Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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Again, The dead pusher was measuring up a massive kick to down fat mans head. hitching up pants, leering down, advancing. The Gun came out just before. Pusher then began to drift, they (she was out of car heading for back) had planned to hit him front an back. Prove me wrong.
When you have been shoved down violently it is a reasonable anticipation that more violence will come and that you are at a disadvantage. Again, the white guy was running his mouth at the time he was physically assaulted!

Pushed down? That's got it all kindsa over being handcuffed, then curb-slammed.

If all a nigga did was push me down? I'd let that ride.

It'd beats the hell outta gettin stole, or handcuffed then curbslammed by the chain, I'll tell you that.

Pushed down ain't shit.
Nonsense ....your comments are highly prejudicial. It is shown by statistics that blacks though a minority in this nation kill more white folks than whites kill black. Blacks are fortunate that most whites do not know that. But they are waking up.
Can you explain how and why it wasn't until the year 2017 that the first white person was executed in the state of Florida for the murder of a black person? How is that possible when hundreds of black people where lynched there?
Florida Lynched More Black People Per Capita Than Any Other State, According to Report

If you don't live in FL, you should not talk about things which you know nothing about. White people got lynched too, but your racist article doesn't mention that too much, does it?
Look at it this way, is it OK for cops to shoot a suspected misdemeanor criminal in the back as he flees?

I say no, it's not a capital offense.
If you don't live in FL, you should not talk about things which you know nothing about. White people got lynched too, but your racist article doesn't mention that too much, does it?
Why would you believe that I need your permission to talk about Florida?
If you don't live in FL, you should not talk about things which you know nothing about. White people got lynched too, but your racist article doesn't mention that too much, does it?
Why would you believe that I need your permission to talk about Florida?

You're free to talk about it all you want, but your opinions will be judged in that you're flapping your gums about something you are ignorant of.
Again, The dead pusher was measuring up a massive kick to down fat mans head. hitching up pants, leering down, advancing. The Gun came out just before. Pusher then began to drift, they (she was out of car heading for back) had planned to hit him front an back. Prove me wrong.
When you have been shoved down violently it is a reasonable anticipation that more violence will come and that you are at a disadvantage. Again, the white guy was running his mouth at the time he was physically assaulted!

Pushed down? That's got it all kindsa over being handcuffed, then curb-slammed.

If all a nigga did was push me down? I'd let that ride.

It'd beats the hell outta gettin stole, or handcuffed then curbslammed by the chain, I'll tell you that.

Pushed down ain't shit.

To each his own you might have gambled with your in give the guy a break and hope he does nothing else. Unfortunately for the black guy this fellow decided he needed to eliminate the threat altogether. It was his life on the line, not yours so the decision was his and the police agreed he was covered by the law.

There are 3 people that can be faulted for this incident but none of the 3 are the shooter. The 3 that can be faulted are number one the black guy for comitting assault. His g/f for going ballistic on the guy who just asked her if she had a handicap permit. And the guy who went into the store and told the black guy someone was messing with his g/f possibly exaggerating what was going on on the parking lot.
Look at it this way, is it OK for cops to shoot a suspected misdemeanor criminal in the back as he flees?

I say no, it's not a capital offense.

Here is the law of the land on when a police officer may use deadly force.

There are two defining cases. In Tennessee vs. Garner in 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an officer cannot use deadly force against a fleeing suspect unless the suspect is a significant threat to the officer or to others.

The Supreme Court ruled in Graham vs. Connor that officers who use force must be judged on the totality of circumstances and a standard of "objective reasonableness."

Force "must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight," the court said.

I think the hindsight referral is particuarly pertinent to our discussion regarding the clearwater incident...time and again we see on here emotional people using hindsight in an attempt to condemn the action of the white guy.
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Look at it this way, is it OK for cops to shoot a suspected misdemeanor criminal in the back as he flees?

I say no, it's not a capital offense.

Here is the law of the land on when a police officer may use deadly force.

There are two defining cases. In Tennessee vs. Garner in 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an officer cannot use deadly force against a fleeing suspect unless the suspect is a significant threat to the officer or to others.

The Supreme Court ruled in Graham vs. Connor that officers who use force must be judged on the totality of circumstances and a standard of "objective reasonableness."

Force "must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight," the court said.

I think the hindsight referral is particuarly pertinent to our discussion regarding the clearwater incident...time and again we see on here emotional people using hindsight in an attempt to condemn the action of the white guy. Failing to understand he did not have the advantage of hindsight. And, also very pertinent he had to act quickly if he wanted to preserve his life or prevent the possibility of great bodily harm. He testified he was in fear of his life and the police agreed it was a reasonable fear. Case Closed.
Look at it this way, is it OK for cops to shoot a suspected misdemeanor criminal in the back as he flees?

I say no, it's not a capital offense.

There was no one fleeing in the clearwater incident until the black guy got shot. Then he ran into the store. His taking a small step backward out of supprise when he saw the pistol was not fleeing nor a sure sign he was disengaging. Say the white guy just pointed the gun at him but did not shoot, what would the black guy have done? No one knows and that is a huge uncertainty to deal with if you are in fear of your life. The black guy was still very,very close to the white guy. He could have quickly jumped on him or he might have just walked one knows.

I saw a video once of a black guy who broke into a womans home...she pulled a gun on the guy and what did he do even though he was 20 to 30 ft. away? --he charged her and she started shooting unfortunately for her she missed him. He took her gun and beat her to death with it.

