Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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I saw a video once of a black guy who broke into a womans home...she pulled a gun on the guy and what did he do even though he was 20 to 30 ft. away? --he charged her and she started shooting unfortunately for her she missed him. He took her gun and beat her to death with it.
Aside from the fact that you felt the need to identify the intruder as black, this case isn't even close to one of a home invasion in which the residence is occupied. If you find an intruder in your home there is no need to hesititate or have conversation. If he moves in any direction other than away where you'd essentially be shooting him in the back as he's fleeing, you'd be justified as the fact that he's breached your locked doors & windows establishes his threat to you.

I was trained that you don't wait until you find yourself in a situation to try to figure out what you should do, you practice and run scenarios and determine ahead of time what to do.

The point being that just because you have a pistol in your hand does not mean the threat will go away...that in fact the situation may get much worse.

All these Saturday morning quarter backs with hindsight think they know what the shooter should have done. Put any of these snowflakes in the same or a similar situation and they would most likely shit their pants and scream for their mamas.
Non of your hypotheticals are of any value, but what everyone does know if they believe their own eyes, is that the shot when taken was wrong to be taken at that point.

Without a proper investigation of the matter, and the witnesses gathered up to testify, then we will never know the outcome of the case as it would have been reviewed in a court setting by the professionals on both sides.

I am waiting for the self defense professionals to weigh in...... keyboard lawyers who know nothing about Stand Your Ground, which does not apply here, and the laws of self defense shouldn't have a say in this man's fate.
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.
Funny, according to the store owner, uhh he frequented the store quite often, so either he wasn't scared of being in that neighborhood or somebody's lying. On top of that he was armed, and alledgedly was playing parking lot cop in according to the store owners account and/or knowledge of the guy.

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??
...if there is an altercation, how do you determine the aggressor if there is not a clear cut indication? just let whoever wins wins?
...can you beat someone to death if you are in a fist fight?
..can you pick up a weapon to defend yourself if you are getting a beat down? or just pick up a weapon anyway?? but then can't the other guy pull out a pistol and kill you if you pick up a weapon/
The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.
Funny, according to the store owner, uhh he frequented the store quite often, so either he wasn't scared of being in that neighborhood or somebody's lying. On top of that he was armed, and alledgedly was playing parking lot cop in according to the store owners account and/or knowledge of the guy.

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
...if there is an altercation, how do you determine the aggressor if there is not a clear cut indication? just let whoever wins wins?
...can you beat someone to death if you are in a fist fight?
..can you pick up a weapon to defend yourself if you are getting a beat down? or just pick up a weapon anyway?? but then can't the other guy pull out a pistol and kill you if you pick up a weapon/

If you look up Masaad Ayoob on Youtube he goes into these things in great detail on the various lectures and classes that he gives.... also, Andrew Branca, a self defense expert, attorney, goes into this as well. Disparity of Force covers what you are pointing out..... if your attacker is unarmed but has an extreme advantage over you, say a really big guy vs a small woman, she can justifiably use deadly force....... and that is why the people who think this is an open and shut case of over reaction by the victim are wrong..
If this is the same parking lot shooting incident I'd call it a clean shoot.

The shooter confronted someone for illegally parking.

He was assaulted.

He defended himself from further aggression.

Would I have confronted a man for parking in a HC spot w/o a tag?

Fuck no. You won't even see me confront or interfere in a serious crime unless I know that failing to act will result in serious injury or death to someone I know to be an innocent victim. Otherwise my role as a citizen is to observe and report the incident to authorities. The liability involved is far too great of a risk to be a "hero".

It is the responsibility of every citizen to keep their hands to themselves. If you don't want to get shot, do not push, slap, shove or even "get in the face of" another citizen who is merely irritating you.

can't someone with a pistol go around starting shit like this?
key point as made before, and you do also, most people would not confront people over petty crap
so, this guy is different...
Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.
Funny, according to the store owner, uhh he frequented the store quite often, so either he wasn't scared of being in that neighborhood or somebody's lying. On top of that he was armed, and alledgedly was playing parking lot cop in according to the store owners account and/or knowledge of the guy.

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Try containing yourself if some stranger is going off on your girlfriend or wife while your kids are in the car. Yeah you might get shot over it, but that didn't make the guy any less wrong for starting the situation in which he wasn't ever suited for (needed a gun to protect himself), and ultimately he pulled that weapon, and then fired that weapon out of fear, rage or whatever the reason was for doing so.

