America is Finished

You stupid fuck! You just claimed so called right wing radio and TV supported Trump when thats the farthest thing from the truth.
Just like you claimed the San Bernardino shooters guns were legal.
You wont admit when your wrong no matter how much evidence is shoved down your dick choked throat.
Fuck off you partisan piece of shit!!!
No wonder nobody respects your opinion...Back to ignore with your dumbass.
Right wing media praised him for the ratings and $$$ until they realized what they had done!

CNN had him on the air more than FOX.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
Right wing media praised him for the ratings and $$$ until they realized what they had done!

CNN had him on the air more than FOX.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
There's nothing "unreasoning" about our anger....some of us remember when this country worked. When we made pretty much everything we needed and sold the rest to a hungry world. When there was a good job for everybody who wanted one. When small towns and big cities alike had clean streets, safe streets...when locking your front door or leaving the ignition key in your car was optional. When movies and music were positive and uplifting and the churches reminded us of our duty to others less fortunate than ourselves.

And when did this happen? because I'm 54 years old, and I don't remember when any of this happened. What I remember is riots in the streets, and my dad showing my mom how to use a gun in case the rioters got to our house.

Now, yeah, things have changed, in that we don't have the industrial or agricultural dominance we once had. (Although we have more than we imagine).

The problem is, like most rightwingers, your anger is misdirected. You are directing it against "those people' - minorities, the poor, etc - instead of the rich who have worked very hard to erode the advantages your parents and grandparents walked picket lines to get.
CNN had him on the air more than FOX.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
What subsidies is he proposing?
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:
Trump isn't an ideologue, and he definitely isn't and socialist.
You're right he's not an ideologue, which is why I supported him over that lunatic Cruz. But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.
What subsidies is he proposing?
Trump calls for higher ethanol mandate
Meh. The country has survived far worse and will continue on just fine. Everyone always thinks that they are facing the 'worst' times ever. History proves them dead wrong.

The country hasn't survived. It's swirling down the sewer hole faster and faster.
Then you are ignoring history.

We have had worse presidents and worse predicaments.

Yes we have, but the crap accumulates. Every year we go further down the sewer. It's a one way trip.
And when did this happen? because I'm 54 years old, and I don't remember when any of this happened. What I remember is riots in the streets, and my dad showing my mom how to use a gun in case the rioters got to our house.

Now, yeah, things have changed, in that we don't have the industrial or agricultural dominance we once had. (Although we have more than we imagine).

The problem is, like most rightwingers, your anger is misdirected. You are directing it against "those people' - minorities, the poor, etc - instead of the rich who have worked very hard to erode the advantages your parents and grandparents walked picket lines to get.

No, our anger is directed against YOU and your kind of leftist assholes who hate this country because it's promise was never given to you. You were too lazy or stupid or both to EARN it and so it's the daily negativity to those who worked hard and succeeded on their own, despite a government constantly nosing in, taking a third of the profits, and burying us in regulations. Like referees who can't play the game but get to make the rules. You're right about one thing...I'm 14 years older than you and grew up during Eisenhower and a Kennedy who couldn't win the democrat nomination today because he would be too conservative. And then along came LBJ and I went to win his war for him, and he double-crossed us and you by losing his nerve when that war could have been won. And instead spent the money on destroying black neighborhoods and imprisoning them in his hideous housing projects. Don't talk to me about the American dream never happening because it happened to me. I could have claimed PTSD and gotten lost in drugs and excuses but I didn't and made something of myself. Too bad you didn't, but don't blame it on the America I grew up in....when opportunity knocked you couldn't be too stoned to answer the door.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Imaging if you were living in 1935.

Americans elected a fascist scumbag 4 times.

The US officially became a welfare/warfare police state.

I keep my fingers crossed and pray than American ingenuity and productivity will somehow overcome the huge dark cloud that surrounds us.

Really curious; people who think America is finished, how many times they have been outside of US?

Because they dont know what shit they talking about....
Really curious; people who think America is finished, how many times they have been outside of US?

Because they dont know what shit they talking about....

Well, we like to believe that our standards our superior to those in Timbuktu.


You are living in a place where you can think your standards are superior to all others on the planet, and that would not seem to be absurd.

Thats how great is America, and you dont even know it...
But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.

He'll punish American companies for doing this, won't "let" American companies do that, he'll dump us into a trade war overnight, destabilizing business and the economy immediately, at a really lousy time.

None of it matters, though. No amount of increased government control, government regulation, government market manipulation or distortion matters, because his followers are mesmerized.
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But for a capitalist, he sure is threatening to throw around quite a lot of tariffs and supporting quite a lot of subsidies.

He'll punish American companies for doing this, won't "let" American companies do that, he'll dump us into a trade war overnight, destabilizing business and the economy immediately, at a really lousy time.

None of it matters, though. No amount of increased government control, government regulation, government market manipulation or distortion matters, because his followers are mesmerized.

Your fears about a trade war are overblown. Trump can't impose tariffs unilaterally. Tariffs are taxes, and they have to be approved by Congress.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Great political system, huh?
No, our anger is directed against YOU and your kind of leftist assholes who hate this country because it's promise was never given to you. You were too lazy or stupid or both to EARN it and so it's the daily negativity to those who worked hard and succeeded on their own, despite a government constantly nosing in, taking a third of the profits, and burying us in regulations.

Uh, Guy, I was a right-wing Republican until your boy Bush fucked everything up. Unlike you, I'm able to learn from real experience.

Here's the thing. The America you pine for was great if you were white and male, but not so great if you weren't. Thanks to your boys Reagan and the Bush Crime family, it sucks for white males, too. But they've managed to get stupid people like you to blame the darkies. Because you are stupid.

Like referees who can't play the game but get to make the rules. You're right about one thing...I'm 14 years older than you and grew up during Eisenhower and a Kennedy who couldn't win the democrat nomination today because he would be too conservative.

I think you are a little confused. Eisenhower couldn't get the Republican Nomination today because he's too liberal. Shit, REAGAN couldn't get the GOP nomination today because he's too liberal. That's how batshit crazy your side has become. Trump is

And then along came LBJ and I went to win his war for him, and he double-crossed us and you by losing his nerve when that war could have been won.

Really? YOu mean there was going to be a point where the Vietnamese would have enjoyed you burning their homes and raping their women? The thing was, LBJ knew the war was unwinnable when it started. He couldn't invade North Vietnam without bringing Russia and China into the war, and he couldn't ever win the South Vietnamese to support the Quislings we were propping up.

And instead spent the money on destroying black neighborhoods and imprisoning them in his hideous housing projects.

Where do you think these black people were living before these projects (which were a bad idea) were put up?

Don't talk to me about the American dream never happening because it happened to me.

If it did, you wouldn't be so angry now.

I could have claimed PTSD and gotten lost in drugs and excuses but I didn't and made something of myself. Too bad you didn't, but don't blame it on the America I grew up in....when opportunity knocked you couldn't be too stoned to answer the door.

And today, I suspect you are out there, collecting Social Security and Medicare and other white people welfare you think you "earned", even though other people are paying it.
"These things have to happen every 100 years or so... gets rid of the bad blood.

Like they should'a stopped the Illegal Beaners and the Muzzies and the Homos back in the Teens...

They never should'a let 'em get away with that."


Not to worry...

America will be just fine, than you very much...

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