America is Finished

But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image.
Maybe. More so he was the most anti-establishment, anti-D.C. politics as usual, person in the group. America mostly voted not for Trump but against decades of lip service and decline as a nation. All self serving phonies.

And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done.
They brought it upon themselves as already noted.
America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
Agreed whole heartedly, but for reasons that may differ than yours.
But he wasnt anti establishment. He only projected that image. Trump is every bit as establishment as Hillary. But no one would see that.

You're probably right, but those dumb ass republicans were just too stupid to see that. I guess years of Hannity and rush fried their brains.
don't forget their daily dose of rw hate dished-out by Fox & Friends
"...don't forget their daily dose of rw hate dished-out by Fox & Friends"

Unlike the other five mainstream TV news networks who are the most honest, altruistic forthcoming sources where America can get the real truth. Just do not report on all the sordid or revealing facts and they can pretend these major scandals are but a trifle.
Who are "you people"? Conservatives? No.
Progressives are the cause of this plague. 100 years of progressive policies and this country is sunk. Socialism brings nothng but poverty, misery and death.

What are progressive policies? Civil rights laws? Black people being allowed to vote laws? Environmental laws? What exactly?
Who are "you people"? Conservatives? No.
Progressives are the cause of this plague. 100 years of progressive policies and this country is sunk. Socialism brings nothng but poverty, misery and death.

What are progressive policies? Civil rights laws? Black people being allowed to vote laws? Environmental laws? What exactly?
Min wage laws
Labor unions
Gun Control

Those are just for starters. Every one of them demonstrably started as anti-Negro legislation. The founders of Progressivism were all of them racists. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and others. They were all eugenicists. This isnt even controversial. It is merely inconvenient.
Really? YOu mean there was going to be a point where the Vietnamese would have enjoyed you burning their homes and raping their women? The thing was, LBJ knew the war was unwinnable when it started. He couldn't invade North Vietnam without bringing Russia and China into the war, and he couldn't ever win the South Vietnamese to support the Quislings we were propping up.

You're too far gone to bother with further.....just another old hippie with a ponytail and an EBT card.
Right wing media praised him for the ratings and $$$ until they realized what they had done!

CNN had him on the air more than FOX.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
He is a authoritarian regressive like Hillary and yes since he loves the individual mandate he is a socialist but dont worry I am sure he hates brown people as much as you do.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
What subsidies is he proposing?
ethanol....Gee you forget so easily, Guess that's why Trump loves the idiots.
Really curious; people who think America is finished, how many times they have been outside of US?

Because they dont know what shit they talking about....

Well, we like to believe that our standards our superior to those in Timbuktu.


You are living in a place where you can think your standards are superior to all others on the planet, and that would not seem to be absurd.

Thats how great is America, and you dont even know it...

Well , it is very easy to become a cynic when your country has become a continuous criminal enterprise and we are being governed by the criminally insane.

Imaging if you were living in 1935.

Americans elected a fascist scumbag 4 times.

The US officially became a welfare/warfare police state.

I keep my fingers crossed and pray than American ingenuity and productivity will somehow overcome the huge dark cloud that surrounds us.

Dude, you need to move to Somalia, Libertarian Paradise.

Interesting, you stupid fucks completely destroy the country then, somehow, it becomes a Libertarian Paradise.

Suck my rod.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
What subsidies is he proposing?
ethanol....Gee you forget so easily, Guess that's why Trump loves the idiots.

OK, he endorsed one subsidy. There are dozens of Republican Senators and a couple hundred Republican House members who have voted for that subsidy. I don't see you turning up your nose at the prospect of voting them back into office.
Meh. The country has survived far worse and will continue on just fine. Everyone always thinks that they are facing the 'worst' times ever. History proves them dead wrong.
A dying man can survive another day, too.

The trend, especially since the Progressive Era, has been a departure from our revolutionary principles. Check statistics for yourself, such as trends in economic liberty, and don't discount the exponentially expanding federal code books.

