Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply
If shot while gang banging - no.

SYG requires you be undergoing lawful activity.

I’d like to see how many times Florida’s stand your ground laws have been applied to young black males
It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply
If shot while gang banging - no.

SYG requires you be undergoing lawful activity.

Now don't go confusing liberals with the law. They think their 'opinions' are more important than the law.
Just look at George Zimmerman a completely innocent man as all the evidence proved but a huge, huge attempt was made to railroad him by Obama, the attorney general eric holder, and the state of florida.
Zimmerman is a lot of things, but innocent is not one of them. There is no such thing as being found "innocent" only that the prosecution tried him on the wrong charges IMO and that they couldn't make their case on second degree murder, therefore the not guilty verdict.
Which, IMO, was a calculation by the prosecutors who knew they were overreaching on charges. Remember, they weren't even going to charge him until public outrage kicked in a month later.
It wasn't a STand Your Ground shooting...... you have to be able to retreat in a Stand Your Ground case...this is a simple, self defense case.

Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply

Gang bangers can't legally buy, own or carry guns....they are already breaking the law.
What difference would it make in standing your ground?

If they have an illegal gun then fine them for an illegal weapon. Doesn’t negate a Stand your Ground defense
Looks like the liberals are running out of steam or did we finally drum some sense into that vacumn between their ears?
Self-defense only applies if you are threatened. The guy backed off Shooting him after that is cold-blooded.

You saw the guy back off from a video...the guy on the ground was in a completely different position and may not have realized the guy backed off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Watch the video! He was looking at him!

If he wasn't looking at him, how did he make a dead perfect shot, center mass?

Why do you have a hard-on for this guy being shot and the shooter going unpunished? Did he fuck up by pushing the guy down? Absolutely, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence!

I think a lot of closet racists are seeing things that simply are not there.
More like closet gun enthusiasts defending a gun owner regardless of the circumstances

I should note this only applies to white gun owners

If these two were a couple of black gang bangers who mixed it up and one of them got shot........Stand your ground would not apply

Gang bangers can't legally buy, own or carry guns....they are already breaking the law.
What difference would it make in standing your ground?

If they have an illegal gun then fine them for an illegal weapon. Doesn’t negate a Stand your Ground defense

I think someone just informed you that the stand your ground law does not apply to anyone, regardless of color who is engaged in ANYTHING illegal. Now the other liberals seem to be wizing up--what is holding you back?
Just look at George Zimmerman a completely innocent man as all the evidence proved but a huge, huge attempt was made to railroad him by Obama, the attorney general eric holder, and the state of florida.
Zimmerman is a lot of things, but innocent is not one of them. There is no such thing as being found "innocent" only that the prosecution tried him on the wrong charges IMO and that they couldn't make their case on second degree murder, therefore the not guilty verdict.
Which, IMO, was a calculation by the prosecutors who knew they were overreaching on charges. Remember, they weren't even going to charge him until public outrage kicked in a month later.

You got that wrong it was not the liberal outrage that motivated the charges. It was Political Pressure from Washington orchestrated by obama and eric holder. The liberals are always outraged anytime a policeman, or a law abiding citizen corrects black criminals in a lethal manner.
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The very best way to avoid getting shot is to stop shoving people around, stop breaking into their homes, stop stealing their cars! Go your lazy ass to work and earn what you want. Don’t park in spots reserved for the handicapped unless you are handicapped. Look at that video! Their was no shortage of spots to park. Just be a good citizen and do what you are supposed to do! Folks don’t have to take your assaults anymore!

Absolutely! Black miniisters been trying to drum that into their heads for years. Very few of them pay any attention.
I know if I went up talking shit to someone and they pushed me -- I definitely would open fire....that is what courage and freedom is all about..

Even if a guy comes up on me talking shit -- if I feel threatened by him (i.e. if he is a black thug) -- I will definitely open fire...stand your ground is a great law, thanks ALEC

Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury
Two separate reports. Two separate accounts. I guess without the actual coroner's report...

Who do think a medical examiner is?

My God, you need a keeper!
Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.

Gardner was a 300+ pound tub of lard. All he had to do was let them put the cuffs on. He refused at which time they took him to the ground. Gardner brought about his own death by stupidity.
We will have to agree to disagee. They still used a move on him that they were told NOT to use. It resulted in a death. The cop probably didn't intend to kill him, but he did. To be let off was ridiculous.

