America approves Trump impeachment

There was a poll earlier somewhere on this board that the majority of Americans disapproved of his impeachment.

Just because a poll says either way is irrelevant. Trials are supposed to convict or acquit based on facts not polls.
Is there now any proof that Trump pushed Ukraine this way? No? So what facts are we talking about? Media influence?

I'm talking about a trial that has not occurred. So when the trial convenes we can see what evidence the House wants to present.
I doubt it'll ever take place. The last thing they want is Trump acquitted months away from the election. The Dems will sit on this

And then.....

5 min later I find this.

Pelosi's best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate

The Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he is acquitted they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to itt and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way.

The Senate doesn't "acquit" anything. They decide if he's going to remain in office or not. Think back to Clinton, because he was impeached by the House, but the Senate voted to keep him in office. That is what is going to happen to Trump, he's going to be remembered as a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

Just like Clinton. And, I think that is why Trump keeps muddying the waters, because not only does he not want to be remembered like Clinton, he also doesn't understand how impeachment works.

So they don't acquit, doesn't change the position the Democrats have put themselves in.
Is there now any proof that Trump pushed Ukraine this way? No? So what facts are we talking about? Media influence?

I'm talking about a trial that has not occurred. So when the trial convenes we can see what evidence the House wants to present.
I doubt it'll ever take place. The last thing they want is Trump acquitted months away from the election. The Dems will sit on this

And then.....

5 min later I find this.

Pelosi's best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate

The Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he is acquitted they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to itt and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way.

The Senate doesn't "acquit" anything. They decide if he's going to remain in office or not. Think back to Clinton, because he was impeached by the House, but the Senate voted to keep him in office. That is what is going to happen to Trump, he's going to be remembered as a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

Just like Clinton. And, I think that is why Trump keeps muddying the waters, because not only does he not want to be remembered like Clinton, he also doesn't understand how impeachment works.

So they don't acquit, doesn't change the position the Democrats have put themselves in.

The only thing the Senate can do is decide to keep Trump or not. They cannot reverse his impeachment. All they can do is let him stay or kick him out.
I'm talking about a trial that has not occurred. So when the trial convenes we can see what evidence the House wants to present.
I doubt it'll ever take place. The last thing they want is Trump acquitted months away from the election. The Dems will sit on this

And then.....

5 min later I find this.

Pelosi's best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate

The Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he is acquitted they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to itt and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way.

The Senate doesn't "acquit" anything. They decide if he's going to remain in office or not. Think back to Clinton, because he was impeached by the House, but the Senate voted to keep him in office. That is what is going to happen to Trump, he's going to be remembered as a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

Just like Clinton. And, I think that is why Trump keeps muddying the waters, because not only does he not want to be remembered like Clinton, he also doesn't understand how impeachment works.

So they don't acquit, doesn't change the position the Democrats have put themselves in.

The only thing the Senate can do is decide to keep Trump or not. They cannot reverse his impeachment. All they can do is let him stay or kick him out.

I agree with you however, the Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he stays they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to it and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way. That is my point.
Sorry, but Trump has already been impeached. That is a fact that cannot be changed.

Now? All we have to do is see if the Senate will allow him to remain in office. If not, Pence becomes president. If they allow him to stay, then he becomes like Clinton and is a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

But, make no mistake, Trump has been impeached.

AS you have been told before, there’s No impeachment until you finish the process, grow some balls, and send the articles to the Senate. Make no mistake about it, you repeat leftard garbage like a good parrot.
And that is written where exactly?

The Constitution?
US Code?
Senate or House Rules?
Case law/ SCOTUS binding precedent?

Do tell. We're waiting

What are you doing here? Nobody brought up your gay brethren. If you weren’t stupid you could read the responses from liberals like Alan Dershowitz who have said that exact thing. He obviously knows more than you ever will. The process is not complete. Of course since a Dim won’t tell you that you have no clue......
Quit slobbering on yourself and answer the damned question!

The question was answered. Pull your head out of your boyfriends ass and learn how to read.
Sorry, but Trump has already been impeached. That is a fact that cannot be changed.

Now? All we have to do is see if the Senate will allow him to remain in office. If not, Pence becomes president. If they allow him to stay, then he becomes like Clinton and is a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

But, make no mistake, Trump has been impeached.

