America is Finished

That's called murder. The fact that you make light of it shows what a despicable douche bag you are.

No, guy, it's called war.

And if you are such a dumb-inbred redneck that this is a logical thought process to you, the Gene Pool is truly better off without you.

"Dang-nabbit, Cleetus, i'm off to fight the yankees!"

"But, Clem, you don't own you no slaves! In fact, slavery done limits your economic prospects, as you charge for the value of your labor."

(Okay, Cleetus probably wasn't capable of that level of thought process, but you get the point.)
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Oh, stop whining. Our country isn't "finished." It's just fine. It may not be the way the conservatives would like it to be - after all, we are just completing 8 years of a Dem in the White House. It isn't going to be the end of the USA when Hillary Clinton is elected in November. Once again, it may not be the way the cons want it to be, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing (unless you're a con).

Just relax and enjoy the ride. There is not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. Hillary Clinton is going to wipe this arrogant jerk out in a landslide.
The world will still be turning when it's over.
Fuck you, you commie pig. The fact that you maintain it's fine should make every american crap his pants. We have a constitutional republic that as of yet has not been overturned....but which is no longer functioning as a constitutional republic.

I think it's time to start shooting commie pigs. A lot of people do, which is why commie pigs are moving to disarm us.
Why can't I say "US before Lincoln or FDR?" That was a perfect example of libertarian society. There are plenty of good ideas that have never been tried.

The US before Lincoln had slavery. A society that has slavery as an institution and the legal and governmental apartus to enforce it, is not "Libertarian' by any stretch of the imagination.

It had slavery in the South. In the North it has free enterprise and the industrial revolution. The standard of living increased rapidly.
That's called murder. The fact that you make light of it shows what a despicable douche bag you are.

No, guy, it's called war.

Many wars are nothing more than murder on an industrial scale, and the Civil War qualifies. Lincoln had no legal or moral justification for invading the Confederate states.

And if you are such a dumb-inbred redneck that this is a logical thought process to you, the Gene Pool is truly better off without you.

"Dang-nabbit, Cleetus, i'm off to fight the yankees!"

"But, Clem, you don't own you no slaves! In fact, slavery done limits your economic prospects, as you charge for the value of your labor."

(Okay, Cleetus probably wasn't capable of that level of thought process, but you get the point.)

All you proved is that you're a dumbass. It doesn't matter what the logical process of the Southerners was. That didn't give Lincoln the right to kill them.

The gene pool is better off without people who think they are entitled to determine who is allowed to contribute to the gene pool.
I figured Barack Obama was a passing fad. Sure,he had that "first black president" thing going so naturally he was going to win the first time. Second time, a fluke from massive black turnout in key states. But this was surely the GOP's time. We started the campaign with the best bench of candidates I've seen in some time. Sober serious men who understood politics and had a record of achievement. Governors, senators, whatever. In past years we would have picked the best of these.
Instead we've gotten a barbarian. An outsider with no political experience. Ross Perot with a bad combover and attitude. Someone who combines the humility of Obama with the warmth of Adolph Hitler and the integrity of Hillary Clinton. But he is liked because he is a reality star. Because he has an image. We will nominate an image for the GOP. And whether Drumpf wins or loses the gOP is done. Maybe it was past its expiration date anyway.
We are long past the time for reasoned discussion here. We are past relying on facts and arguments. I see it here. Someone points out something about Trump, is challenged, proves it, adn the contention is dismissed anyway. The Dem side is no better. They are nominating someone who ought to be in prison and who changes her position more often than her Depends.
Political discourse is dead. Values are dead. The incivility we've seen at Trump rallies and other places means it will never come back. America is reduced to a mean, squabbling jealous collection of tribes.

Oh, stop whining. Our country isn't "finished." It's just fine. It may not be the way the conservatives would like it to be - after all, we are just completing 8 years of a Dem in the White House. It isn't going to be the end of the USA when Hillary Clinton is elected in November. Once again, it may not be the way the cons want it to be, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing (unless you're a con).

Just relax and enjoy the ride. There is not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. Hillary Clinton is going to wipe this arrogant jerk out in a landslide.
The world will still be turning when it's over.
Just fine? You must have a cushy gubmint job. The middle class has been taking it in the shorts. Record low employment participation rates, since the 70s. 19 trillion in debt, soon to be 21.

Race relations are worse lately due to the divide and conquer style of the Democrats. Our enemies don't fear us and our allies don't trust us. Hillary is running on improving things, after 8 years of a Dem in the White House.

No, the nation isn't finished but it needs a new game plan. No lucid individual thinks things are "just fine".
Oh, now I understand what this is about: you're still sulking about the fact that I proved your tyrant hero (Lincoln) was a bloodthirsty mass murdering dictator.
With your worship of Donald Trump you have shown you dont understand a damn thing and should stay the fuck in Canada.
Oh, now I understand what this is about: you're still sulking about the fact that I proved your tyrant hero (Lincoln) was a bloodthirsty mass murdering dictator.
With your worship of Donald Trump you have shown you dont understand a damn thing and should stay the fuck in Canada.

