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What exactly do you think America is going to exit?

Political correctness.
What will that do assuming you actually are making sense here?

Most likely, it will cause war. Enough at any rate to make the U.S. prison system look like a McDonalds bathroom trying to hold a football stadum full of people. And you think the taxes are bad now in trying to imprison the hordes of mexicans and negroes? I think you need to choose sides. And if you are White, there is only one sane choice to make. Siding with White people.
The only real side is the American side. The other side, which Mcflipper seems determined for, is the McDonald bathroom of the prison full of Mexicans and Negroes. Mcflip, don't be a drip.
What exactly do you think America is going to exit?

Political correctness.
What will that do assuming you actually are making sense here?

Most likely, it will cause war. Enough at any rate to make the U.S. prison system look like a McDonalds bathroom trying to hold a football stadum full of people. And you think the taxes are bad now in trying to imprison the hordes of mexicans and negroes? I think you need to choose sides. And if you are White, there is only one sane choice to make. Siding with White people.
I've already chosen a side and it for damn sure isnt white people. in the event your imaginary war comes to fruition i'll have a surprise waiting for inbreds such as yourself. I'll give you a hint. it will be worse than what these two cave chimps received.


Look out boys, Acleepee means business !!

The only economy dependent on illegals is the courts, police and prisons. Look at the ten most wanted in any big city.
What exactly do you think America is going to exit?

Political correctness.
What will that do assuming you actually are making sense here?

Most likely, it will cause war. Enough at any rate to make the U.S. prison system look like a McDonalds bathroom trying to hold a football stadum full of people. And you think the taxes are bad now in trying to imprison the hordes of mexicans and negroes? I think you need to choose sides. And if you are White, there is only one sane choice to make. Siding with White people.
I've already chosen a side and it for damn sure isnt white people. in the event your imaginary war comes to fruition i'll have a surprise waiting for inbreds such as yourself. I'll give you a hint. it will be worse than what these two cave chimps received.


Look out boys, Acleepee means business !!

That was funny the first time now its just sad. Find a better trick to get attention and I will make sure you get a banana.
Quite frankly I know of no one presently advocating the annexation of Mexico. Do you?

Dogs don't annex fleas. The fleas just hop on and make themselves at home. Also, around half of the TV channels on cable TV are spanish language. Did that happen because anybody was trying to annex mexico?
1/2 the channels?......out of the 200+ i have, only about 15 are spanish...
What exactly do you think America is going to exit?
Ace, please please please pinch me.....I can't take anymore of the ignorance from these white people...its too much. Exit the fuck where? LOLOLOLOL.....The fuckin moon, the middle of the ocean, I mean you can't make this shit up. And the only way to save us is to vote Trump? The most unintelligent, ignorant mf ever next to Bush Jr. to run for president? Pinch me please!!
Nothing wrong with Mexicans. Even illegal ones. They make the best burritos.

Maybe if you were White, you would feel differently. And let me guess. You also have no problem sending American jobs overseas to third world countries. Using them basically as wage slaves. You know, there are species of ants that take other ants as slaves. The slaver ants have evolved to the point that they can't even feed themselves without their slaves. Tell me. Who would that make the real slave.
This is what you white motherfuckers keep forgetting....your congress VOTED FOR NAFTA. Remember that contract with America shit?, you red white and blue fucks wanted this. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, your comfy jobs all gone, now you want to blame every motherfuckin body but yourselves. Your congress, you...also pay companies to ship jobs overseas...its only when you simple minded white people get with facts, and get off this constant need to follow bs rhetoric will your lives change. You have got to stop drinking and drowning in the GOP koolaide.
Nothing wrong with Mexicans. Even illegal ones. They make the best burritos.

