America is a nation of wusses. there is nothing more cowardly than hiding behind a wall!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!
go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!

Sure, let's leave all those dead kids in the hot sun on their side, use the mexican horizon for target practice once/twice a day.....and form a human wall of troops....they'll need something to do once Trump gets 'em all home ~S~
go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!

Yes, these wusses are letting drug lords have free reign over an unsecured border while about 200 Americans die every day of drug overdoses.

But guns are what we really should worry about, isn't that right Dims?

Speaking of which, how many Dims liked Obama and Holder giving drug lords guns and weapons via tax payer money?
Already, under Obamacare, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued guidelines for hospitals to list the price of standard procedures. Those have been in place since 2014, but they give hospitals some wiggle room. They could post their charges online, or supply them only if patients and their families requested them.

Updated - Trump-O-Meter: Require price transparency from health care providers

go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!

...that Trump gave a shit about them? So many Trump supporters at the time thought: “I work to support myself unlike all those liberal parasites getting welfare, derp, derp, DERP!”

Republicans are emotional. It feels good to see themselves as honest, hard working Americans in comparison to everyone else who are nothing but welfare queen liberals who didn’t vote for Trump! It makes them feel superior believing the delusion that the reason why people didn’t vote for Trump is simply because they wanted welfare and worshiped Hillary. That assumption just FEELS good. It isn’t based on actual facts, but it FEELS good. Voters love to feel good. When voters voted for Trump, they assumed this tough businessman man would reward all their hard work and safe guard their social security benefits and maybe even improve them. He would also get all those welfare queens to either die or go to work! Ahhhh. Trump gave republicans the warm and fuzzies.

The reality, of course, is that not only does Trump not give a shit about welfare queens, he also doesn’t give a shit about anyone in the working class and middle class either. Republican voters were completely duped into thinking Trump would improve their quality of life. Instead, the GOP passed a tax bill that only benefited the rich. They also cut social security. The GOP could have cut the bloated defense budget, but oh no! Cutting social security is what mattered. After all, they were rich and didn’t need SS. Even after all of that, republican voters still follow Trump. This is because they think a goddamn wall on the southern border is somehow going to make the US a utopian paradise where all their hard work would finally pay off! Wow.
Unemployment is near zero and still their wages haven’t gone up...
But wages haven’t gone up enough to make a difference for the middle class.
Still speaking from both sides of your ignorant mouth, eh BooBoo?
I’m just waiting for the inevitable trump Recession. That might be the only thing he does that will be great.

Speaking of which, how many Dims liked Obama and Holder giving drug lords guns and weapons via tax payer money?

Fast & Furious was our ATF's phenomenal 'eff up......but not a peep was heard from our 2nd Amd nutters.....~S~
go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!
Please break the news to Obama, Hillary, Schumer, and all of the Elitist Left who have surrounded themselves with and hide themselves away from average Americans behind walls and gates. As soon as THEY give up their walls the American people will bandon their demand for the same type of security for this nation.
Fast & Furious was our ATF's phenomenal 'eff up......but not a peep was heard from our 2nd Amd nutters.....~S~
'Fast And Furious' was the living embodiment of the term 'Cover-up'.

Barak Obama handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels with the intent of creating such a high body count (aiding Drug Cartels in killing men, women, and children in extremely high numbers) to the point it would be politically easier for him and Democrats to make a move against the 2nd Amendment. Being willing to help kill innocent people so you can pass legislation / take down the Constitutional Right to bare arms was 'ballsy'. His US AG was caught red-handed committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to keep the scandal covered up. Despite Obama and his DOJ protecting Holder from indictment, a bipartisan Congress still voted to Censure him for his crime, making Holder the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured....but the media downplayed all of this to the point it was almost a 'footnote' rather than the huge scandal it was / should have been made out to be during his Presidency.

I don't know about you, but I heard plenty from the 2nd Amendment supporters at the time. My favorite was the suggestion on how to lower gun-related deaths being to ban Democrats from being able to own / sell / give away guns. :p
Fast & Furious was our ATF's phenomenal 'eff up......but not a peep was heard from our 2nd Amd nutters.....~S~
'Fast And Furious' was the living embodiment of the term 'Cover-up'.