AS you have been told before, there’s No impeachment until you finish the process, grow some balls, and send the articles to the Senate. Make no mistake about it, you repeat leftard garbage like a good parrot.
And that is written where exactly?

The Constitution?
US Code?
Senate or House Rules?
Case law/ SCOTUS binding precedent?

Do tell. We're waiting

What are you doing here? Nobody brought up your gay brethren. If you weren’t stupid you could read the responses from liberals like Alan Dershowitz who have said that exact thing. He obviously knows more than you ever will. The process is not complete. Of course since a Dim won’t tell you that you have no clue......
Quit slobbering on yourself and answer the damned question!

The question was answered. Pull your head out of your boyfriends ass and learn how to read.
You really don't have to keep proving that you are a vile and juvenile moron. We already know
Is there now any proof that Trump pushed Ukraine this way? No? So what facts are we talking about? Media influence?

I'm talking about a trial that has not occurred. So when the trial convenes we can see what evidence the House wants to present.
I doubt it'll ever take place. The last thing they want is Trump acquitted months away from the election. The Dems will sit on this

And then.....

5 min later I find this.

Pelosi's best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate

The Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he is acquitted they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to itt and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way.

The Senate doesn't "acquit" anything. They decide if he's going to remain in office or not. Think back to Clinton, because he was impeached by the House, but the Senate voted to keep him in office. That is what is going to happen to Trump, he's going to be remembered as a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

Just like Clinton. And, I think that is why Trump keeps muddying the waters, because not only does he not want to be remembered like Clinton, he also doesn't understand how impeachment works.

So they don't acquit, doesn't change the position the Democrats have put themselves in.

It doesn't change a thing. The Dirty Laundry is out there. Rump has been running hard. The Dems have not since it's been a way too open field. That is going to change in a couple or three months. At that point, whomever the Dems choose will zero in hard and have the backing of the other Dems. At that point, all the dirty laundry on Rump comes out and stays out. While Rump has been playing loose and dirty, watch out. The Dems really don't have a reason to play nice. After the Democratics choose just one, it's going to be a mud slide. It really doesn't matter if the Impeachment goes to the Senate or not at this point. Break out the goulashes.
So foreigners are either Russians or assholes?

I didn’t say that nutter. I don’t know where you are from nor do I care. I was commenting about you not defending your position and instead attacking the app he uses to get on this board. Pretty funny to me.
I don´t need to defend what is obvious.

That’s why you keep trying and get pissy. Got it.
Listen, this tapatalk shit sends me an email for every quote here and I can´t turn it off. It just started some month ago without me enabling this or using tapatalk at all.

It sends me nothing and I have used Tapatalk, so you are obviously doing something wrong.
I did nothing at all, have not used it for years.
You should stop drinking before you post.

It's obvious you are drinking the Trump kool aid.

You have a severe case of TDS. It’s common in libtards. It will get worse when you lose the election in 2020 as well as the House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's a foreigner trying to influence America's election and political system
Who? Trump?
You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.

your fake news really has you ass holes look so gawd dam dumb. lmfao
Don´t let daylight dazzle you when you crawl out of your conspiracy cave once in a while.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.

your fake news really has you ass holes look so gawd dam dumb. lmfao
Don´t let daylight dazzle you when you crawl out of your conspiracy cave once in a while.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
It's obvious you are drinking the Trump kool aid.

You have a severe case of TDS. It’s common in libtards. It will get worse when you lose the election in 2020 as well as the House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's a foreigner trying to influence America's election and political system
Who? Trump?
You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I'm talking about a trial that has not occurred. So when the trial convenes we can see what evidence the House wants to present.
I doubt it'll ever take place. The last thing they want is Trump acquitted months away from the election. The Dems will sit on this

And then.....

5 min later I find this.

Pelosi's best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate

The Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he is acquitted they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to itt and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way.

The Senate doesn't "acquit" anything. They decide if he's going to remain in office or not. Think back to Clinton, because he was impeached by the House, but the Senate voted to keep him in office. That is what is going to happen to Trump, he's going to be remembered as a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

Just like Clinton. And, I think that is why Trump keeps muddying the waters, because not only does he not want to be remembered like Clinton, he also doesn't understand how impeachment works.

