America in decline fear mongering.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs continues their fear mongering on FOX BUSINESS NEW.
[ame=]Glenn Beck answers Stossel's question Is America in decline. - YouTube[/ame]
Lou Dobbs cliam Obama's possible member of radical "new party" in fluence him.

Shame in on Beck because America has been in decline since 1492 when Columbus and his gang of thugs came ashore. Hidden in the message is the sublingual message that Obama is destroying the country. Sent to radical right wing village idiot that take the message as GOD sent.
Obama is his own man and to say he is influenced by anyone remotely in his life is wacko. Indoctrinated with beliefs of his associated. Holding him responsible for the action of other is a pattern of the extreme radical right like buzzards on a hunt for fresh kill.
How many of you have skeletons in your closets you would like to remain hidden? Lets look into Romney’s closet? Or is that off limits? Like his radical racist indoctrination that Blacks are devils and multiple wives which had more effect on him than a 4min sermon on race by Rev. Wright or Ayers anti-war activism, when he was a baby, to stop the atrocities committed my American on Vietnamese. Ayers was a hero.
Calling Obama a Socialist Marxist. MLK a communist. Whomever dug this garbage up is a shithead buzzard and Lou Dobbs for putting it on the air.
Lets look in the closets of the framers of the Constitution and what effect it had on their writings
Lets compare Lincoln with Ayers. Lincoln revolution to free Black slave let to a civil war that almost destroyed this country and killed many. Ayers protesting the Vietnam war saved lives. Was Lincoln a terrorist?
The dark little dirty secrets of the framers of the constitution that we follow as closely than the word of GOD.
America in moral decline since 1492 and Obama was not even born. Obama’s beliefs are just a little piss mark relative to thing affecting this nation.
We celebrate Columbus arrival as if creation of heaven and earth. Who was he and who were the degenerates he brought with him?
We brag that we are a Christian nation, but how close do we really follow the teaching of Christ. Look how far some major Christian religions have strayed away from true Christianity. How much has been added and taken away from the word of GOD that if Christ returned he would hardly recognize it.
If American is in decline it not because of anything anyone has indoctrinated in to Obama to influence him. He is only as powerful as his Congress will let him be. He do not make law he just sign then after congress approval.
No one who knows anything knows the Civil War didn't start because "Lincoln wanted to free the slaves" and yes, there was and is talk that Lincoln was a Terrorist because he trampled on States Rights.

But you ARE correct about Congress, the have the power but lack the will to stop him.

Funny this thread would pop up, I was thinking about the country's decline as I went through a McDonald's drive thru yesterday - love those spicy McChicken™ sandwiches. But don't tell my wife, I'll never hear the freakin' end of it.

Anyway, the tab came out to something like $4.29, and after I gave the clerk a five, I heard the unmistakeable sound of that automatic change dispenser thing you usually see at grocery stores. I looked over, and indeed, the system was set up so that the clerk no longer has to exert the effort of making change. The cash register does it for them. Phew, what a relief, I was able to continue my day knowing that our young people don't have to figure out how to come up with 71 cents in coins.

Decline? Yup, and it's a self-inflicted wound. It's cultural, not just political. Our decline will directly follow our willingness -- eagerness, really -- to lower standards and expectations.

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No one who knows anything knows the Civil War didn't start because "Lincoln wanted to free the slaves" and yes, there was and is talk that Lincoln was a Terrorist because he trampled on States Rights.

But you ARE correct about Congress, the have the power but lack the will to stop him.

No. but freeing black slaves played a big part in the civil war. It help in bringing about the freedom of slaves. And it did lead to the civil war.
Text books has taught children that Lincoln freed the slaves with the civil war.

Lincoln did issue the Emancipation Proclamation at the beginning of 1863, which on paper freed slaves in the states of the Confederacy that had seceded from the United States. But it took a fighting force of 2 million soldiers in the Union Army to bring the Confederacy to its knees--and make the defeat of the slave system a fact. African Americans themselves contributed in many crucial ways--from slaves who rebelled in the South, to free Blacks in the North who agitated for abolition, to Black soldiers who served in the Union Army.

What's more, Lincoln himself didn't enter the Civil War as a firebrand abolitionist, itching for the opportunity to end slavery. Instead, the Northern anti-slavery movement had to pressure Lincoln--and ultimately, the logic of winning the war against the Confederacy pushed Lincoln to adopt more radical positions at each step.Who freed the slaves?

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