Barak Obama handed over thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels with the intent of creating such a high body count (aiding Drug Cartels in killing men, women, and children in extremely high numbers) to the point it would be politically easier for him and Democrats to make a move against the 2nd Amendment. Being willing to help kill innocent people so you can pass legislation / take down the Constitutional Right to bare arms was 'ballsy'. His US AG was caught red-handed committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to keep the scandal covered up. Despite Obama and his DOJ protecting Holder from indictment, a bipartisan Congress still voted to Censure him for his crime, making Holder the 1st Presidential Administration Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured....but the media downplayed all of this to the point it was almost a 'footnote' rather than the huge scandal it was / should have been made out to be during his Presidency.

I don't know about you, but I heard plenty from the 2nd Amendment supporters at the time. My favorite was the suggestion on how to lower gun-related deaths being to ban Democrats from being able to own / sell / give away guns. :p

F&F was a drop in the cover up bucket juxtaposed to our history of American military involvement in South America Easy>>

A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

F&F was a drop in the cover up bucket juxtaposed to our history of American military involvement in South America Easy>>
A US President seeking the murder of men, women, and children in large numbers in order to push a liberal agenda of attacking the 2nd Amendment and giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades (resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans) in order to accomplish this goal is what you call a 'drop in the bucket', so nonchalantly?

F&F was a drop in the cover up bucket juxtaposed to our history of American military involvement in South America Easy>>
A US President seeking the murder of men, women, and children in large numbers in order to push a liberal agenda of attacking the 2nd Amendment and giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades (resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans) in order to accomplish this goal is what you call a 'drop in the bucket', so nonchalantly?

Yes Easy....

Smedley Butler on Interventionism

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916..


United States involvement in regime change in Latin America - Wikipedia

Even Reagan's contra affair pales by comparission to out S American interventionalist activities

F&F was a drop in the cover up bucket juxtaposed to our history of American military involvement in South America Easy>>
A US President seeking the murder of men, women, and children in large numbers in order to push a liberal agenda of attacking the 2nd Amendment and giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades (resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans) in order to accomplish this goal is what you call a 'drop in the bucket', so nonchalantly?

Yes Easy....

Smedley Butler on Interventionism

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916..


United States involvement in regime change in Latin America - Wikipedia

Even Reagan's contra affair pales by comparission to out S American interventionalist activities

I agree, 'intervention' has been part of our history.....but you would think we would learn from it / stop doing it.

Obama had the nerve to complain about someone interfering in our elections when he interfered in Egypt, Israel, Libya, Syria...and the US. And the Nobel Peace Prize Winner drug the US into 2 wars to help terrorists. NO ONE has the 'moral high ground' in finger pointing, though, on the topic of 'intervention'....
"We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with. Hard to believe there was a Congress & President who would approve! The United States looses soooo much money on Trade with Mexico under NAFTA, over 75 Billion Dollars a year (not including Drug Money which would be many times that amount), that I would consider closing the Southern Border a “profit making operation.” We build a Wall or close the Southern Border. Bring our car industry back into the United States where it belongs. Go back to pre-NAFTA, before so many of our companies and jobs were so foolishly sent to Mexico. Either we build (finish) the Wall or we close the Border. Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are doing nothing for the United States but taking our money. Word is that a new Caravan is forming in Honduras and they are doing nothing about it. We will be cutting off all aid to these 3 countries - taking advantage of U.S. for years!" - President Trump
go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!

Sure, let's leave all those dead kids in the hot sun on their side, use the mexican horizon for target practice once/twice a day.....and form a human wall of troops....they'll need something to do once Trump gets 'em all home ~S~
From your mouth to God's ears. Hunt them down and bodily fling them back across the border.
Not all Americans are wusses, but this one certainly is:


UPDATE: Wall around Obama's DC home complete! - The American Mirror
go out and fight the Mexicans instead of going in hiding! city walls are nothing more than women's quarters!

Sure, let's leave all those dead kids in the hot sun on their side, use the mexican horizon for target practice once/twice a day.....and form a human wall of troops....they'll need something to do once Trump gets 'em all home ~S~
From your mouth to God's ears. Hunt them down and bodily fling them back across the border.

I highly doubt the Lord almighty is going to sign on Tipsy ~S~

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