America Is No Longer As Alarming To Its Foes Or Reassuring To Its Friends


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
America's allies are nervous. With Russia grabbing territory, China bullying its neighbours and Syria murdering its people, many are asking: where is Globocop? Under what circumstances will America act to deter troublemakers? What, ultimately, would America fight for?

This is a question I constantly ask myself. Not just that but SHOULD we look beyond our shores to become involved in military actions? Perhaps Ron Paul is right and is speaking for the American people. Anyhow, read more of this piece @ America Is No Longer Alarming To Foes - Business Insider
What the rest of the world really sees is how weak we are internally and nationally. We have a weak President who's main goal is to destroy America from within. I think he called it: "fundamentally changing America." When America's fundamentals are changed then America is changed. Obama ignored the old adage: "if it works ... don't fix it." So what we're left with is a nation divided. That reminds me of another old saying: "united we stand -- divided we fall." Obama takes every, possible opportunity to stir the race issues by pulling the "race card." He's weak and stands for nothing but his petty self-interests. He's nothing but an empty suit who's lost every ounce of credibility.

So why on earth would our allies have an ounce of confidence in him or Hillary? Why would our economic (and possibly military) enemies fear us for one moment? Why should they? Obama fired several key personnel from our nuclear program and has announced that he's going to downsize our military. All while Russia and China strengthen theirs and practice maneuvers together. Obama is a Communist and he's literally doing their bidding.
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Europe hasn't turned on us completely but they are close. Right now European leaders are likely negotiating with Russia to step in and solve the mess they made in Ukraine.

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