America approves Trump impeachment

Stop unnerving me using that stupid "Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk" message.

Does it bother you asshole. Good. Sorry you can’t afford one loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You sure unnerved the guy. Hell he can’t defend his opinion, now he is attacking an app you use. Lol!
So foreigners are either Russians or assholes?

I didn’t say that nutter. I don’t know where you are from nor do I care. I was commenting about you not defending your position and instead attacking the app he uses to get on this board. Pretty funny to me.
I don´t need to defend what is obvious.

That’s why you keep trying and get pissy. Got it.

There was a poll earlier somewhere on this board that the majority of Americans disapproved of his impeachment.

Just because a poll says either way is irrelevant. Trials are supposed to convict or acquit based on facts not polls.
I'm not thinking of the trial; I'm thinking of November 3, 2020.

Polls in December are meaningless in November. If the House doesn’t send the papers of impeachment to the Senate soon, it look to the American people that all it was, was a political ploy hatched by Democrats to make the President look bad. The American people aren’t patient when it comes to politics and gaming the system.
Does it bother you asshole. Good. Sorry you can’t afford one loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You sure unnerved the guy. Hell he can’t defend his opinion, now he is attacking an app you use. Lol!
So foreigners are either Russians or assholes?

I didn’t say that nutter. I don’t know where you are from nor do I care. I was commenting about you not defending your position and instead attacking the app he uses to get on this board. Pretty funny to me.
I don´t need to defend what is obvious.

That’s why you keep trying and get pissy. Got it.
Listen, this tapatalk shit sends me an email for every quote here and I can´t turn it off. It just started some months ago without me enabling this or using tapatalk at all.
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You sure unnerved the guy. Hell he can’t defend his opinion, now he is attacking an app you use. Lol!
So foreigners are either Russians or assholes?

I didn’t say that nutter. I don’t know where you are from nor do I care. I was commenting about you not defending your position and instead attacking the app he uses to get on this board. Pretty funny to me.
I don´t need to defend what is obvious.

That’s why you keep trying and get pissy. Got it.
Listen, this tapatalk shit sends me an email for every quote here and I can´t turn it off. It just started some month ago without me enabling this or using tapatalk at all.

It sends me nothing and I have used Tapatalk, so you are obviously doing something wrong.
Sorry, but Trump has already been impeached. That is a fact that cannot be changed.

Now? All we have to do is see if the Senate will allow him to remain in office. If not, Pence becomes president. If they allow him to stay, then he becomes like Clinton and is a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

But, make no mistake, Trump has been impeached.

AS you have been told before, there’s No impeachment until you finish the process, grow some balls, and send the articles to the Senate. Make no mistake about it, you repeat leftard garbage like a good parrot.
And that is written where exactly?

The Constitution?
US Code?
Senate or House Rules?
Case law/ SCOTUS binding precedent?

Do tell. We're waiting

A Law Professor’s Provocative Argument: Trump Has Not Yet Been Impeached

Democrat witness says Trump not impeached until articles sent to Senate

Noah Feldman: Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells Senate

Dems' own witness says Trump not truly impeached unless articles go to Senate

Just opinions that could be easily countered but what the point? It's only a technicality. It will go to the Senate
Sorry, but Trump has already been impeached. That is a fact that cannot be changed.

Now? All we have to do is see if the Senate will allow him to remain in office. If not, Pence becomes president. If they allow him to stay, then he becomes like Clinton and is a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

But, make no mistake, Trump has been impeached.

AS you have been told before, there’s No impeachment until you finish the process, grow some balls, and send the articles to the Senate. Make no mistake about it, you repeat leftard garbage like a good parrot.
And that is written where exactly?

The Constitution?
US Code?
Senate or House Rules?
Case law/ SCOTUS binding precedent?

Do tell. We're waiting

A Law Professor’s Provocative Argument: Trump Has Not Yet Been Impeached

Democrat witness says Trump not impeached until articles sent to Senate

Noah Feldman: Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells Senate

Dems' own witness says Trump not truly impeached unless articles go to Senate

Just opinions that could be easily countered but what the point? It's only a technicality. It will go to the Senate

Oh God I hope so!!!!
The swamp is trying all it can do to remove the president the media is also part of the swamp.

Trump didn't drain the swamp, he brought in his own swamp creatures, many of whom have been convicted and are currently or soon to be, serving time.
obama and others within his administration are laughing their asses off at you leftist. They said we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.
I say there is a payback and it's coming

Sorry you can't manufacturer dirt on your political opponents and that is what you Trump Humpers are wanting to happen. This has been a republican DOJ that is sending Trumper Humpers to jail, not Pres. Obama.
Are you talking about the Schiff Sham? Where is Schiff's proof that the president Colluded with Russia?
Who is the Whistleblower and who were the six other people the whistleblower talked to?
Sp bubba anyone manufacturing evidence would be the democrats.

