America is Finished

I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

I felt the same way after W won a second term.

He was a war criminal and we re-elected him.
Really? What war crimes did he commit? Did he execute American citizens overseas? Did he authorize drone strikes on innocent civilians? Did he bomb Doctors Without Borders?
I think we see what Trump appeals to in its raw form here. Unreasoning anger at being bested in the political arena time after time.

There's nothing "unreasoning" about our anger....some of us remember when this country worked. When we made pretty much everything we needed and sold the rest to a hungry world. When there was a good job for everybody who wanted one. When small towns and big cities alike had clean streets, safe streets...when locking your front door or leaving the ignition key in your car was optional. When movies and music were positive and uplifting and the churches reminded us of our duty to others less fortunate than ourselves. Why is this way of life gone? Who did that to us? And why can't we get it back? I say we can....all we need is a start in the right direction and a firm hand on the wheel. If that's Trump, good for us....the alternative is that fat old whore driving us deeper into the ditch.
I think we see what Trump appeals to in its raw form here. Unreasoning anger at being bested in the political arena time after time.

There's nothing "unreasoning" about our anger....some of us remember when this country worked. When we made pretty much everything we needed and sold the rest to a hungry world. When there was a good job for everybody who wanted one. When small towns and big cities alike had clean streets, safe streets...when locking your front door or leaving the ignition key in your car was optional. When movies and music were positive and uplifting and the churches reminded us of our duty to others less fortunate than ourselves. Why is this way of life gone? Who did that to us? And why can't we get it back? I say we can....all we need is a start in the right direction and a firm hand on the wheel. If that's Trump, good for us....the alternative is that fat old whore driving us deeper into the ditch.

We won't get back to that place. To improve at all, liberalism has to be utterly crushed. The ideology has to be cut up in little pieces, buried and the ground sown with salt.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
Rabbi, you and I have been at loggerheads almost all of the time. It's nice to see you see the danger of Trump as I do. Very refreshing.

I have despaired over the hijacking of the GOP by retards, bigots, psychopaths, liars and hypocrites for over a decade now. Sometimes my despair falls to the point where I give serious consideration to surrendering my voter registration as a Republican and becoming an Independent, whatever the fuck that is.

But then if I did that, the terrorist pseudo-cons win. I refuse to let them run an old school Reagan conservative like myself out of the party.

So each day, I do my bit to pick up the random piece of trash here and there and take it to the curb for disposal.

Hang in there, Rabbi.

I have gone and searched on a lot of your old posts on this forum, and I have to admit something you. Some of the assumptions I made about you early on were wrong. I made these assumptions from my first impressions and never adjusted them.

I am adjusting them now.

We will still probably bump heads more often than not, but I thought you should know I do not feel as hostile toward you as I have in the past.

So maybe Trump has accomplished one small positive thing.

But that is not the most important thing I wanted to tell you.

I am a big American history buff. So I have some perspective on modern politics which gives me some relief.

If you think things are bad now, just take a look at the 1828 election. That was the low water mark of electioneering. One of the candidates actually accused the other candidate's mother of being a hooker to the British troops during the Revolution!

It doesn't get uglier than that. Though Trump accusing Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy did approach that low point, I must say. It depressed me for days.

Also, check out the impeachment of Samuel Chase. A very ugly moment in history, but amazingly enough the Senate demonstrated some real professionalism and honor at that dark time and set a precedent which survives to this day. Absolutely incredible moment in our history which is long forgotten.
We won't get back to that place. To improve at all, liberalism has to be utterly crushed. The ideology has to be cut up in little pieces, buried and the ground sown with salt.

I believe we can and it's not liberalism that's the problem, it's stalinist progressives who hijacked the liberal causes. These people aren't tolerant or forgiving like the old-school liberals...they're cold-blooded atheist assholes and they've taken over our public schools with garbage thinking, giving our kids little to no chance for a happy life. The old-school liberals freed us from the company towns with labor unions and the violent racism that blocked minorities. Made movies that showed you civilians the grotesque side of wars we got into and cleaned up our air and rivers industry had no second-thoughts about polluting. Made our mines and factories safer places to work in. Nothing wrong with any of that but that movement got okie-doked by the communists among us...those are the ones we need to either jail or deport, not the ones who believe in progress as well as profit.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
Rabbi, you and I have been at loggerheads almost all of the time. It's nice to see you see the danger of Trump as I do. Very refreshing.

I have despaired over the hijacking of the GOP by retards, bigots, psychopaths, liars and hypocrites for over a decade now. Sometimes my despair falls to the point where I give serious consideration to surrendering my voter registration as a Republican and becoming an Independent, whatever the fuck that is.

But then if I did that, the terrorist pseudo-cons win. I refuse to let them run an old school Reagan conservative like myself out of the party.

So each day, I do my bit to pick up the random piece of trash here and there and take it to the curb for disposal.

Hang in there, Rabbi.

I have gone and searched on a lot of your old posts on this forum, and I have to admit something you. Some of the assumptions I made about you early on were wrong. I made these assumptions from my first impressions and never adjusted them.

