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Quite frankly I know of no one presently advocating the annexation of Mexico. Do you?

Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...

Admittedly, I never actually went through all the channels I get and count the ones that are spanish language. But I am guessing there are around 48 of them. Maybe later I will actually count them all.
What exactly do you think America is going to exit?
Ace, please please please pinch me.....I can't take anymore of the ignorance from these white people...its too much. Exit the fuck where? LOLOLOLOL.....The fuckin moon, the middle of the ocean, I mean you can't make this shit up. And the only way to save us is to vote Trump? The most unintelligent, ignorant mf ever next to Bush Jr. to run for president? Pinch me please!!

In the U.S., there 196 million Whites and 42 million negroes. If somebody is going to exit to someplace, it isn't going to be White people. It is going to be you worthless negro parasites. Get this. You need White people. White people don't need you.
Quite frankly I know of no one presently advocating the annexation of Mexico. Do you?

Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...

Admittedly, I never actually went through all the channels I get and count the ones that are spanish language. But I am guessing there are around 48 of them. Maybe later I will actually count them all.
yea if you go to the latin american part.....i also have an asian and middle eastern should be able to block them out....
True patriotism doesn't stem from the ground you live on, the political cult imprinted on you or whatever rag is flying on top of a flag pole. True patriotism stems from what species of human you are. Deal with it.

That makes absolutely no sense, you brainless buffoon.
Quite frankly I know of no one presently advocating the annexation of Mexico. Do you?

Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...

Admittedly, I never actually went through all the channels I get and count the ones that are spanish language. But I am guessing there are around 48 of them. Maybe later I will actually count them all.
yea if you go to the latin american part.....i also have an asian and middle eastern should be able to block them out....

I have my cable box set up to only show the channels I want. But if I go through the regular listing, I can see all the spanish language channels. There is no way to keep them from showing up. Cable companies should be paying me to pollute my channel listings like that. Not the other way around. But we live in a corrupt capitalist system. Where cable companies are all in collusion to keep people from picking which channels they want and JUST paying for them. Another culprit is the douchbags who sell cable companies programs. Where if cable companies want something they want, they also have to take a bunch of shit that they don't want. Leaving the consumer to eat that shit sandwich.
Quite frankly I know of no one presently advocating the annexation of Mexico. Do you?

Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...

Admittedly, I never actually went through all the channels I get and count the ones that are spanish language. But I am guessing there are around 48 of them. Maybe later I will actually count them all.
yea if you go to the latin american part.....i also have an asian and middle eastern should be able to block them out....

I have my cable box set up to only show the channels I want. But if I go through the regular listing, I can see all the spanish language channels. There is no way to keep them from showing up. Cable companies should be paying me to pollute my channel listings like that. Not the other way around. But we live in a corrupt capitalist system. Where cable companies are all in collusion to keep people from picking which channels they want and JUST paying for them. Another culprit is the douchbags who sell cable companies programs. Where if cable companies want something they want, they also have to take a bunch of shit that they don't want. Leaving the consumer to eat that shit sandwich.
Mcflopped, you talk like you are subhuman. There are 196 million whites, 49 million Hispanics, 43 million blacks, 30 million mixtures. And then you. If anyone is exiting, it is you. Deal with it.
Political correctness.
What will that do assuming you actually are making sense here?

Most likely, it will cause war. Enough at any rate to make the U.S. prison system look like a McDonalds bathroom trying to hold a football stadum full of people. And you think the taxes are bad now in trying to imprison the hordes of mexicans and negroes? I think you need to choose sides. And if you are White, there is only one sane choice to make. Siding with White people.
The only real side is the American side. The other side, which Mcflipper seems determined for, is the McDonald bathroom of the prison full of Mexicans and Negroes. Mcflip, don't be a drip.

True patriotism doesn't stem from the ground you live on, the political cult imprinted on you or whatever rag is flying on top of a flag pole. True patriotism stems from what species of human you are. Deal with it.
And you talk like you are subhuman. There are 196 million whites, 49 million Hispanics, 43 million blacks, 30 million mixtures. And then you. If anyone is exiting, it is you. Deal with it.

