America is Finished

Wrong as usual. If the South seceded because of slavery, why did they refuse Lincoln's offer to Constitutional make slavery the law of the land?

I didn't know Lincoln did that. Is that true? If so thank goodness that never happened. Slavery is so wrong I can't believe it was ever done, but it was.
Wrong as usual. If the South seceded because of slavery, why did they refuse Lincoln's offer to Constitutional make slavery the law of the land?

I didn't know Lincoln did that. Is that true? If so thank goodness that never happened. Slavery is so wrong I can't believe it was ever done, but it was.

Yep, can't believe those evil business men sold their people off like that

Wrong as usual. If the South seceded because of slavery, why did they refuse Lincoln's offer to Constitutional make slavery the law of the land?

I didn't know Lincoln did that. Is that true? If so thank goodness that never happened. Slavery is so wrong I can't believe it was ever done, but it was.
You need to get informed. The Lincoln Myth is strong....can you overcome it?

In his first Inaugural Speech, on March 4, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln approved a Constitutional Amendment that would guarantee permanent slavery in the United States.

Lincoln stated in his Speech,

"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has
passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government
shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States,
including that of persons held to service. Holding such a
provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no
objection to its being made express and irrevocable."
See Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address. U.S. Inaugural Addresses. 1989
Wrong as usual. If the South seceded because of slavery, why did they refuse Lincoln's offer to Constitutional make slavery the law of the land?

He didn't. But do go on with your revisionist history.

Again, biggest mistake we made after the Civil War was letting them keep their pride.

We should have done to the South what we did to Germany after WWII. Germany is a model international citizen today because it faced its sins.
Wrong as usual. If the South seceded because of slavery, why did they refuse Lincoln's offer to Constitutional make slavery the law of the land?

He didn't. But do go on with your revisionist history.

Again, biggest mistake we made after the Civil War was letting them keep their pride.

We should have done to the South what we did to Germany after WWII. Germany is a model international citizen today because it faced its sins.
Facts matter not to the Lincoln Cultist.
It's ok. Most most libtards are to stupid to realize it. It's like when you're dead, you don't know you're dead but it hurts the people around you. Same with being libtarded.
Facts matter not to the Lincoln Cultist.

Uh, last time I checked, the guy is on the money, has a thousand monuments, towns named after him, his birthday is a holiday.... I think you are in the wrong country to be whining about a Lincoln cult.

Lincoln was great man. The Confederates were racist traitor scum.
So in your small deluded mind that means Dishonest Abe is a saint and could not have ever wanted to ensconce slavery into the Constitution.

Damn Joe....I know you aren't dumb, but that post is really dumb.
Check the definition of treason in the Constitution. Secession doesn't fit the bill. If anyone committed crimes against humanity, it was Lincoln. If anyone deserved to be on trial for war crimes, it was Lincoln and his generals - Along with the vermin like you, of course, who supported him.

Uh, yeah, don't think i was around in 1861... but you do seem to confuse easily.

A bunch of rich assholes who wanted to own other people got a bunch of inbred rednecks to remove themselves from the gene pool in a war they knew they couldn't win from the outset, and Lincoln is the bad guy here?

You really are a stupid fuckstick, Joe. Do you actually believe you had to be around in 1861 to know what happened then? Have you ever heard of these things called "history books?"

I won't waste my time addressing the rest of your swill. It's too stupid to bother with.
The dingleberries never cease to amaze me


WASHINGTON, Aug. 22, 1862.

Hon. Horace Greeley:

I would save the Union.

it doesn't matter what Lincoln was trying to do.

The reason why the South seceeded was because they wanted to keep slaves. It wasn't like Lincoln saying, "Hey, I promise not to outlaw slavery" would have made the south not want to break away.

The mistake we made was after the war, we didn't take Davis, Lee and every last other traitor and have a show trial like Nuremberg for them.

It does matter what Lincoln wanted to do since he committed treason by doing it. He had no legal authority to invade a state of the union.
Facts matter not to the Lincoln Cultist.

Uh, last time I checked, the guy is on the money, has a thousand monuments, towns named after him, his birthday is a holiday.... I think you are in the wrong country to be whining about a Lincoln cult.

Lincoln was great man. The Confederates were racist traitor scum.

Stalin also has a thousand monuments, towns named after him. There is actually no holiday called "Lincoln's birthday."
Oh, now I understand what this is about: you're still sulking about the fact that I proved your tyrant hero (Lincoln) was a bloodthirsty mass murdering dictator.
With your worship of Donald Trump you have shown you dont understand a damn thing and should stay the fuck in Canada.

"Worship?" You're joking, right? So everyone who supports Trump should leave the country? The reality is precisely the opposite: people who support Trump understand the reality that voting for traditional establishment politicians means nothing will ever change for the better. Their entire modus operandi is to sell out their constituents.
Your so stupid you cant even understand simple English.
You really are a stupid fuckstick, Joe. Do you actually believe you had to be around in 1861 to know what happened then? Have you ever heard of these things called "history books?"

I won't waste my time addressing the rest of your swill. It's too stupid to bother with.

Winner! Libtard of the decade! If you believe history books then you are truly a media fed idiot. No one really knows what happened back then, but I'd bet a large sum that there's a whole lot left out of the history books. Idiots better hope we NEVER invent time travel, cause there'll be a whole lotta bubbles popped when they go back and look.
Facts matter not to the Lincoln Cultist.

Uh, last time I checked, the guy is on the money, has a thousand monuments, towns named after him, his birthday is a holiday.... I think you are in the wrong country to be whining about a Lincoln cult.

Lincoln was great man. The Confederates were racist traitor scum.

Stalin also has a thousand monuments, towns named after him. There is actually no holiday called "Lincoln's birthday."
There used to be back when I was a kid.
Facts matter not to the Lincoln Cultist.

Uh, last time I checked, the guy is on the money, has a thousand monuments, towns named after him, his birthday is a holiday.... I think you are in the wrong country to be whining about a Lincoln cult.

Lincoln was great man. The Confederates were racist traitor scum.

Stalin also has a thousand monuments, towns named after him. There is actually no holiday called "Lincoln's birthday."
There used to be back when I was a kid.

And it didn't alter the fact that Lincoln was a tyrant who wipe his ass on the Constitution and slaughtered 850,000 Americans.
Facts matter not to the Lincoln Cultist.

Uh, last time I checked, the guy is on the money, has a thousand monuments, towns named after him, his birthday is a holiday.... I think you are in the wrong country to be whining about a Lincoln cult.

Lincoln was great man. The Confederates were racist traitor scum.

Stalin also has a thousand monuments, towns named after him. There is actually no holiday called "Lincoln's birthday."
There used to be back when I was a kid.

And it didn't alter the fact that Lincoln was a tyrant who wipe his ass on the Constitution and slaughtered 850,000 Americans.
The fact that millions of Americans don't know the truth about Lincoln, proves the State distorts history for it's benefit.
And it didn't alter the fact that Lincoln was a tyrant who wipe his ass on the Constitution and slaughtered 850,000 Americans.


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