America is Finished

"These things have to happen every 100 years or so... gets rid of the bad blood.

Like they should'a stopped the Illegal Beaners and Muzzies and Homos back in the Teens...

They never should'a let 'em get away with that."


Not to worry...

America will be just fine, than you very much...

The Ironic thing is you are paraphrasing a movie that was about the criminal activities of an immigrant group that was villified at the time, just like Mexicans are being now.
"These things have to happen every 100 years or so... gets rid of the bad blood.

Like they should'a stopped the Illegal Beaners and Muzzies and Homos back in the Teens...

They never should'a let 'em get away with that."


Not to worry...

America will be just fine, than you very much...

The Ironic thing is you are paraphrasing a movie that was about the criminal activities of an immigrant group that was villified at the time, just like Mexicans are being now.
Thank you, Goodie Two Shoes...

Or was that Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms?

Instantaneous, spontaneous, auto-reflexive Taking-of-Offense On Demand...

Oh, dear me, the trials and tribulations of the Politically Correct...

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Why do you people continually blame politicians for your lack of success? You have a head on your shoulders - use it. Get your asses off the couch and out the front door and go make something of yourself. Quit your damn blaming.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Great political system, huh?
the political system is fine. But it relies on an informed electorate and is policed by a vigilant press. Neither of those is the case now.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
guess whose fault that is? :badgrin: You people and your rw hate media :boohoo:
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
guess whose fault that is? :badgrin: You people and your rw hate media :boohoo:
Who are "you people"? Conservatives? No.
Progressives are the cause of this plague. 100 years of progressive policies and this country is sunk. Socialism brings nothng but poverty, misery and death.
But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image.
Maybe. More so he was the most anti-establishment, anti-D.C. politics as usual, person in the group. America mostly voted not for Trump but against decades of lip service and decline as a nation. All self serving phonies.

And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done.
They brought it upon themselves as already noted.
America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
Agreed whole heartedly, but for reasons that may differ than yours.
But he wasnt anti establishment. He only projected that image. Trump is every bit as establishment as Hillary. But no one would see that.

You're probably right, but those dumb ass republicans were just too stupid to see that. I guess years of Hannity and rush fried their brains.
don't forget their daily dose of rw hate dished-out by Fox & Friends
Why do you people continually blame politicians for your lack of success? You have a head on your shoulders - use it. Get your asses off the couch and out the front door and go make something of yourself. Quit your damn blaming.
Right, as soon as I get my Government approved contractors licence and my government mandated liability insurance and become legally Bonded and I get a building permit to build the building I need, and of course register with the local city and county and state officials, and get my name legally trademarked and.......
But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image.
Maybe. More so he was the most anti-establishment, anti-D.C. politics as usual, person in the group. America mostly voted not for Trump but against decades of lip service and decline as a nation. All self serving phonies.

And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done.
They brought it upon themselves as already noted.
America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
Agreed whole heartedly, but for reasons that may differ than yours.
But he wasnt anti establishment. He only projected that image. Trump is every bit as establishment as Hillary. But no one would see that.

You're probably right, but those dumb ass republicans were just too stupid to see that. I guess years of Hannity and rush fried their brains.
don't forget their daily dose of rw hate dished-out by Fox & Friends
Who watches Fox? Only liberals it seems.
Yes I am a notorious left winger.
Give me a break.
Genuine conservatives are heart broken at this turn of events.

Okay, you're heart-broken. I do actually believe that. I do believe that you've just seen your party and your movement co-opted by a charlatan.

So now. What do you do about it?

Are you going to fall in line behind Trump because you think Hillary is the Devil?

Are you going to vote for a third party?

Are you going to stay home?

Or are you going to vote for Hillary, even though you don't like her, because you know she at least respects the institutions.
The editor of is prepared to vote for Hillary
Why do you people continually blame politicians for your lack of success? You have a head on your shoulders - use it. Get your asses off the couch and out the front door and go make something of yourself. Quit your damn blaming.
Right, as soon as I get my Government approved contractors licence and my government mandated liability insurance and become legally Bonded and I get a building permit to build the building I need, and of course register with the local city and county and state officials, and get my name legally trademarked and.......
Those are the req'ts mandated by legislatures. Google that word. You could run for the local legislature, that is, unless you're too lazy.
Yes I am a notorious left winger.
Give me a break.
Genuine conservatives are heart broken at this turn of events.

Okay, you're heart-broken. I do actually believe that. I do believe that you've just seen your party and your movement co-opted by a charlatan.

So now. What do you do about it?

Are you going to fall in line behind Trump because you think Hillary is the Devil?

Are you going to vote for a third party?

Are you going to stay home?

Or are you going to vote for Hillary, even though you don't like her, because you know she at least respects the institutions.
The editor of is prepared to vote for Hillary
Are you doubling down on your lie? Will you admit you lied in that thread? Or will you go forward wasting everyone's time with bullshit?
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Great political system, huh?
the political system is fine. But it relies on an informed electorate and is policed by a vigilant press. Neither of those is the case now.
Then how is it fine?
But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image.
Maybe. More so he was the most anti-establishment, anti-D.C. politics as usual, person in the group. America mostly voted not for Trump but against decades of lip service and decline as a nation. All self serving phonies.

And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done.
They brought it upon themselves as already noted.
America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.
Agreed whole heartedly, but for reasons that may differ than yours.
But he wasnt anti establishment. He only projected that image. Trump is every bit as establishment as Hillary. But no one would see that.

You're probably right, but those dumb ass republicans were just too stupid to see that. I guess years of Hannity and rush fried their brains.
don't forget their daily dose of rw hate dished-out by Fox & Friends
Who watches Fox? Only liberals it seems.
Many of the Rightists on the board keep singing their praises due to ratings. A lot of you types must watch GOP TV to keep their ratings up.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Great political system, huh?
the political system is fine. But it relies on an informed electorate and is policed by a vigilant press. Neither of those is the case now.
Then how is it fine?
The system works well when circumstances are what they were intended to be. When the electorate is even moderately informed and the press is inquisitive and responsible then gov't works well. But that's not where we are now.
Why do you people continually blame politicians for your lack of success? You have a head on your shoulders - use it. Get your asses off the couch and out the front door and go make something of yourself. Quit your damn blaming.
Right, as soon as I get my Government approved contractors licence and my government mandated liability insurance and become legally Bonded and I get a building permit to build the building I need, and of course register with the local city and county and state officials, and get my name legally trademarked and.......
Those are the req'ts mandated by legislatures. Google that word. You could run for the local legislature, that is, unless you're too lazy.
That's your solution? Eveyrone should run for local legislature?

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