America Is On the Rebound! Thanks, President Obama!


All those tax cuts, subsidies, grants and loans made life extremely rough for them.

Tell me Mac, have we lost or gained many Billionaires in recent years?


Oh, we've gained.

Not sure what the point is.

And anyone who has any understanding of business and business psychology knows that the current environment is hostile. Unless they're being intellectually dishonest.


Well Mac ol' Boy..

As I've owned a business and worked in the financial industry for nearly 2 decades..

Perhaps you can teach this old dog some new tricks.

How exactly has the present environment been hostile?

Loans are cheap.
Liquidity has been added to the market.
There were plenty of incentives prior to 2010 to start new business.
Plenty of people looking for work, so labor isn't expensive.
Taxes are pretty low.

Enlighten me man.

All this hostility doesn't look that hostile.

And given that a good deal of the new hires were by small business? And that close to 60% of them are making the national average? ($24 an hour).

Doesn't seem hostile.

So go.


That list you provide is interesting, as most of it existed before Obama entered office. Are you a Bush cheerleader now? And the liquidity that was added was necessary and I agree with it completely. But it was not done by Obama.

I realize that you are ideologically obligated to spin for the Left, and we both know that the clear list of examples I can provide illustrating a hostile environment for businesses - from laws to regulations to public comments from Obama throughout the party - would be met with either "that isn't a good example" or "that isn't good enough" or abject denial. I've been down this road too many times with partisan ideologues. If you tell me you don't see any hostile environment, I actually believe you, because I know that strict adherence to partisan ideology warps perception.


You've worked in the financial services industry for almost 2 decades, in what capacity? IT, right? Computers, software? I know you want to make it look like you do what we do -- I've seen you do that several times, but I've chosen not to say anything -- but you don't. Unless I'm wrong, unless you sit every day with individuals and families and estate planning attorneys and CPAs and businesses and talk to them about their money (and a helluva lot more), you are not me, nor do you know what I know.

Unless you have been given the responsibility of protecting and growing the nest egg of these people -- both individuals and business owners -- through good times and bad, watching every nuance of markets for them, you just don't know. The look in their eyes as they put their financial future in your hands. Have them hand you a pile of their business documents and ask you to help them with their business finances. But please, continue to pretend that you do. I'll watch.

And tell me about the business you owned. What industry? Tell me about what personal and financial risks you took to get it off the ground. Tell me about the risks and worries you had in hiring that very first person. Describe the sleepless nights. How many employees did it have? What were your biggest concerns as you ran that business? Were there any governmental barriers that seemed trivial to you? And what ended up happening to that business?

You can joke around all you want. I take it more seriously. You love to play partisan games. Play them with someone else.

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I guess paying $4 dollars for a gallon of gas and close to $5 for a gallon of milk is called, a wonderful rebound thanks to the wonderful Leader Obama

how frikken sad are some people
^^^still waiting for specifics on how the environment is hostile to businesses^^^^

Mac don't do specifics. You know, cause he has done that before and they didn't get a very good response, so he just quit doing "specifics".

Just much easier to make broad, general statements (between "counseling sessions") and let the rest of us "speculate" at to what he meant.
It absolutely does not matter how good the jobs report is, the RWNJs will find a way to say that it is bad or a lie or all Obama's fault. All this crap about "hostile environment". What bullshit. All this shit about all jobs going to immigrants - legal and illegal. What absolute bullshit.

RWNJs live in a bubble and they are never coming out of it, nosiree, not ever.

The economy could go down to 4% unemployment and maybe 6% underemployment and they would still say that the sky is falling.

The greatest thing about OP's article is that the very first #newjob photo I clicked on (which appears in the article) was someone who doesn't even live or work in the United States.


As you can see, this strong, independent womyn works at the Ritz-Carlton in Santiago, which is in Chile. CNN is using photos of foreigners with jobs and accrediting their newly-employed status to President Obama.