"Worship?" You're joking, right? So everyone who supports Trump should leave the country? The reality is precisely the opposite: people who support Trump understand the reality that voting for traditional establishment politicians means nothing will ever change for the better. Their entire modus operandi is to sell out their constituents.
Many wars are nothing more than murder on an industrial scale, and the Civil War qualifies. Lincoln had no legal or moral justification for invading the Confederate states.

You mean other than their treason and crimes against humanity?

The mistake was not punatively punishing the bastards after the war, like we did with the Nazis. .

Check the definition of treason in the Constitution. Secession doesn't fit the bill. If anyone committed crimes against humanity, it was Lincoln. If anyone deserved to be on trial for war crimes, it was Lincoln and his generals - Along with the vermin like you, of course, who supported him.
Many wars are nothing more than murder on an industrial scale, and the Civil War qualifies. Lincoln had no legal or moral justification for invading the Confederate states.

You mean other than their treason and crimes against humanity?

The mistake was not punatively punishing the bastards after the war, like we did with the Nazis. .

A typical socialist trait is authoritarianism. You stupid motherfuckers ignore the law and do whatever the fuck the apparatchik concludes is the right thing..

The states were SOVEREIGN ENTITIES . They formed a union which allowed them to SECEDE when it was convenient. So there is NO AUTHORITY to "punish the bastards".

Check the definition of treason in the Constitution. Secession doesn't fit the bill. If anyone committed crimes against humanity, it was Lincoln. If anyone deserved to be on trial for war crimes, it was Lincoln and his generals - Along with the vermin like you, of course, who supported him.

Uh, yeah, don't think i was around in 1861... but you do seem to confuse easily.

A bunch of rich assholes who wanted to own other people got a bunch of inbred rednecks to remove themselves from the gene pool in a war they knew they couldn't win from the outset, and Lincoln is the bad guy here?
Those are the req'ts mandated by legislatures. Google that word. You could run for the local legislature, that is, unless you're too lazy.
That is right, those are the requirements mandated by government. Very good, quick, smart you are. What other quick wit do you have to offer?
is that your way of saying "thank you" for the mini civics lesson I gave you?
Check the definition of treason in the Constitution. Secession doesn't fit the bill. If anyone committed crimes against humanity, it was Lincoln. If anyone deserved to be on trial for war crimes, it was Lincoln and his generals - Along with the vermin like you, of course, who supported him.

Uh, yeah, don't think i was around in 1861... but you do seem to confuse easily.

A bunch of rich assholes who wanted to own other people got a bunch of inbred rednecks to remove themselves from the gene pool in a war they knew they couldn't win from the outset, and Lincoln is the bad guy here?

The dingleberries never cease to amaze me


WASHINGTON, Aug. 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save Slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy Slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy Slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about Slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save this Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty, and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men, everywhere, could be free. Yours,

lol Elektra. Whines about actions the legislature has taken but too lazy to do anything about it

whine- on kid
Laughing out Loud, I bet you did not laugh one bit.

Dot Com, you would not know your ass from a hole in the ground let alone recognize what my post was about.

Dot Com, you should let it ago, those remarks I made in the other thread, you simply seem pathetic here, lying about what I posted, and then basing a flame on your lie.

Simply a weak post, it kind of puts dot com in the category, of "non-intellectual".
The dingleberries never cease to amaze me


WASHINGTON, Aug. 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:

I would save the Union.

it doesn't matter what Lincoln was trying to do.

The reason why the South seceeded was because they wanted to keep slaves. It wasn't like Lincoln saying, "Hey, I promise not to outlaw slavery" would have made the south not want to break away.

The mistake we made was after the war, we didn't take Davis, Lee and every last other traitor and have a show trial like Nuremberg for them.
The dingleberries never cease to amaze me


WASHINGTON, Aug. 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:

I would save the Union.

it doesn't matter what Lincoln was trying to do.

The reason why the South seceeded was because they wanted to keep slaves. It wasn't like Lincoln saying, "Hey, I promise not to outlaw slavery" would have made the south not want to break away.

The mistake we made was after the war, we didn't take Davis, Lee and every last other traitor and have a show trial like Nuremberg for them.
Wrong as usual. If the South seceded because of slavery, why did they refuse Lincoln's offer to Constitutional make slavery the law of the land?
Quit whining. Trump is exactly what fox and right wing radio has been demanding for a long time. You asked for crazy, you got crazy. ENjoy it bitch.

Do you get dumber daily?
The majority of talk radio hosts dont like Trump and maygun kelly tried to fuck him over from the get go.
I bet you still think conservatives like romney....

Rush and Hannity ( and Levin and Wilkow and Hewitt ) will help Trump as much as they can. They will twist themselves into pretzels finding reasons why voting for Trump ain't so bad.

Either way.....they are all happier than pigs in shit. They either get another Dem to rant and rave about ( and sell books on the back of ) or they get Trump.......who will be ratings gold for all media outlets.
Hannity has been pretty pro-Trump the entire time. Rush was initially pro-Trump but didn't want to associate himself with the childish name-calling and the like. Levin was initially defending Trump as late as the Iowa debate. Hewitt is the most anti-Trump talk show host and will never support him.

Levin was a Cruz guy. Not Trump


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