America has lost its mind

I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
We have lost something alright. 9/11 was about Saudi Arabia, plain pure and simple. And they perpetrated the single biggest mass murder/attack in American history. They got away with it, whilst we are tilting away at political windmills. The Left hates this and that, they say they want to end hate but feed into it. They give sanctuary to illegal aliens whist Americans lose jobs and homes and blithely ignore it. The Right just feeds into the petroleum industry (the Saudis at heart) and gun madness. America has gone stark raving mad.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

umm the evangelicals are harmless
they are not on a mission to destroy western civilization and impose Sharia oppression on all of humanity
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

You troll. Name one Mostly Muslim country that is not a humanitarian, military or economic disaster. You cannot. Only one mostly Jewish country. Israel. And that is the safest place for a Muslim woman in the Middle East.
The fact that people cannot see that we have lost our damn minds is mind boggling. We are defending terrorists. WTF?!?!
You know what is really truly scary? September 11th, 2001, the deaths of over three thousand Americans civilians in a single attack, amounted to hill of beans. Nothing. The petroleum industry wouldn't allow that to disturb the flow of international oil. Because, if America declared war on the Saudis, it might have stifled their holly lifeblood. Being that Everything nowadays depends on oil (think about it), what is the cost of 3000 Americans VS upsetting the applecart ( the house of Saud and that crackpot theocracy with a death grip on our capitalistic necks) Can't have that, can we?
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

I usually agree with most of what you post, but in this instance?

Not so much.

There is a difference between "multi-cultural" and "diversity."

Americans, up until this last past half-century, have always been diverse. Yet we have always strode to create ONE CULTURE.

Since the mid-sixties, early seventies, yes, there are now forces at play that wish to divide, separate and create isolated pockets and balkanize American culture.

Most folks just want to be part of the mainstream, no matter who they are, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, christian, jew. . .

. . . yet some would like to create separate enclaves. It is true.

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley, multiplicity; More

adjective: multicultural; adjective: multi-cultural

  1. relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
    "multicultural education"

There is no such thing as a nation that ever survived for very long that was ever multicultural. Diverse? Yes. But not multicultural.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
Wow evangelical Christians scare you more than Muslims. You obviously don't understand what Sharia Law is.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

Well, there is one thing more scary, and more insidious that BOTH of those groups, and the MSM doesn't pay any attention to them. .. .

IT is the atheists and the Lucifarians. :ack-1:
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

I usually agree with most of what you post, but in this instance?

Not so much.

There is a difference between "multi-cultural" and "diversity."

Americans, up until this last past half-century, have always been diverse. Yet we have always strode to create ONE CULTURE.

Since the mid-sixties, early seventies, yes, there are now forces at play that wish to divide, separate and create isolated pockets and balkanize American culture.

Most folks just want to be part of the mainstream, no matter who they are, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, christian, jew. . .

. . . yet some would like to create separate enclaves. It is true.

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley, multiplicity; More

adjective: multicultural; adjective: multi-cultural

  1. relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
    "multicultural education"

There is no such thing as a nation that ever survived for very long that was ever multicultural. Diverse? Yes. But not multicultural.

America incorporates parts of the cultures it assimilates. Our cuisine is a fusion of foods from all over the world. The language Americans use contains loan words from Gaelic, Yiddish, Spanish, and a dozen other language. Our music is a home-grown amalgam of music from many cultures. Jazz, that most American of all art forms, was heavily influence by African and Klezmer music. Baseball came from Cricket, Football from Rugby, Golf from ... well, Golf. Basketball could be considered the most originally American of all sports. It was originally played with a soccer ball.

The pattern of ethnic assimilation in American tends to be multi-generational. New immigrants, initially ostracized, remain apart and hold close to the security of their faiths and customs. However, this isolation doesn't last long as they become part of the mainstream of our culture.

A Muslim woman being part of the political system is part of a pattern we've seen repeated by the Irish, Hispanics, Jews, Blacks, and Asians. When those groups were becoming part of our culture, people saw this as a threat to our culture. However, the mainstream quickly realized that inclusion of new blood into our national character is ultimately a good thing.

There are many beautiful aspects to Islam. We should encourage Islamic Americans to share those with us.
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

I usually agree with most of what you post, but in this instance?

Not so much.

There is a difference between "multi-cultural" and "diversity."

Americans, up until this last past half-century, have always been diverse. Yet we have always strode to create ONE CULTURE.

Since the mid-sixties, early seventies, yes, there are now forces at play that wish to divide, separate and create isolated pockets and balkanize American culture.

Most folks just want to be part of the mainstream, no matter who they are, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, christian, jew. . .

. . . yet some would like to create separate enclaves. It is true.

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley, multiplicity; More

adjective: multicultural; adjective: multi-cultural

  1. relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
    "multicultural education"

There is no such thing as a nation that ever survived for very long that was ever multicultural. Diverse? Yes. But not multicultural.

Yes, nice catch!! The left has again successfully redefined a word or phrase in the English lexicon. In addition they have co-opted ethnicity to basically mean any group they decide is 'victim' enough to use as political fodder. It's America where we have an American culture based on Judeo-Christian morals and values.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
ya cause after all we have thousands of attacks a year around the globe by evangelicals right? Ohh wait that is Muslims.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
ya cause after all we have thousands of attacks a year around the globe by evangelicals right? Ohh wait that is Muslims.
Do you support the U.S. selling Saudi Arabia weapons to bomb Yemen?
BlackFlag said:
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
But They Aren't Committing
Murder, Slavery, And Oppression Around The Globe To Do It
Nor Do They Condone It

Mr. False Flag
MarathonMike said:
BlackFlag said:
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
Wow evangelical Christians scare you more than Muslims. You obviously don't understand what Sharia Law is.
No, He Just Likes To Slam Harmless Christians
It's Fashionable Socialist Policy

He'll Never Say How He Feels Threatened By Them
Just Wild Fantasy Hypotheticals
That Have No Basis In Reality, Anywhere
BlackFlag said:
Do you support the U.S. selling Saudi Arabia weapons to bomb Yemen?
By The Order Of Which Church
Mr. False Flag

I Say That's To Do With People More Like You
And Has Nothing To Do
With Evangelical Christians In America

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