That's still 196 million to 122 million. And obviously, the 122 million couldn't exist without the 196 million. Deal with that.
You are not part of the 196 million.

You are not its spokesman.

You are simply an insane individual.

Calm down and waddle on.
.... if I go through the regular listing, I can see all the spanish [sic] language channels. There is no way to keep them from showing up. .....

If Hillary wins and makes many illegals legal, we will need an "Ameriexit" like England had their "Brexit." The number of "latinos" in this country, legal or not, makes them just as bad as the muslim invaders (refugees) flooding into Europe. If Hillary wins and has her way, making many illegals legal, it will do the opposite of dissuading other illegals from coming here. Hell, as it is, many states already give drivers licences to illegals. Which is de facto citizenship. I am not willing to have mexico become part of the U.S. Or vice versa. Please avoid the need for any "Ameriexit" and vote for Trump!
It didn't happen when Raygun signed off amnesty for illegals in the 1980's..
Quite frankly I know of no one presently advocating the annexation of Mexico. Do you?

Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...

Admittedly, I never actually went through all the channels I get and count the ones that are spanish language. But I am guessing there are around 48 of them. Maybe later I will actually count them all.
yea if you go to the latin american part.....i also have an asian and middle eastern should be able to block them out....

I have my cable box set up to only show the channels I want. But if I go through the regular listing, I can see all the spanish language channels. There is no way to keep them from showing up. Cable companies should be paying me to pollute my channel listings like that. Not the other way around. But we live in a corrupt capitalist system. Where cable companies are all in collusion to keep people from picking which channels they want and JUST paying for them. Another culprit is the douchbags who sell cable companies programs. Where if cable companies want something they want, they also have to take a bunch of shit that they don't want. Leaving the consumer to eat that shit sandwich.
then dont go through the regular listings.....go through your favorites....
You are not part of the 196 million.

You are not its spokesman.

You are simply an insane individual.

Calm down and waddle on.

I am White like the other 196 million White people in this country. Maybe not as White as some. But at the same time, whiter than others. I may not be the spokesman of the rest. But I am a spokesman for what is right and true. That is, to the best of my ability to be so. Other White people can make of it what they will. As for what non-whites think, I couldn't care less.
If Hillary wins and makes many illegals legal, we will need an "Ameriexit" like England had their "Brexit." The number of "latinos" in this country, legal or not, makes them just as bad as the muslim invaders (refugees) flooding into Europe. If Hillary wins and has her way, making many illegals legal, it will do the opposite of dissuading other illegals from coming here. Hell, as it is, many states already give drivers licences to illegals. Which is de facto citizenship. I am not willing to have mexico become part of the U.S. Or vice versa. Please avoid the need for any "Ameriexit" and vote for Trump!
It didn't happen when Raygun signed off amnesty for illegals in the 1980's..

That's one of the problems with our country. Every so often, no doubt in order to get votes, some president gives some sort of amnesty. It's time for the pendulum of history to swing back the other way.
Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...

Admittedly, I never actually went through all the channels I get and count the ones that are spanish language. But I am guessing there are around 48 of them. Maybe later I will actually count them all.
yea if you go to the latin american part.....i also have an asian and middle eastern should be able to block them out....

I have my cable box set up to only show the channels I want. But if I go through the regular listing, I can see all the spanish language channels. There is no way to keep them from showing up. Cable companies should be paying me to pollute my channel listings like that. Not the other way around. But we live in a corrupt capitalist system. Where cable companies are all in collusion to keep people from picking which channels they want and JUST paying for them. Another culprit is the douchbags who sell cable companies programs. Where if cable companies want something they want, they also have to take a bunch of shit that they don't want. Leaving the consumer to eat that shit sandwich.
then dont go through the regular listings.....go through your favorites....

Usually, I just go through my favorites. But there are a couple channels I get that I don't keep on my favorite channed list. They are movie channels like MPLEX and an independent movie channel. And the movies they have are usually crap. But seeing how I only check them about once every month or two, I usually forget where they are and have to scroll through the regular channel listings to find them. And in doing so, I go past a LOT of spanish language TV channels.
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