I am adjusting them now.

We will still probably bump heads more often than not, but I thought you should know I do not feel as hostile toward you as I have in the past.

So maybe Trump has accomplished one small positive thing.

But that is not the most important thing I wanted to tell you.

I am a big American history buff. So I have some perspective on modern politics which gives me some relief.

If you think things are bad now, just take a look at the 1828 election. That was the low water mark of electioneering. One of the candidates actually accused the other candidate's mother of being a hooker to the British troops during the Revolution!

It doesn't get uglier than that. Though Trump accusing Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy did approach that low point, I must say. It depressed me for days.

Also, check out the impeachment of Samuel Chase. A very ugly moment in history, but amazingly enough the Senate demonstrated some real professionalism and honor at that dark time and set a precedent which survives to this day. Absolutely incredible moment in our history which is long forgotten.
G5000, I"ve often said unkind things about you. And probably with justification. But that doesnt change that we are on the same side, the side of liberty, prosperity and freedom. I appreciate your kind words and going forward let's build bridges, not burn them.
So is Trump dummy
For what? What did he lobby for?
That is called a politician, not a lobbyist.
LMAO but you guys say he isnt a politician
He was a politician on a micro level selling his namesake company's brand all over, but that is quite different from running for the power to govern someone all your life.
Keep spinning hypocrite! You idiots make me sick
For what? What did he lobby for?
That is called a politician, not a lobbyist.
LMAO but you guys say he isnt a politician
He was a politician on a micro level selling his namesake company's brand all over, but that is quite different from running for the power to govern someone all your life.
Keep spinning hypocrite! You idiots make me sick
How is that spinning?

Politics is a direct and overbearing part of many occupations, but that doesn't make everyone a politician.
That is called a politician, not a lobbyist.
LMAO but you guys say he isnt a politician
He was a politician on a micro level selling his namesake company's brand all over, but that is quite different from running for the power to govern someone all your life.
Keep spinning hypocrite! You idiots make me sick
How is that spinning?

Politics is a direct and overbearing part of many occupations, but that doesn't make everyone a politician.
Because you say he isn't a politician then say he is just not the kind I say... Fucking spinning moron. You OWN the fact that you helped damage this country for selfish reasons.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Oh, stop whining. Our country isn't "finished." It's just fine. It may not be the way the conservatives would like it to be - after all, we are just completing 8 years of a Dem in the White House. It isn't going to be the end of the USA when Hillary Clinton is elected in November. Once again, it may not be the way the cons want it to be, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing (unless you're a con).

Just relax and enjoy the ride. There is not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. Hillary Clinton is going to wipe this arrogant jerk out in a landslide.
The world will still be turning when it's over.
Meh. The country has survived far worse and will continue on just fine. Everyone always thinks that they are facing the 'worst' times ever. History proves them dead wrong.

The country hasn't survived. It's swirling down the sewer hole faster and faster.
Of course hillary will finish the country off. Then we all become a Swamp Fox and muck up the democrat works. We might not be able to keep them from power but we sure as hell can keep them from governing effectively.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
I guess never admitting it sooth's the butt hurt but it has to be effecting your sub conscience.
Any weird dreams lately?

Exactly what do you think I;m wrong about? I knew your party was turning into a big steaming pile, and now it has.

You stupid fuck! You just claimed so called right wing radio and TV supported Trump when thats the farthest thing from the truth.
Just like you claimed the San Bernardino shooters guns were legal.
You wont admit when your wrong no matter how much evidence is shoved down your dick choked throat.
Fuck off you partisan piece of shit!!!
No wonder nobody respects your opinion...Back to ignore with your dumbass.
Right wing media praised him for the ratings and $$$ until they realized what they had done!

CNN had him on the air more than FOX.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Exactly what do you think I;m wrong about? I knew your party was turning into a big steaming pile, and now it has.

You stupid fuck! You just claimed so called right wing radio and TV supported Trump when thats the farthest thing from the truth.
Just like you claimed the San Bernardino shooters guns were legal.
You wont admit when your wrong no matter how much evidence is shoved down your dick choked throat.
Fuck off you partisan piece of shit!!!
No wonder nobody respects your opinion...Back to ignore with your dumbass.
Right wing media praised him for the ratings and $$$ until they realized what they had done!

CNN had him on the air more than FOX.
Yeah because Fox is controlled by the establishment. The establishment thought they had control of the carriage until Trump grabbed hold of the reins. It was endlessly hilarious watching them and other conservative mouthpieces backpedal after they'd realized what they had done.

I actually agree with you. There are quite a number of establishment personalities at FOX. Megan Kelly, Fred Barnes, Peter Doocy, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bill Hemmer, Charles Krauthammer and especially Dana Perino. She used be George Bush's press secretary. You can't get anymore establishment than that. She's been saying Trump will never get the nomination since he anounced his candidacy. It sure is fun to watch her long face moping around the set whenever the subject of Trump comes up.
Yep. And now you have a guy who may be more economically socialist then Bernie Sanders! :laugh:

But at least he'll stick it to the damn brown people! :lmao:

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