America approves Trump impeachment

the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

The US and Rump haven't done anything to your home country. Germany is doing fine. Your Valkarie Leader is doing her job just fine. Wish she was here. But don't go blaming Rump for the ills of other countries that have squandered their own resources. He's squander ours and he's our problem, not yours.
Phrump wants to stop our gas pipeline. That´s not his business, he needs to stay out of our business.
He also blackmails German companies with sanctions and tells them were they can do business and where not.

He does that with the support of the US Congress. Rump doesn't have the authority to stop your gas line. He doesn't have the authority to stop your businesses from dealing with anyone. But he does have the power to talk with Congress to stop many of the free rides that German currently gets. You know, "Gifts" from the US. I, for one, would like to see each and every US Military Person removed from Germany. Imagine the impact. You want to complain, we stop the "Gifts".
For example, I didn´t complain when Trump raised the tariffs on German cars. US tariffs are actually not our business and EU tariffs on US cars were higher. Now the US tariffs are higher.
And I don´t care how he tries to stop our pipeline. And we also don´t need your troops here. Why should we need them? You need them. Germany is your cargo hub, we should charge you.
The pipeline from Russia lol

Tell your shithead president to stop intervening in foreign affairs and we can talk about your demand.
Your whining is falling on deaf ears lol because no one said anything when obama interfered with nations by having the leader removed. Or used American tax dollars to influence elections.
But we do have treaties that must be honored we must defend Ukraine against you Russians.
Yes, I did. You have overthrown Ukraine´s democratically elected government and now criminals rule the country. It is the US the Ukraine must be protected from.

Put sanctions on my head, noble knight.
Nope but every time you post I will simply reply that we must not allow foreigners to influence our political system
I don´t influence your political system. Nobody can, the media grip on your dazzled brains is unbreakable. There needs to be liberation from outside.
the only one that tried to undermine the Ukrainian government was the obama administration
And yes any time you make a post on this political forum as a foreigner you are trying to influence America's political system. Leftists in America don't seem to like that
Your Trump that I supported here in 2016 now blackmails my country, starves Venezuela, steals Syria´s oil, creates tensions with Iran, applauds coup in Bolivia and wants to divide EU and Russia, creates Iron curtain in Europe and makes EU and Russia weaken each other. He is our enemy, who calls us enemies.
He campaigned with the opposite of that imperialism.
Whether you sit together and discuss Trump´s rusty fence while the world suffers under his bloody boots, I don´t care.

The US and Rump haven't done anything to your home country. Germany is doing fine. Your Valkarie Leader is doing her job just fine. Wish she was here. But don't go blaming Rump for the ills of other countries that have squandered their own resources. He's squander ours and he's our problem, not yours.
ok daryl *unt
Germans are PUTIN Russia first to get access to Putin natural gas.
China is getting Russian gas too. Your point?
China, Russia Launch Massive Joint Gas Pipeline
China's not an ally Germany is
Shouldn't Russia pay for trying to influence in our elections? Should the president do everything to stop Germany's gaining access to Russia's natural gas?
Are you being a hypocrite now?
We get that gas for centuries, also during the Cold War.
Germans are PUTIN Russia first to get access to Putin natural gas.
China is getting Russian gas too. Your point?
China, Russia Launch Massive Joint Gas Pipeline
China's not an ally Germany is
Shouldn't Russia pay for trying to influence in our elections? Should the president do everything to stop Germany's gaining access to Russia's natural gas?
Are you being a hypocrite now?
It`s none of our business who Germany sells gas to. It`s called Capitalism. Are you a Communist?
It's obvious you are drinking the Trump kool aid.

You have a severe case of TDS. It’s common in libtards. It will get worse when you lose the election in 2020 as well as the House.

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Come on Longie, that Trump Humpin has made you blind to reality.

No. Your Bering blinded by your hate of President Trump. Come on.

Just the opposite, you are blinded by your love for Trump. You see the guy lie on a daily basis and you Trump Humpers run out here and try to defend or make excuses for those lies. It's disgraceful.

We are split in our ways and have agreed Ed in areas. You have to admit the impeachment polls are bullshit. It all depends who does it.
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The polls are showing that folks are waking up for the first time in a couple of years.

They’re waking up to the Democrats bullshit. The polls show. Trumps support has gone up and he will not be impeached and he will win 2020 and the Democrats will also lose the House. Just remember who told you.

