America, California gives you a glimpse of your future

Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
This article should scare anyone thinking that we are coming out of the recession. We are just about to enter the precipitous plunge of the second half of the "w". The question is, is California our Greece, or our salvation? The answer is now, I believe only months away.

Schwarzenneger Preps "Terrible Cuts" to Close Deficit

Here are some very important warning signs of what is and will need to be done.

“We can’t get through this deficit without very terrible cuts,” Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear told reporters in Sacramento. “We don’t believe that raising taxes right now is the right thing to do.”

This is going to be the case with every nation in the world. Even if they do raise taxes it will still happen. Ahnold is being smart on the desire to not raise taxes. Taxes slow down productivity. It's a truism, because every tax takes from the private sector which is the engine of what generates money for government to take.

Schwarzenegger’s newest plan will revise the proposals introduced in January to account for the tax-collection shortages. In January, the governor said California may have to eliminate entire welfare programs, including the main one that provides cash and job assistance to families below the poverty line, without an influx of cash from the federal government.

This is the cruel part of it it all. Those who are the nearest to real disaster will suffer the most. They could try to go after the unions, but they are too powerful politically. Therefore the Unions will be safe for now, and the unconnected poor will suffer for the sake of those who have, through the pension funds, put the state into this mess. Just like a city threatening to close fire stations and laying off current firemen, they ignore the real drains of FORMER employees are putting on their coffers.

Of course, the hope is the feds will pay this off. My question is this: With WHAT?

The world is broke. But the momentum keeps carrying us down the track a little farther for now.

This is what the world is facing. Socialism has pushed us here and bankrupted the world through it's foolish demands. Now is our last chance to reform and purge out those truly responsible for the dire straits we are in.

Otherwise, the suffering will grow even farther.
Do you live in California big fitz?

Well I do. Let me tell you how we got here. Every bleeding heat program that went up for a vote, bond measure this, good welfare program that, the schools want this, the unions what that, the illegals need this, political correctness requires that. All passed by the greedy spending give to the poor and steal from who ever they can get it from, liberals.

Ya know what, I dont give a shit if every welfare program is totally closed forever in this state. I don't care if you have to finally pay for the children your having and cant afford to begin with. I don't care if the illegals starve to death. I dont care if every public housing building is closed for good. I dont care if you dont get medical care in this state. I'm sure you get the idea because I could go on and on. I dont care anymore.

I hope we cut everything, then everyone who is on the dole here will leave the state, go home to what ever country they sunk in here from. And maybe, just maybe people will become responsible for themselves.
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Nope. Don't live in CA, thankfully. And yes I feel for you guys out there who are responsible upstanding citizens who are being sodomized by the unions, illegals, entitlement junkies and career politicians, local, county and state.

I happen to think Schwarzenegger is doing the right thing in this case of massive cuts. It's going to be painful to all. Justifiably, it'll be extra painful to those who deserve it.

I live in the People's Republic of MN, so we're not far behind. we're importing welfare cheats from 5 neighboring states plus doing some of the dumbest budgetary things possible. But thankfully we have Tim Pawlenty (did I actually say that:wtf: ) who's not shy at saying NO to them. But it's is a losing battle right now and we're gonna see where this ends up here as well.
The thing that makes me laugh is that this state is broke, and we are spending money and time worrying about policy to boycott Arazona for doing what we here in California need to be doing!

I do have a solutions though. Exempting Fire and Police, everything needs to be cut equally. No pet programs spared. That way the pain is shared equally by all who have a hand in the till.

They worry about no funding for schools? How about we kick out all of the illegals and see how fast class size is decreased.

They worry about medical care. How about we no longer provide free care to illegals, take care of the US citizens first and with what ever is left over, take care of them.

Yes I could rant about this one for hours.

Well I do. Let me tell you how we got here. Every bleeding heat program that went up for a vote, bond measure this, good welfare program that, the schools want this, the unions what that, the illegals need this, political correctness requires that. All passed by the greedy spending give to the poor and steal from who ever they can get it from, liberals.
That hasn't been the case lately.

Over the last ten years or so, leftist do-goodery has failed miserably every time it's put to a vote of the people, who will end up having to pay for it.
Try san francisco, city and county unto themselves. Yes the state is pulling back on voting for the liberal crap, but we are still paying for what they have already voted in.
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As we all know, nearly all the red states take in more than one dollar for every dollar they give the federal government. Nearly all blue states get back less than one dollar for every dollar they give the federal government.

If the red states would just go ahead and secede, we could balance the budget, fix the economy and improve our image overseas all in one fell swoop.

Instead, we're stuck with uneducated, confederate Republicans who complain about having to fight with illegal immigrants for jobs. If they would only secede, they would BECOME the illegal immigrants.
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As we all know, nearly all the red states take in more than one dollar for every dollar they give the federal government. Nearly all blue states get back less than one dollar for every dollar they give the federal government.