Maybe if you were White, you would feel differently. And let me guess. You also have no problem sending American jobs overseas to third world countries. Using them basically as wage slaves. You know, there are species of ants that take other ants as slaves. The slaver ants have evolved to the point that they can't even feed themselves without their slaves. Tell me. Who would that make the real slave.
This is what you white motherfuckers keep forgetting....your congress VOTED FOR NAFTA. Remember that contract with America shit?, you red white and blue fucks wanted this. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, your comfy jobs all gone, now you want to blame every motherfuckin body but yourselves. Your congress, you...also pay companies to ship jobs overseas...its only when you simple minded white people get with facts, and get off this constant need to follow bs rhetoric will your lives change. You have got to stop drinking and drowning in the GOP koolaide.

Yeah. Like a lot of us White motherfuckers had much of a choice. By the way, I never supported NAFTA. Or GATT for that matter. Trump claims that he is going to fix that shit. And more. That gives him my motherfucking vote.
Political correctness.
What will that do assuming you actually are making sense here?

Most likely, it will cause war. Enough at any rate to make the U.S. prison system look like a McDonalds bathroom trying to hold a football stadum full of people. And you think the taxes are bad now in trying to imprison the hordes of mexicans and negroes? I think you need to choose sides. And if you are White, there is only one sane choice to make. Siding with White people.
I've already chosen a side and it for damn sure isnt white people. in the event your imaginary war comes to fruition i'll have a surprise waiting for inbreds such as yourself.

Here's the thing. If you aren't White, I wouldn't want you on my side. And if you aren't White, you won't get close enough to any White person to do anything to them. You will be shot on sight. That is a great thing about being a White separatist. Your enemies are so easy to spot.
Sounds like sour grapes. i already told you I wasnt on your side cave chimp. I dont have to get close. I have plenty of white women that will do my dirty work for me. No your enemies are not easy to spot. I have a white god daughter that will make any white man drop his guard. Guess what? She is down for the brothers. You are already infiltrated.

Cave chimp? Try this on for size.

..... The number of "latinos" [sic] in this country, legal or not, makes them just as bad as the muslim [sic] invaders (refugees) [sic] flooding into Europe. ....

Nothing wrong with Mexicans. Even illegal ones. They make the best burritos.

Maybe if you were White, you would feel differently. And let me guess. You also have no problem sending American jobs overseas to third world countries. Using them basically as wage slaves. You know, there are species of ants that take other ants as slaves. The slaver ants have evolved to the point that they can't even feed themselves without their slaves. Tell me. Who would that make the real slave.
This is what you white motherfuckers keep forgetting....your congress VOTED FOR NAFTA. Remember that contract with America shit?, you red white and blue fucks wanted this. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, your comfy jobs all gone, now you want to blame every motherfuckin body but yourselves. Your congress, you...also pay companies to ship jobs overseas...its only when you simple minded white people get with facts, and get off this constant need to follow bs rhetoric will your lives change. You have got to stop drinking and drowning in the GOP koolaide.

Yeah. Like a lot of us White motherfuckers had much of a choice. By the way, I never supported NAFTA. Or GATT for that matter. Trump claims that he is going to fix that shit. And more. That gives him my motherfucking vote.

Probably not. Judging by your posts, you were a good 10 years from being born.
What exactly do you think America is going to exit?

Political correctness.
What will that do assuming you actually are making sense here?

Most likely, it will cause war. Enough at any rate to make the U.S. prison system look like a McDonalds bathroom trying to hold a football stadum full of people. And you think the taxes are bad now in trying to imprison the hordes of mexicans and negroes? I think you need to choose sides. And if you are White, there is only one sane choice to make. Siding with White people.
The only real side is the American side. The other side, which Mcflipper seems determined for, is the McDonald bathroom of the prison full of Mexicans and Negroes. Mcflip, don't be a drip.

True patriotism doesn't stem from the ground you live on, the political cult imprinted on you or whatever rag is flying on top of a flag pole. True patriotism stems from what species of human you are. Deal with it.
The only economy dependent on illegals is the courts, police and prisons. Look at the ten most wanted in any big city.

I agree. The U.S. has 4% of the worlds population but 25% of those in jail. We need an Ameriexit.
What would those race traitor white girls you spoke of think about these statistics. I dare you to show it to them.
2007 Murders by race - age.jpg
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