Well we can easily clear that up, let's hear from Trump, Mulvaney, Pompeo and Bolton and it can be put to rest.
I have an even better suggestion. You leftist prove your case Trump can sit on his hands and do nothing. You leftist have got to do all the work lol

There was a poll earlier somewhere on this board that the majority of Americans disapproved of his impeachment.

Just because a poll says either way is irrelevant. Trials are supposed to convict or acquit based on facts not polls.
I'm not thinking of the trial; I'm thinking of November 3, 2020.

Polls in December are meaningless in November. If the House doesn’t send the papers of impeachment to the Senate soon, it look to the American people that all it was, was a political ploy hatched by Democrats to make the President look bad. The American people aren’t patient when it comes to politics and gaming the system.
Bingo we have a winner.
So then no reason to hold up sending over the articles!!!

No reason for Trump to be withholding his exculpatory evidence either. What`s he waiting for?

You listen to PBS way too often.....yuk....yuk.....

If the House felt the same way as you they'd have referred it to the court. But they didnt.....hmmmm.:deal:

Because they knew they'd get dicked over!:cul2:
Trump didn't drain the swamp, he brought in his own swamp creatures, many of whom have been convicted and are currently or soon to be, serving time.
obama and others within his administration are laughing their asses off at you leftist. They said we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.
I say there is a payback and it's coming

Sorry you can't manufacturer dirt on your political opponents and that is what you Trump Humpers are wanting to happen. This has been a republican DOJ that is sending Trumper Humpers to jail, not Pres. Obama.
Are you talking about the Schiff Sham? Where is Schiff's proof that the president Colluded with Russia?
Who is the Whistleblower and who were the six other people the whistleblower talked to?
Sp bubba anyone manufacturing evidence would be the democrats.

He doesn’t get it. Everything the House (Schiff and Pelosi) did was illegal and they think they can dictate to the Senate how it should go. Why do you think Pelosi hasn’t sent to the Impeachment to the Senate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Show us specifically what they did that was illegal.
Schiff said he had the proof the President colluded with the Russians
Sorry the Swamp King is ruling the swamp.
You should stop drinking before you post.

It's obvious you are drinking the Trump kool aid.

You have a severe case of TDS. It’s common in libtards. It will get worse when you lose the election in 2020 as well as the House.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's a foreigner trying to influence America's election and political system
Who? Trump?
You are the foreigner trying to influence America's political system
As it is, Trump will be the first president to be impeached and not acquitted. :)

I don't see the Senate removing Rump from Office. I don't want to see it. But I can see them spanking his fat behind. The Impeachment is a fat bottom spanking. And the Senate needs to do the same thing without the removal of office and tell Rump his days of doing exactly what he wants to do any way he wants to do it are over. A Spoiled Child only does what he thinks he can get away with. And we need to do what is best for America, not what is best for one party or the other and certainly not what Rump thinks is best for himself.
So you like to call the President Rump how about I call you C unt by removing the h and adding a C?

There was a poll earlier somewhere on this board that the majority of Americans disapproved of his impeachment.

Just because a poll says either way is irrelevant. Trials are supposed to convict or acquit based on facts not polls.
Is there now any proof that Trump pushed Ukraine this way? No? So what facts are we talking about? Media influence?

I'm talking about a trial that has not occurred. So when the trial convenes we can see what evidence the House wants to present.
I doubt it'll ever take place. The last thing they want is Trump acquitted months away from the election. The Dems will sit on this

And then.....

5 min later I find this.

Pelosi's best move might be to keep impeachment in her pocket and not send it to the Senate

The Democrats are really putting themselves between a rock and a hard place. If they send it to the Senate and he is acquitted they will look bad to the Independents that will see it as unfair. If they hold on to itt and drag it out, they will look like they were grandstanding and look bad to Independents. Bad look either way.

The Senate doesn't "acquit" anything. They decide if he's going to remain in office or not. Think back to Clinton, because he was impeached by the House, but the Senate voted to keep him in office. That is what is going to happen to Trump, he's going to be remembered as a president who was impeached but allowed to remain in office.

Just like Clinton. And, I think that is why Trump keeps muddying the waters, because not only does he not want to be remembered like Clinton, he also doesn't understand how impeachment works.

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