Now an innocent man who just came to the store with his lady and kids to purchase some things (lay dead) because of this un-nessesarily created situation.
...if there is an altercation, how do you determine the aggressor if there is not a clear cut indication? just let whoever wins wins?
...can you beat someone to death if you are in a fist fight?
..can you pick up a weapon to defend yourself if you are getting a beat down? or just pick up a weapon anyway?? but then can't the other guy pull out a pistol and kill you if you pick up a weapon/

If you look up Masaad Ayoob on Youtube he goes into these things in great detail on the various lectures and classes that he gives.... also, Andrew Branca, a self defense expert, attorney, goes into this as well. Disparity of Force covers what you are pointing out..... if your attacker is unarmed but has an extreme advantage over you, say a really big guy vs a small woman, she can justifiably use deadly force....... and that is why the people who think this is an open and shut case of over reaction by the victim are wrong..
so then if the small person pulls out a weapon, then other guy can also, though--correct..and if the big guy shoots, he's in the clear....? key point is no one knows who the initial aggressor is..??
..per a lot of these incidents seem they have both parties as goofs/something idiotic/petty
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.
Funny, according to the store owner, uhh he frequented the store quite often, so either he wasn't scared of being in that neighborhood or somebody's lying. On top of that he was armed, and alledgedly was playing parking lot cop in according to the store owners account and/or knowledge of the guy.

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Try containing yourself if some stranger is going off on your girlfriend or wife while your kids are in the car. Yeah you might get shot over it, but that didn't make the guy any less wrong for starting the situation in which he wasn't ever suited for (needed a gun), and ultimately made him pull that weapon, and then fire that weapon out of fear, rage or whatever the reason was for doing so.

Now an innocent man who just came to the store with his lady and kids to purchase some things (lay dead) because of this un-nessesarily created situation.

It doesn't matter what the guy said to the woman about the handicapped spot..... the only part that matters to the attack is the one who first began the violence, and that was the black guy and the push.

That wasn't an innocent man, he attacked a complete stranger with over the top violence. Again, has anyone seen the background on the attacker....his violence was very natural and I suspect he may have had problems with the actual police.
...if there is an altercation, how do you determine the aggressor if there is not a clear cut indication? just let whoever wins wins?
...can you beat someone to death if you are in a fist fight?
..can you pick up a weapon to defend yourself if you are getting a beat down? or just pick up a weapon anyway?? but then can't the other guy pull out a pistol and kill you if you pick up a weapon/

If you look up Masaad Ayoob on Youtube he goes into these things in great detail on the various lectures and classes that he gives.... also, Andrew Branca, a self defense expert, attorney, goes into this as well. Disparity of Force covers what you are pointing out..... if your attacker is unarmed but has an extreme advantage over you, say a really big guy vs a small woman, she can justifiably use deadly force....... and that is why the people who think this is an open and shut case of over reaction by the victim are wrong..
so then if the small person pulls out a weapon, then other guy can also, though--correct..and if the big guy shoots, he's in the clear....? key point is no one knows who the initial aggressor is..??
..per a lot of these incidents seem they have both parties as goofs/something idiotic/petty

And here is where the law comes in ..... if the attacker starts beating the small woman with his fists, he could potentially kill or seriously injure her....justifying her pulling a gun and shooting him.... that does not give him justification to draw his own weapon and shoot her since he began the attack .....

This is why, as you point out, the initial aggressor is important..... escalation of violence is key, and just watching that video doesn't do the job......
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.
Funny, according to the store owner, uhh he frequented the store quite often, so either he wasn't scared of being in that neighborhood or somebody's lying. On top of that he was armed, and alledgedly was playing parking lot cop in according to the store owners account and/or knowledge of the guy.

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Try containing yourself if some stranger is going off on your girlfriend or wife while your kids are in the car. Yeah you might get shot over it, but that didn't make the guy any less wrong for starting the situation in which he wasn't ever suited for (needed a gun to protect himself), and ultimately he pulled that weapon, and then fired that weapon out of fear, rage or whatever the reason was for doing so.

Now an innocent man who just came to the store with his lady and kids to purchase some things (lay dead) because of this un-nessesarily created situation.
as I've stated before, a lot of males, would get very agitated if someone tells them they are doing something wrong/going through a stoplight/illegal parking/jaywalking/etc
..most people, males or females, would tell the guy to FOff if he got in their space to tell them they were jaywalking.....
...I've had people tell me crap when I was bicycling--I flipped them off
Funny, according to the store owner, uhh he frequented the store quite often, so either he wasn't scared of being in that neighborhood or somebody's lying. On top of that he was armed, and alledgedly was playing parking lot cop in according to the store owners account and/or knowledge of the guy.

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
No such thing as an inward rage eh ?? Ok yeah, ok.
...if there is an altercation, how do you determine the aggressor if there is not a clear cut indication? just let whoever wins wins?
...can you beat someone to death if you are in a fist fight?
..can you pick up a weapon to defend yourself if you are getting a beat down? or just pick up a weapon anyway?? but then can't the other guy pull out a pistol and kill you if you pick up a weapon/

If you look up Masaad Ayoob on Youtube he goes into these things in great detail on the various lectures and classes that he gives.... also, Andrew Branca, a self defense expert, attorney, goes into this as well. Disparity of Force covers what you are pointing out..... if your attacker is unarmed but has an extreme advantage over you, say a really big guy vs a small woman, she can justifiably use deadly force....... and that is why the people who think this is an open and shut case of over reaction by the victim are wrong..
so then if the small person pulls out a weapon, then other guy can also, though--correct..and if the big guy shoots, he's in the clear....? key point is no one knows who the initial aggressor is..??
..per a lot of these incidents seem they have both parties as goofs/something idiotic/petty

Here....Masaad Ayoob, a firearm and self defense expert...he explains use of lethal force.....

