America is getting invaded, and our culture destroyed. Why won’t republicans start a civil war?

When is enough enough.. propertyAnd valuables will mean nothing pretty soon, all will be given to the government, we will be slaves if we don’t fight back now.
We are being invaded. Democrats are killing us.
we are allowing people in that there numbers are bigger then some cities.
Where is the outrage?

Because murdering scores of people for their political views is not how we do things.
Well how do we keep our country American if we allow an invasion?

Vote means nothing when Democrats are in charge of immigration, education, in large cities. You have a doctor needed millions of children to grow up to be a literate uneducated can’t critically think. It’s time to make some decisions
You have a doctor needed millions of children to grow up to be a literate uneducated can’t critically think. It’s time to make some decisions

Could you please make this make sense?
After the next American is raped or murdered by an illegal Biden let in, arrest Biden and toss him in jail.
We still have illegals? You mean trump and the wall failed?
The Ds didn't allow a wall; only a fence.
Didn’t Mexico pay for it?
They coming to take back the money and Biden is paying them back.
So it failed?
The Democrats succeeded which is why you have people in your neighborhood who have less money than you.
So another trump failure. Dang. Did he pay down the debt? Give us the best healthcare? Deliver 4-6% gdp growth?
Probably because we know what an absolute shit show that would be and we would really prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

Anyone who doesn't want to avoid that course of action is either naive as fuck or murderous and downright evil.

But if the left doesn't stop, and historically they never do, sooner or later the killing will start in earnest.
After the next American is raped or murdered by an illegal Biden let in, arrest Biden and toss him in jail.
We still have illegals? You mean trump and the wall failed?
The Ds didn't allow a wall; only a fence.
Didn’t Mexico pay for it?
They coming to take back the money and Biden is paying them back.
So it failed?
The Democrats succeeded which is why you have people in your neighborhood who have less money than you.
So another trump failure. Dang. Did he pay down the debt? Give us the best healthcare? Deliver 4-6% gdp growth?
The President is not a dictator and doesn't control funds.
But you already knew that.
After the next American is raped or murdered by an illegal Biden let in, arrest Biden and toss him in jail.
We still have illegals? You mean trump and the wall failed?
The Ds didn't allow a wall; only a fence.
Didn’t Mexico pay for it?
They coming to take back the money and Biden is paying them back.
So it failed?
The Democrats succeeded which is why you have people in your neighborhood who have less money than you.
So another trump failure. Dang. Did he pay down the debt? Give us the best healthcare? Deliver 4-6% gdp growth?
The President is not a dictator and doesn't control funds.
But you already knew that.
Sounds like he was a giant failure. He got his tax and regulation cuts, but delivered weak growth and huge deficits.
After the next American is raped or murdered by an illegal Biden let in, arrest Biden and toss him in jail.
We still have illegals? You mean trump and the wall failed?
The Ds didn't allow a wall; only a fence.
Didn’t Mexico pay for it?
They coming to take back the money and Biden is paying them back.
So it failed?
The Democrats succeeded which is why you have people in your neighborhood who have less money than you.
So another trump failure. Dang. Did he pay down the debt? Give us the best healthcare? Deliver 4-6% gdp growth?
The President is not a dictator and doesn't control funds.
But you already knew that.
Sounds like he was a giant failure. He got his tax and regulation cuts, but delivered weak growth and huge deficits.
I bet you're including the last year when the entire globe went into a COVID recession.
Then again, I never expect you to be honest about anything.
You probably live in a Blue Shithole where no business wants to invest.
When is enough enough.. propertyAnd valuables will mean nothing pretty soon, all will be given to the government, we will be slaves if we don’t fight back now.
We are being invaded. Democrats are killing us.
we are allowing people in that there numbers are bigger then some cities.
Where is the outrage?

QAnon much?
When is enough enough.. propertyAnd valuables will mean nothing pretty soon, all will be given to the government, we will be slaves if we don’t fight back now.
We are being invaded. Democrats are killing us.
we are allowing people in that there numbers are bigger then some cities.
Where is the outrage?

Because murdering scores of people for their political views is not how we do things.
Well how do we keep our country American if we allow an invasion?

Vote means nothing when Democrats are in charge of immigration, education, in large cities. You have a Indoctrinated millions of children to grow up to be a literate uneducated can’t critically think. It’s time to make some decisions

You will lose!

So vote and educate your kids instead of letting the government do it for you!
......Biden has MONUMENTALLY fkd up America in less than a year!!!!...and you liberal dumbasses will be paying the price also
Hang on Sloopy.
That's right.

The Dems know that they hold all the cards.

Big Tech was even bold enough to ban a sitting President of the United States.

This horrific pandemic was a signal to Dems that the vast majority of Americans WILL fall in line when the government tells them to do something. The Dems are not a bit afraid of a civil war.

Was the 2020 election rigged? I do NOT know, but I DO know that it would not be past some Dems to have done so. That is how arrogant they are. Their Figurehead in the White House is doing everything they tell him.

It is, of course, very foolish to predict the future, but it is clear that the nation faces two big challenges: capitalism vs. socialism & the tension between the various ethnicities in this strange nation. Personally, I feel the future of this nation is grim.

It use to be capitalism,but now its crony capitalism vs communist,so we the people don't have a chance.IMO
Has anyone else figured out who the troll sock is who started this thread?
nobody cares about Portland, dude. Y'all have tried making it a thing for 6 months. Stop trying.
Federal Building.

Who sent them?
They sent themselves because the police were trying to get them to stop stealing from local stores when the ProgBots ran out of money.
Try reading some news once in a while.
Are you sure a President didnt send them to attack the Portland Federal Building?
Because that would make it the same thing
After the next American is raped or murdered by an illegal Biden let in, arrest Biden and toss him in jail.
We still have illegals? You mean trump and the wall failed?
The Ds didn't allow a wall; only a fence.
Didn’t Mexico pay for it?
For every one who did not cross the last 4 years, saved the taxpayers about 110,000 total lifetime.

10 makes a million. That is one way Sugar Bunns.

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