. They want so badly to believe it's legally justifiable for them to blindside someone, saying something they don't like, in a way they don't like, to someone they don't approve of... Well... By all means retards go right ahead. Maybe the next thread will be about you.
As for going to trial. Each of these numerous threads should give you all a pretty clear example of what one might expect a jury to conclude... A decidedly non unanimous verdict. But who knows? Florida has a reputation for wasting large sums of cash, on cases the facts say, they can't win. Due to nothing but media pressure and whiny liberals, as opposed to sound law. Do the names Casey Anthony, or Zimmerman ring a bell? Remind me... How did they turn out?
Well, that link seems to have been pulled also. Let me try another one.

This one does not run continuously either so difficult to see exactly how the whole thing went time wise. But it is plain the black man is hovering over the white guy after he is on the ground and steps back somewhat when he sees the gun come out. But still very close to the white guy and could have resumed his attack if he had not been shot.

Also heavy with the prejudicial commentary. This whole episode demonstrates how the fake news operates so extensively and with heavy bias.

Oh, please! He was backing away and that can be plainly seen. Why are you making shit up to justify your opinion which conflicts with the visual evidence YOU provided?
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

The "crap" started when the deadman parked in a handicap spot. He ignored the man with a gun and went into the store. Apparently he did not perceive any threat. You are stupid enough to think you wait until attacked a second time before you draw your weapon.

Nobody is faulting him for drawing his gun, dumbass! He draws his gun, aims at the man backing away and shoots him. That's cold-blooded, and is manslaughter at best.
He must not think so when going around starting crap, and especially with someone's girlfriend while her kids was in the car... I know, I know, but whose dead and whose still alive right, and in that lay the justification for it huh ?? Don't try to defend the indefensible, because if I were a bettin man, I'd be willing to lay money down on the fact that most in the country can see the wrong in this situation.

Remember it was a push, but the guy didn't advance him any further, otherwise to take advantage of the cat in his vulnerable state while on the ground. But the one on the ground had time to slowly collect himself draw his weapon, and then took the shot as the victim was in retreat when saw that weapon.

The "crap" started when the deadman parked in a handicap spot. He ignored the man with a gun and went into the store. Apparently he did not perceive any threat. You are stupid enough to think you wait until attacked a second time before you draw your weapon.
Huh ?? You draw your weapon, the attack (the push down),stopped prior to you drawing your weapon, and when the weapon is drawn no further advancement takes place. Then the shot takes place as the man takes a step backwards. What am I missing here ??

It has been explained several times, you are just not keeping up.

You are doing a particularly crappy job in disputing facts we can see with our own eyes.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
So did the fat chick in Charlottsville. But they are still charging the driver with murder...
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
He did not have to retreat

He did not have to fire either

How many times should a person be hit before they can defend themselves? In a liberal's mind.
There are many conservatives here too who dont think this was a righteous shooting either......dont be surprised if the law is ditched or amended because of this not making it even to a Grand Jury.....

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