Sure, the country can survive, as long as it transforms.
America is Finished

The seeds to America's demise were sewn a long time ago. Most people just haven't started realizing it until now.
That's vapid to the point of pathetic. You could say the seeds of its demise began when Columbus discovered the New World.
I believe Don't Taz Me Bro is quite right, if I may be so bold.

Long before the institution of benevolence programs, some people expressed discontent with America's constitutional republicanism. Frederick Douglass, a die-hard Republican who loathed the Democratic Party for its racial injustice and pro-slavery position, nonetheless promoted the idea of expanded federal powers to remedy hardships of minorities.

The constitutional convention created tensions between those who wanted unity among the states and those who wanted to preserve the confederacy. The latter expressed fear that the proposed constitution would be less “calculated to preserve the rights and defend the liberties” of the people than the Articles of Confederation had already proved itself capable of.* The Federalists managed to shut out the Antifederalists, and the government turned sharply to the left. Though not yet on the left side of the political spectrum, vagaries in constitutional verbiage exposed some constitutional vulnerabilities to leftist elements.

America's government is much removed from what it was when created, not because of an evolving society or different times, but because of arbitrary intervention. The seeds of mediocrity were sown in it a long time ago.

* Philanthropos (Antifederalist No. 7)
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Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
What subsidies is he proposing?
ethanol....Gee you forget so easily, Guess that's why Trump loves the idiots.

OK, he endorsed one subsidy. There are dozens of Republican Senators and a couple hundred Republican House members who have voted for that subsidy. I don't see you turning up your nose at the prospect of voting them back into office.
Do you know who didn't???? The man who won the state. Why? Because he had principles as a conservative andwas not a racist fuck like you.
Min wage laws
Labor unions
Gun Control

Those are just for starters. Every one of them demonstrably started as anti-Negro legislation. The founders of Progressivism were all of them racists. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and others. They were all eugenicists. This isnt even controversial. It is merely inconvenient.

What a crock of shit. Nothing wrong with any of those things. Don't get me wrong, there are certain aspects that need addressing - labour unions for example. But let's not forget why labour unions were necessary and came about in the first place.
As for racists, the GoP is not innocent in that regard. Conservatives like to conserve the status quo. I would imagine plantation owners would be queuing up to vote for Trump.
America is Finished

The seeds to America's demise were sewn a long time ago. Most people just haven't started realizing it until now.
That's vapid to the point of pathetic. You could say the seeds of its demise began when Columbus discovered the New World.
I believe Don't Taz Me Bro is quite right, if I may be so bold.

Long before the institution of benevolence programs, some people expressed discontent with America's constitutional republicanism. Frederick Douglass, a die-hard Republican who loathed the Democratic Party for its racial injustice and pro-slavery position, nonetheless promoted the idea of expanded federal powers to remedy hardships of minorities.

The constitutional convention created tensions between those who wanted unity among the states and those who wanted to preserve the confederacy. The latter expressed fear that the proposed constitution would be less “calculated to preserve the rights and defend the liberties” of the people than the Articles of Confederation had already proved itself capable of.* The Federalists managed to shut out the Antifederalists, and the government turned sharply to the left. Though not yet on the left side of the political spectrum, vagaries in constitutional verbiage exposed some constitutional vulnerabilities to leftist elements.

America's government is much removed from what it was when created, not because of an evolving society or different times, but because of arbitrary intervention. The seeds of mediocrity were sown in it a long time ago.

* Philanthropos (Antifederalist No. 7)
Of course he's right. But so what? It is so lacking in insight, so insipid a statement that it warrants ridicule.
Min wage laws
Labor unions
Gun Control

Those are just for starters. Every one of them demonstrably started as anti-Negro legislation. The founders of Progressivism were all of them racists. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and others. They were all eugenicists. This isnt even controversial. It is merely inconvenient.