Ability, opportunity, Jeopardy.....

And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
No such thing as an inward rage eh ?? Ok yeah, ok.

No.... you said how rage looks...... I am telling you what actual witnesses in mass shootings saw from the attacker....and in truth, they don't feel rage, they are ice cold when they kill.
...if you have a pistol, it is just logical/common sense/etc that you should not go around telling people they are wrong per my previous points it legal--sure--but it's still stupid and can cause problems like this
...I would tell the person to go FOff, which is legal, and then the snowball starts rolling
And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
No such thing as an inward rage eh ?? Ok yeah, ok.

Do you have cable? If you have Starz or Showtiime, I forget which one, has a series, Active Shooter, they interview the victims and first responders........they cover Columbine, Aurora, Pulse....

The Pulse shooter did not show rage, in fact, he was calm and cool when he shot victim was hiding in the bathroom on the toilet seat and he fell off of it....his back up against the exposed part between the floor and the bottom of the door, the killer walked in.....stood there, walked up and ran his hand down the back of the victim....cleaned his face at the sink and walked out....
...if you have a pistol, it is just logical/common sense/etc that you should not go around telling people they are wrong per my previous points it legal--sure--but it's still stupid and can cause problems like this
...I would tell the person to go FOff, which is legal, and then the snowball starts rolling

Concealed Carry instructors tell you that if you are carrying a gun, you have to put up with more B.S. than others and you can't engage in shouting matches with people due to escalation.

In this event, the guy was violently attacked by surprise......he didn't start the snowball, the attacker did.
And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
No such thing as an inward rage eh ?? Ok yeah, ok.

Here you go.....someone who actually researches these shooters...their calm manner is also what increases the body count, they are not rushed, they are not panicked, they are calm and methodical......

Forget What You've Heard: Mass Shootings Aren't Rising. But They Probably Aren't Going Away

James Alan Fox: Yes, schools, workplaces, and residences. And do you ever notice how often witnesses say "he was smiling; and looked so calm" That's because they had been through this in their mind for so long that they’re extremely comfortable with the plan.
And none of that allows the attacker to physically assault him....
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
No such thing as an inward rage eh ?? Ok yeah, ok.

And another expert......the lack of rage.....

The Seven Myths of Mass Murder | Psychiatric Times

I have forensically evaluated a number of mass murderers in prison or forensic hospitals, and with few exceptions, there was no evidence of a high state of emotional arousal when the killings occurred. We have confirmed this by studying the interviews of witnesses who have survived mass murders, and they invariably describe the shooter as cool, calm, and deliberate: a lack of emotion that is a corollary of violence that is planned and purposeful.
Nor did it allow "nerd parking lot cop" to pull his piece out of rage, and then exact vengence on the guy for the push down.

Wrong cat with a gun if it made him some kind of nerd cop who thought the gun made him, instead of him making the gun in which would mean being in control of himself and his weapon in any situation if possible.

Rage....didn't look like rage on the video....looked like he was responding to a violent, surprise attack, where the attacker stepped forward while the man was down..... you can try to pretend this wasn't a justified shooting all you want....but the elements are all there.
Rage has many looks as you well know or should know right ??? Have you not paid attention to the eye witness accounts of how these mass shooters looked or many other murderors or enraged people looked when they unleashed their vengence or hell on their victims afterwards ??

Actually, if you study mass public shooters, rage is not the emotion they show. From actual victim accounts of the all the public mass shooters the one thing they all had in common? Calm. They showed no emotion as they went about their killing. Read up on the accounts, watch the video from the shootings where they had security cameras, rage isn't what they were feeling and rage isn't what they told to the cops when they were captured.

The Aurora theater shooter stated to his court appointed psychiatrist that he didn't want any emotional connection to his victims. He stated that was why when he entered the theater, he didn't shoot the people in the rows closest to him, but fired over their heads into the farther seats. Also, he told his shrink that one girl was laying on the ground as he was leaving, she looked up and made eye contact with him.....he said she started laughing. He asked the shrink why she did that, and the shrink said it was likely nervous laughter....the killer agreed and said having made that eye conact, he didn't shoot her.
No such thing as an inward rage eh ?? Ok yeah, ok.

No.... you said how rage looks...... I am telling you what actual witnesses in mass shootings saw from the attacker....and in truth, they don't feel rage, they are ice cold when they kill.
Slow down feller... You are moving the goal post left then right then back again. We can't get any more dizzy, but that might be your strategy eh ??

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