America finds it's savior: American entrepreneur, author, & anti-woke political activist Vivek Ramaswamy running for President. The Republic is saved

i have both his books

He is the author of Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam, which was published in August 2021 and Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence, published September 13, 2022...and i will post excerpts from them on this thread so you find what's this guys about

I like the cut of his jib.

He says all the right agenda things that this country needs.
Every Republican President's first order of business is to EXPLODE DEFICITS!!! They never cut spending, so they will never get my vote.
True -

But nothing will break into that cult cocoon.
There is about a third of the left who are cult cocoon woke progressives. However, about 2/3'rds of the left are not on board with the full woke socialist side of the party. That one third shouts at the top of their lungs in order to sound like a larger crowd than they really are. In the end, in most cases, that small cult still only gets one vote each, no matter how loud they shout.
The highest political offices in England, Scotland and Ireland are held by Indians. I see nothing worth compelling us to follow.

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