All he had to do was stop resisting. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Again, The dead pusher was measuring up a massive kick to down fat mans head. hitching up pants, leering down, advancing. The Gun came out just before. Pusher then began to drift, they (she was out of car heading for back) had planned to hit him front an back. Prove me wrong.
When you have been shoved down violently it is a reasonable anticipation that more violence will come and that you are at a disadvantage. Again, the white guy was running his mouth at the time he was physically assaulted!

Pushed down? That's got it all kindsa over being handcuffed, then curb-slammed.

If all a nigga did was push me down? I'd let that ride.

It'd beats the hell outta gettin stole, or handcuffed then curbslammed by the chain, I'll tell you that.

Pushed down ain't shit.

To each his own you might have gambled with your in give the guy a break and hope he does nothing else. Unfortunately for the black guy this fellow decided he needed to eliminate the threat altogether. It was his life on the line, not yours so the decision was his and the police agreed he was covered by the law.

There are 3 people that can be faulted for this incident but none of the 3 are the shooter. The 3 that can be faulted are number one the black guy for comitting assault. His g/f for going ballistic on the guy who just asked her if she had a handicap permit. And the guy who went into the store and told the black guy someone was messing with his g/f possibly exaggerating what was going on on the parking lot.

Yet, you have no evidence that any of this occurred. Typical dumbass!
Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.

Pardon me, but I think it is about time that people know, if they haven't figured it out for themselves, that you are simply a racist son of a bitch. Why don't you just admit it in a statement without trying to justify your hatred?

My dear describing the nature of a neighborhood is not racism. You have let yourself get emotional for no reason. One should never do that in a debate. It is a sure sign you have lost the debate.

Shut up you racist piece of trash! No one wants to hear your ignorant attacks on people for the color of their skin.

Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury
Two separate reports. Two separate accounts. I guess without the actual coroner's report...

Who do think a medical examiner is?

My God, you need a keeper!
The same medical examiner that was quoted second hand, 2 months after the fact. The same medical examiner who also stated that the actual report itself was illegal to disseminate outside of approved channels. Which would suggest verbally stating the results would be frowned upon at the very least. Again; third hand. Versus what the mother was told directly, as soon as the cause was made known to her. 2 months is a long time to politicize an issue,and disseminate “findings” through backchannels.
Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury
Two separate reports. Two separate accounts. I guess without the actual coroner's report...

Who do think a medical examiner is?

My God, you need a keeper!
The same medical examiner that was quoted second hand, 2 months after the fact. The same medical examiner who also stated that the actual report itself was illegal to disseminate outside of approved channels. Which would suggest verbally stating the results would be frowned upon at the very least. Again; third hand. Versus what the mother was told directly, as soon as the cause was made known to her. 2 months is a long time to politicize an issue,and disseminate “findings” through backchannels.

Oh, STFU! When you get hit by a car, blunt force trauma is usually the cause. The mother can say whatever she wants, because she is apparently just as stupid as you are!
Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury
Two separate reports. Two separate accounts. I guess without the actual coroner's report...

Who do think a medical examiner is?

My God, you need a keeper!
The same medical examiner that was quoted second hand, 2 months after the fact. The same medical examiner who also stated that the actual report itself was illegal to disseminate outside of approved channels. Which would suggest verbally stating the results would be frowned upon at the very least. Again; third hand. Versus what the mother was told directly, as soon as the cause was made known to her. 2 months is a long time to politicize an issue,and disseminate “findings” through backchannels.
The overall point is that you have to either decide if an action can cause a heart attack, or not. Many would posit that putting strain on ones circulatory system can in fact have adverse effects on the heart. Even causing a heart attack, or failure. If the person doing the choke wasn’t a police officer. The aftermath of this scenario would absolutely have played out differently from the word go.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury
Two separate reports. Two separate accounts. I guess without the actual coroner's report...

Who do think a medical examiner is?

My God, you need a keeper!
The same medical examiner that was quoted second hand, 2 months after the fact. The same medical examiner who also stated that the actual report itself was illegal to disseminate outside of approved channels. Which would suggest verbally stating the results would be frowned upon at the very least. Again; third hand. Versus what the mother was told directly, as soon as the cause was made known to her. 2 months is a long time to politicize an issue,and disseminate “findings” through backchannels.
The overall point is that you have to either decide if an action can cause a heart attack, or not. Many would posit that putting strain on ones circulatory system can in fact have adverse effects on the heart. Even causing a heart attack, or failure. If the person doing the choke wasn’t a police officer. The aftermath of this scenario would absolutely have played out differently from the word go.

The reason that fat-ass Gardener couldn't breath was his own crushing weight. If you watched the video, the accused police officer's arms weren't even on his neck! He was railroaded, plain and simple.

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