If the red states would just go ahead and secede, we could balance the budget, fix the economy and improve our image overseas all in one fell swoop.

Instead, we're stuck with uneducated, confederate Republicans who complain about having to fight with illegal immigrants for jobs. If they would only secede, they would BECOME the illegal immigrants.

I agree we do pay more taxes as a red state. By your math we pay 50% in taxes. And it would appear that blue states are getting back the taxes they do pay by 50%. Sounds like a raw deal to me.

No, I dont care about the illegals here having jobs at all. Far from it. I am complaining that they want and demand services.
If the State of California started doing business as the State Bank of California, as North Dakota did in 1919, California's assets, capital, and 2009 revenue would be enough to fan out about $4trillion in loans AND drive a stake through Wall Street's heart(?)

2% mortgages?
Credit cards capped at 6%?

Californians would save billions of dollars every year in interest and the state bank would earn billions more helping them save.

Only Wall Street and other rich parasites would lose.

Which is probably why Republicans AND Democrats will never touch public banking.
If the State of California started doing business as the State Bank of California, as North Dakota did in 1919, California's assets, capital, and 2009 revenue would be enough to fan out about $4trillion in loans AND drive a stake through Wall Street's heart(?)

2% mortgages?
Credit cards capped at 6%?

Californians would save billions of dollars every year in interest and the state bank would earn billions more helping them save.

Only Wall Street and other rich parasites would lose.

Which is probably why Republicans AND Democrats will never touch public banking.

Private banking could not care less about North Dakota.
This article should scare anyone thinking...


but California told the Tea Party and the GOP Rich Bitches (one who spent 140 million plus of her own money) who tried to buy elections to go fuck themselves.

nice. but we already know you don't think Dainty.

Second, Meg Whitman and Carley Fiorina distanced themselves from the tea parties, although they still garnered some of their support because they weren't Moonbeam Brown and Bitchy Boxer. Pretty much an overflowing grease trap were better choices than the leftists who won. Personally, I just blame Californians for being what they are... fucking nuts. It's also ironic they voted against legalizing Pot when they are in such need of legalizing it just to survive the agony Moonbeam Brown is going to put them through, just like he did last time he was in office. watch some old "Benson" reruns. Moonbeam Brown was the model for the governor and apparently not TOO far off from truth.

That said they were nigh perfect GOP moderates. They should have smoked Brown and Boxer... but they didn't.
CA would have to secede from the union to test the blue-red spending meme, which is fine by me but I think it would back fire. The problem with Federal statistics is that they are defined to gain votes not to track what is going on in the nation.
This article should scare anyone thinking...


but California told the Tea Party and the GOP Rich Bitches (one who spent 140 million plus of her own money) who tried to buy elections to go fuck themselves.

nice. but we already know you don't think Dainty.

Second, Meg Whitman and Carley Fiorina distanced themselves from the tea parties, although they still garnered some of their support because they weren't Moonbeam Brown and Bitchy Boxer. Pretty much an overflowing grease trap were better choices than the leftists who won. Personally, I just blame Californians for being what they are... fucking nuts. It's also ironic they voted against legalizing Pot when they are in such need of legalizing it just to survive the agony Moonbeam Brown is going to put them through, just like he did last time he was in office. watch some old "Benson" reruns. Moonbeam Brown was the model for the governor and apparently not TOO far off from truth.

That said they were nigh perfect GOP moderates. They should have smoked Brown and Boxer... but they didn't.

Damn straight. Rudderless moderates who allowed themselves to be defined by their far left opponenents, and even run to the right of them on some issues.
Could they be thrown out?
Possibly but why? Wasting a really good example of what not to do is not wise. If CA or IL go into default and their municipalities into bankruptcy that will send a strong message. In the 1800s MS and AR went into default and are still in default. They are among the poorest states in the nation as a result of their spendthrift ways prior to 170 (MS) and 140 (AR) years ago. Surrounding states are still extremely careful about overspending on infrastructure and entitlements to this day. A CA default with or without secession would lead to corrective action on both coasts and reduce the march of leftist liberalism nationwide. Just political evolution in action.

I read this while following Mark Steyn election night and it's in the same vein as the OP...

11.45pm In California, Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown have beaten Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman, two Republican candidates tailored for the Golden State, professional, centrist, and without any of that establishment-disturbing Tea Party craziness like certain lady candidates in Delaware and Nevada. And they both lost. I think we're seeing in California the limits of the democratic process in a Big Government state. The statist workforce and the dependency class can outvote the productive class. And, given the number of Californian small businesses who'll be ordering the U-Haul in the morning, that electoral gap will only widen in 2012 and beyond. California is Greece: The arithmetic does not allow for meaningful correction. The question is whether Texas and other non-insane states will volunteer to play Germany to Sacramento's ouzo-swiggers.

More sad days ahead in Cali I'm afraid.

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