Shit happens folks and often not what you might think may happen. People prone to violence as this black guy was(proven by the fact he had been arrested for assault before) will often do the completely unexpected. Their thinking often does not rest within the parameters of common sense...they have a huge anger problem to begin with and pulling a gun on them is surely to make them even more angry.

I was taught in a self-defense course that if you pull your gun you better use it. Some people are very reluctant to shoot anyone--criminals and violent people often know this and they take advantage of people like that in too many cases.
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Look at it this way, is it OK for cops to shoot a suspected misdemeanor criminal in the back as he flees?

I say no, it's not a capital offense.

There was no one fleeing in the clearwater incident until the black guy got shot. Then he ran into the store. His taking a small step backward out of suprise when he saw the pistol was not fleeing nor a sure sign he was disengaging. Say the white guy just pointed the gun at him but did not shoot, what wold the black guy have done? No one knows and that is a huge uncertainty to deal with if you are in fear of your life. The black guy was still very,very close to the white guy. He could have quickly jumped on him or he might have just walked one knows.

With hands up and backing away, that not not squeeze the trigger time.

Coming at ya, it's empty the gun time.

I only have 5 shots with a pistol, it'd probably be equally damaging if I just clocked somebody with it. I'm not a pistol man.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.

Pardon me, but I think it is about time that people know, if they haven't figured it out for themselves, that you are simply a racist son of a bitch. Why don't you just admit it in a statement without trying to justify your hatred?

My dear describing the nature of a neighborhood is not racism. You have let yourself get emotional for no reason. One should never do that in a debate. It is a sure sign you have lost the debate.
If they did, it still wouldn't stop them from reciting the right words to apply the stand your ground law.
Agreed which is why in my opinion there should at least be a preliminary investigation into the facts of the matter before deciding that the shooter can invoke the "stand your ground" statute as an affirmative defense. This guy in the Clearwater case is reported to have harassed others about that parking spot on a regular basis. It would be really interesting to know if there is any documentation of how far back his behavior goes, if he's disabled and needed the parking space, and when he acquired hiis concealed carry license.

People lie, particularly when the possibility exists that they could go to jail for things they have done but many of the judges are just as much to blame for allowing these people to keep getting away with killing others in situations in which lethal use of force is not warranted.

While McGlockton was wrong by putting his hands on Drejka, in my opinion, this shooting was unwarranted because there was no imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm at the time Drejka fired his weapon. McGlockton was not advancing on Drejka and appeared to indicate his withdrawal from the altercation by holding up his hands and backing away when he saw the weapon in Drejka's hand, however it appears that he didn't fire immediately.
Darwin's Law # 387:
Don't walk up to a stranger and shove them to the ground. And then don't say to the victim" "I'm going to kill you mother fucker!".
Follow that law and you are going to stay alive.
Threats after the fact or once the gun resolved the threat issue, tells me that the shot needed not be taken in the moment it was taken. His enragement from the push down got the best of his ability to control his emotions in the situation. Could be linked to his personal attributes or character in life that made him take the shot. If so it needs to be investigated further based upon the store operator's assessment of his patterns there, and any other witnesses present during the event.
So you are OK with the shooters past behaviour being used in court against him? OK. Then it's OK for the negro who assaulted the victim to have his past used in court against him........right?????
Wise up pal. No court hearing this case would allow someone's past to be brought up in the proceedings.
You really need to read a book on the American justice system.
BTW, the case was thoroughly investigated and no charges were brought against the victim.
You didn't 'like' the T-Boner verdict and you didn't 'like' the 'Big Mike' verdict and you don't 'like this verdict.
I'm sure Crump will make a couple of bucks off this but if you ever want someone sentient to represent you I suggest it not be Crump the loser.
Told ya....they are willing to perpetrate an injustice to advance a political goal and stir the race hate..
This is just about race to you? Nothing to do with an abuse of the stand your ground laws?

So if I'm walking down the street and some guy grabs my ass or breasts I can justifiably shoot to kill him because I was in fear that a sexual assault was imminent?
Apple and orange dummy!
The negro din't walk up to the victim and "grab his breasts" you moron! He shoved him to the ground and then was walking up on him in a threatening manner. When the victim pulled his gun ONLY THEN did the negro start backing up. Watch the video.
Who knows. Maybe the negro told the victim he was going to get his gun out of the car and kill the victim?
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

Doesn’t take a mind reader to figure out when an armed man has an unarmed man in his sights who is in fear
If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

Doesn’t take a mind reader to figure out when an armed man has an unarmed man in his sights who is in fear

Yeah... it does. Considering the only thing you saw was from a video, 50 feet away from the back angle of the weren't on the ground facing the guy.....

It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply

It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply
If shot while gang banging - no.

SYG requires you be undergoing lawful activity.

It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply
The assailants hands going to his waist are more than enough cause for use of deadly force, as demonstrated by countless officer involved shootings. Couple that with the probable disorientation the victim suffered from the blow, and the speed of the incident as a whole. It’s a loser case for the state, even if they did want to bring charges.
The very best way to avoid getting shot is to stop shoving people around, stop breaking into their homes, stop stealing their cars! Go your lazy ass to work and earn what you want. Don’t park in spots reserved for the handicapped unless you are handicapped. Look at that video! Their was no shortage of spots to park. Just be a good citizen and do what you are supposed to do! Folks don’t have to take your assaults anymore!

It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply

Gang bangers can't legally buy, own or carry guns....they are already breaking the law.

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