America in a "Post-Patriotic Era"?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Whilst skimming through a couple talk shows yesterday I believe I heard one of the hosts quoting former Reagan speech-writer Peggy Noonan as saying that we were now living in "Post-Patriotic America."

It hit me like a brick in the face. That one 2-1/2 word expression describes exactly what I am seeing and feeling in my constant observation of the news, the election, and the contemporary culture.

I am what is commonly referred to as a Baby Boomer, and I was raised by two members of the Depression/WWII generation. I was taught to love my country, to respect authority, to honor public officials unless they proved to be unworthy, and to look for ways to serve society, my church, and my country. There was never any question that I would serve in the military; only the details needed to be worked out in connection with education and other life events. I was taught never to complain about paying taxes, because they represented my "fair share" in paying for the great country where I was privileged to live.

When President Kennedy posed the motto, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country," it was the most obvious thing I could imagine.

And it was against this world view that the cultural revolution of the '60's rebelled. Most of that rebellion was phony, self aggrandizing, self motivated, and fueled by a desire to get laid, get high, and pretend to be highly motivated. And those "revolutionaries" - now middle-aged and older - run academe, the entertainment industry, and the political Left. Indeed, Our Beloved President is one of them.

They don't "love" America. To them, such a sentiment is foolish, unreal, even pathetic. Our country is fcuked-up and requires "fundamental change." We need to pay the price for slavery, arrogance, and imperialism; we need to be brought low.

Imagine what would happen now if the Military Draft were re-instituted. We have millions of yoots who positively think it would be unfair, harmful, even "unconstitutional,:...the delicate little snowflakes. They would "refuse to go!"

They are pussies, all of them.

And this, my friends, is what Mr. Donald Trump is talking about when he says he wants to "make America great again." He (we) wants to tell the people who are always bad-mouthing America to STFU. He wants to flush empty "diversity" down the toilet of history; he wants to praise "inequality" as a manifestation of the great success of our economic system; he wants AMERICANS to decide who gets to come here, and under what circumstances - and he won't hesitate to tell subversives and people seeking to suckle at the Government's teats that they are not welcome and may not come here - and if they are already here they must leave.

Post-Patriotic America.

Not if I have anything to say about it.
Obama only talks about what is wrong with what made us great. It will be great to have a leader that loves america in office again.
That strong streak of authoritarianism, put on display here, is what's what's common to all Trump fans. They literally don't care about policies, or about how awful a human being their leader is. They just want someone to "make America strong". That is, to get back at all the people who they believe have wronged them.

Fortunately, most Americans don't share the revenge-based lifestyle of the Trump fans.
I don't buy into the patriotic mumbo jumbo. Politicians and corporations have turned America into a nation where simple survival is far more important than country. What working person has time for patriotism? They are too busy working ng hard to barely scrape by and they are supposed to believe this is a dream? Surely you jest.
A lot of hard working folk that don't vote for free stuff don't buy into the patriotic cheerleader stuff.

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