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He has already been IMPEACHED fool.
obama and others within his administration are laughing their asses off at you leftist. They said we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.
I say there is a payback and it's coming

Sorry you can't manufacturer dirt on your political opponents and that is what you Trump Humpers are wanting to happen. This has been a republican DOJ that is sending Trumper Humpers to jail, not Pres. Obama.
Are you talking about the Schiff Sham? Where is Schiff's proof that the president Colluded with Russia?
Who is the Whistleblower and who were the six other people the whistleblower talked to?
Sp bubba anyone manufacturing evidence would be the democrats.

He doesn’t get it. Everything the House (Schiff and Pelosi) did was illegal and they think they can dictate to the Senate how it should go. Why do you think Pelosi hasn’t sent to the Impeachment to the Senate.

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Show us specifically what they did that was illegal.

Kept out Republican Congressmen out of meetings. Had closed door secret meetings also have changed the charge of impeachment and have not aloud any witnesses or questioning of witnesses for the Republicans. They have abused the Constitution in the way the impeachment was handled and now they want to give the Senate rules They’re a joke. Why are they holding the impeachment which it isn’t an impeachment because they haven’t turned it over to the Senate. What are they stalling. They’re using the media too try and set up an excuse when the Senate pisses on there bullshit impeachment. Who is blinded by hate. That would be you.

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Let's take a look at what you posted.

1. Had Closed Meeting keeping Republican Congressmen out. Sure, except for the Republican Congressmen that were already there. And NO cell phones were allowed. The ones stopped were a bunch of morons waving their cell phones who were not on the comittee to a close committee meeting. These types of meetings are closed and covers sensitive information. No recording devices allowed. An d no complete idjits allowed other than the idjits on the committee.

2, No one is trying to change the Senate Rules from the House. In fact, it's Moscow Mitch that is changing the rules. Rather than being impartial (or even attempting to appear that way) he's openly conspiring with Rump. Not exactly the most impartial way for the Jury Captain does things, I would say. Until Moscow Mitch is relieved of his "Duties" there will NEVER be an operational Senate. And some Republican Senators are starting to speak out. Until this is relieved, there cannot be a fir trial. And until then the House will not release the Impeachment. But since the information keeps rolling in, they just keep gathering more. Wouldn't you? Rump and his merry band of Criminals are the gift that keeps on giving.

Between Rump and Moscow Mitch, the Senate and the Presidency is so broken that it's going to take years to clean it up. And that breakage flows into the House. Until you and people like you start taking a stand against the breakage of the Party of the Rump and runs it off things won't change. Let's hope the average voter is smarter than that.
Germans are PUTIN Russia first to get access to Putin natural gas.
China is getting Russian gas too. Your point?
China, Russia Launch Massive Joint Gas Pipeline
China's not an ally Germany is
Shouldn't Russia pay for trying to influence in our elections? Should the president do everything to stop Germany's gaining access to Russia's natural gas?
Are you being a hypocrite now?
It`s none of our business who Germany sells gas to. It`s called Capitalism. Are you a Communist?
Buying from the Russians is our business
Let me get you up to speed Germans want to buy from Russia
Germans are PUTIN Russia first to get access to Putin natural gas.
China is getting Russian gas too. Your point?
China, Russia Launch Massive Joint Gas Pipeline
China's not an ally Germany is
Shouldn't Russia pay for trying to influence in our elections? Should the president do everything to stop Germany's gaining access to Russia's natural gas?
Are you being a hypocrite now?
We get that gas for centuries, also during the Cold War.
No you haven't I lived there in Germany or should I say West Germany have you forgotten?
Germans are PUTIN Russia first to get access to Putin natural gas.
China is getting Russian gas too. Your point?
China, Russia Launch Massive Joint Gas Pipeline
China's not an ally Germany is
Shouldn't Russia pay for trying to influence in our elections? Should the president do everything to stop Germany's gaining access to Russia's natural gas?
Are you being a hypocrite now?
We get that gas for centuries, also during the Cold War.
No you haven't I lived there in Germany or should I say West Germany have you forgotten?
What are you talking about now?
How can Trump be the swamp since the swamp was there before Trump became president? of course, the swamp would have its swamp rats calling Trump the swamp

There are now rules about what the swamp is and who can belong to it? Just because the swamp already exists that means Trump can't belong to it? Really?
Don't you understand the popular vote only counts for each state,
She won the popular vote in 20 states. not for the nation?

That is your interpretation. The popular vote is the popular vote.
No that's how it's done the popular vote of a state get's the electoral votes for that state.

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