So they don't acquit, doesn't change the position the Democrats have put themselves in.

It doesn't change a thing. The Dirty Laundry is out there. Rump has been running hard. The Dems have not since it's been a way too open field. That is going to change in a couple or three months. At that point, whomever the Dems choose will zero in hard and have the backing of the other Dems. At that point, all the dirty laundry on Rump comes out and stays out. While Rump has been playing loose and dirty, watch out. The Dems really don't have a reason to play nice. After the Democratics choose just one, it's going to be a mud slide. It really doesn't matter if the Impeachment goes to the Senate or not at this point. Break out the goulashes.
ok unt the only dirty laudry was dropped by the democrats and it's their own.

your fake news really has you ass holes look so gawd dam dumb. lmfao
Don´t let daylight dazzle you when you crawl out of your conspiracy cave once in a while.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

You have a severe case of TDS. It’s common in libtards. It will get worse when you lose the election in 2020 as well as the House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's a foreigner trying to influence America's election and political system
Who? Trump?
You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
your fake news really has you ass holes look so gawd dam dumb. lmfao
Don´t let daylight dazzle you when you crawl out of your conspiracy cave once in a while.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

He's a foreigner trying to influence America's election and political system
Who? Trump?
You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Don´t let daylight dazzle you when you crawl out of your conspiracy cave once in a while.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

Who? Trump?
You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

your fake news really has you ass holes look so gawd dam dumb. lmfao
Don´t let daylight dazzle you when you crawl out of your conspiracy cave once in a while.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.

It always comes back to Pres. Obama, can you Trump Humpers concentrate on Trump.
Shut the fuck up foreigner you have no say in American politics. Stop trying to influence our political system you fucking toad.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

The US and Rump haven't done anything to your home country. Germany is doing fine. Your Valkarie Leader is doing her job just fine. Wish she was here. But don't go blaming Rump for the ills of other countries that have squandered their own resources. He's squander ours and he's our problem, not yours.
Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

The US and Rump haven't done anything to your home country. Germany is doing fine. Your Valkarie Leader is doing her job just fine. Wish she was here. But don't go blaming Rump for the ills of other countries that have squandered their own resources. He's squander ours and he's our problem, not yours.
Phrump wants to stop our gas pipeline. That´s not his business, he needs to stay out of our business.
He also blackmails German companies with sanctions and tells them were they can do business and where not.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

The US and Rump haven't done anything to your home country. Germany is doing fine. Your Valkarie Leader is doing her job just fine. Wish she was here. But don't go blaming Rump for the ills of other countries that have squandered their own resources. He's squander ours and he's our problem, not yours.
Phrump wants to stop our gas pipeline. That´s not his business, he needs to stay out of our business.
He also blackmails German companies with sanctions and tells them were they can do business and where not.

He does that with the support of the US Congress. Rump doesn't have the authority to stop your gas line. He doesn't have the authority to stop your businesses from dealing with anyone. But he does have the power to talk with Congress to stop many of the free rides that German currently gets. You know, "Gifts" from the US. I, for one, would like to see each and every US Military Person removed from Germany. Imagine the impact. You want to complain, we stop the "Gifts".
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

The US and Rump haven't done anything to your home country. Germany is doing fine. Your Valkarie Leader is doing her job just fine. Wish she was here. But don't go blaming Rump for the ills of other countries that have squandered their own resources. He's squander ours and he's our problem, not yours.
Phrump wants to stop our gas pipeline. That´s not his business, he needs to stay out of our business.
He also blackmails German companies with sanctions and tells them were they can do business and where not.

He does that with the support of the US Congress. Rump doesn't have the authority to stop your gas line. He doesn't have the authority to stop your businesses from dealing with anyone. But he does have the power to talk with Congress to stop many of the free rides that German currently gets. You know, "Gifts" from the US. I, for one, would like to see each and every US Military Person removed from Germany. Imagine the impact. You want to complain, we stop the "Gifts".
For example, I didn´t complain when Trump raised the tariffs on German cars. US tariffs are actually not our business and EU tariffs on US cars were higher. Now the US tariffs are higher.
And I don´t care how he tries to stop our pipeline. And we also don´t need your troops here. Why should we need them? You need them. Germany is your cargo hub, we should charge you.

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