What a crock of shit. Nothing wrong with any of those things. Don't get me wrong, there are certain aspects that need addressing - labour unions for example. But let's not forget why labour unions were necessary and came about in the first place.
As for racists, the GoP is not innocent in that regard. Conservatives like to conserve the status quo. I would imagine plantation owners would be queuing up to vote for Trump.
Are you disputing those are Progressive policies or are you disputing they are rooted in racism? Merely saying "bullshit" isn't very expressive of anything other than your ignorance.
I would imagine New Zealanders are queuing up to fuck sheep and smear their faces with dung.
Min wage laws
Labor unions
Gun Control

Those are just for starters. Every one of them demonstrably started as anti-Negro legislation. The founders of Progressivism were all of them racists. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and others. They were all eugenicists. This isnt even controversial. It is merely inconvenient.

What a crock of shit. Nothing wrong with any of those things. Don't get me wrong, there are certain aspects that need addressing - labour unions for example. But let's not forget why labour unions were necessary and came about in the first place.
As for racists, the GoP is not innocent in that regard. Conservatives like to conserve the status quo. I would imagine plantation owners would be queuing up to vote for Trump.
Are you disputing those are Progressive policies or are you disputing they are rooted in racism? Merely saying "bullshit" isn't very expressive of anything other than your ignorance.
I would imagine New Zealanders are queuing up to fuck sheep and smear their faces with dung.
Your thread premise is idiocy – and it has failed as a consequence.

Your thread premise is baseless, inane demagoguery and delusional hyperbole completely devoid of fact or merit.
Min wage laws
Labor unions
Gun Control

Those are just for starters. Every one of them demonstrably started as anti-Negro legislation. The founders of Progressivism were all of them racists. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and others. They were all eugenicists. This isnt even controversial. It is merely inconvenient.

What a crock of shit. Nothing wrong with any of those things. Don't get me wrong, there are certain aspects that need addressing - labour unions for example. But let's not forget why labour unions were necessary and came about in the first place.
As for racists, the GoP is not innocent in that regard. Conservatives like to conserve the status quo. I would imagine plantation owners would be queuing up to vote for Trump.
Are you disputing those are Progressive policies or are you disputing they are rooted in racism? Merely saying "bullshit" isn't very expressive of anything other than your ignorance.
I would imagine New Zealanders are queuing up to fuck sheep and smear their faces with dung.
Your thread premise is idiocy – and it has failed as a consequence.

Your thread premise is baseless, inane demagoguery and delusional hyperbole completely devoid of fact or merit.
That would seem to contradict Hanlon's Razor and is thus invalid.
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
What subsidies is he proposing?
ethanol....Gee you forget so easily, Guess that's why Trump loves the idiots.

OK, he endorsed one subsidy. There are dozens of Republican Senators and a couple hundred Republican House members who have voted for that subsidy. I don't see you turning up your nose at the prospect of voting them back into office.
Do you know who didn't???? The man who won the state. Why? Because he had principles as a conservative andwas not a racist fuck like you.

What have I said that would indicate I'm racist? You just like to toss that out at random intervals, don't you?

As I pointed out, there are hundreds of Republican Congress members who voted for the exact same subsidy that you are getting your panties in a know about. I don't see anyone in this forum screaming these people aren't true conservatives and that they should be voted out of office.
Min wage laws
Labor unions
Gun Control

Those are just for starters. Every one of them demonstrably started as anti-Negro legislation. The founders of Progressivism were all of them racists. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger and others. They were all eugenicists. This isnt even controversial. It is merely inconvenient.

What a crock of shit. Nothing wrong with any of those things. Don't get me wrong, there are certain aspects that need addressing - labour unions for example. But let's not forget why labour unions were necessary and came about in the first place.
As for racists, the GoP is not innocent in that regard. Conservatives like to conserve the status quo. I would imagine plantation owners would be queuing up to vote for Trump.
Are you disputing those are Progressive policies or are you disputing they are rooted in racism? Merely saying "bullshit" isn't very expressive of anything other than your ignorance.
I would imagine New Zealanders are queuing up to fuck sheep and smear their faces with dung.
Your thread premise is idiocy – and it has failed as a consequence.

Your thread premise is baseless, inane demagoguery and delusional hyperbole completely devoid of fact or merit.
That would seem to contradict Hanlon's Razor and is thus invalid.

Don't you mean Occam's razor?

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