Which they should be, as it demonstrates the global nature of our economy. I have no doubt that President Obama's flawless economic policies are having a ripple effect across the world, creating jobs not just in America, but abroad as well. Truly, President Obama is the greatest leader Earth has ever seen.
This is GREAT News!! The economy is ever-improving and more and more people are working too and making better wages while hiring continues Strongly. This is Very Good News for the country! Except to the Republicans who can't see the forest for the trees. Just listen to them whine and try to convince you otherwise, despite the FACTS. You will always know the tree by the fruit it bears.

June jobs report: Hiring is strong and wages are rising - Jul. 3, 2014

Think what he could have accomplished without Republicans throwing on the brakes and then complaining that we are not moving fast enough
Yes, thanks Obama for the longest weakest recovery in history. Thanks a whole lot.

And thank you for to our grandchildren who paid for the longest and weakest recovery, or should I say will pay or go into default:


The sharp uptick that occurs on your map starts in 1980. I didn't know Obama was elected to POTUS in 1980. Ya' learn somethin' new every day here.

Looks like Bill Clinton gets credit for 4 years of stability. And then, whoooops! Looks like Boooosh just " drunk" behind the wheel of a speeding car, doesn't it? And then jumped out from the driver's side and told Obama "Good luck, clean up my mess, will ya'?"

Thanks for making yourself look utterly stupid....again.

Too bad the Republican Messiah, Ronald Reagan, started this whole mess.

Clinton and a GOP congress had us on the right course. Do you think those resources magically appeared ?

Some of it was the Dot.Com bubble, but some of it was the healthy economy that had developed momentum under Reagan.

As to Boooosh.....there is a reason people ask why the worst is BushII, Carter or Obama.....

And the GOP congress from 2000 and 2006 were true asswipes.
The greatest thing about OP's article is that the very first #newjob photo I clicked on (which appears in the article) was someone who doesn't even live or work in the United States.


As you can see, this strong, independent womyn works at the Ritz-Carlton in Santiago, which is in Chile. CNN is using photos of foreigners with jobs and accrediting their newly-employed status to President Obama.

Which they should be, as it demonstrates the global nature of our economy. I have no doubt that President Obama's flawless economic policies are having a ripple effect across the world, creating jobs not just in America, but abroad as well. Truly, President Obama is the greatest leader Earth has ever seen.



Clearly, you are out of your mind.
It absolutely does not matter how good the jobs report is, the RWNJs will find a way to say that it is bad or a lie or all Obama's fault. All this crap about "hostile environment". What bullshit. All this shit about all jobs going to immigrants - legal and illegal. What absolute bullshit.

RWNJs live in a bubble and they are never coming out of it, nosiree, not ever.

The economy could go down to 4% unemployment and maybe 6% underemployment and they would still say that the sky is falling.


This thread is just another replay of all the other sillyness the left farts out on a regular basis.

You guys enjoy your circle jerk.
I was a registered democrat until obama was elected and then i switched to independent. I could not believe the democrats voted for a muslim to lead our country. I voted for mitt, only because i could not put a muslim in office. Then when i saw that obama was elected i switched parties. I still can't believe how the liberals think, and it was best i switched parties. Obama was the worst candidate i have ever seen the liberals put up for election and that just blew me away. That ended my voting democrat anymore. Obama is the worst thing to have happened to this country.
This is GREAT News!! The economy is ever-improving and more and more people are working too and making better wages while hiring continues Strongly. This is Very Good News for the country! Except to the Republicans who can't see the forest for the trees. Just listen to them whine and try to convince you otherwise, despite the FACTS. You will always know the tree by the fruit it bears.

June jobs report: Hiring is strong and wages are rising - Jul. 3, 2014

Think what he could have accomplished without Republicans throwing on the brakes and then complaining that we are not moving fast enough

Yeah.....for that we should thank Republicans. Alas, Obama's been pretty successful.

I was a registered democrat until obama was elected and then i switched to independent. I could not believe the democrats voted for a muslim to lead our country. I voted for mitt, only because i could not put a muslim in office. Then when i saw that obama was elected i switched parties. I still can't believe how the liberals think, and it was best i switched parties. Obama was the worst candidate i have ever seen the liberals put up for election and that just blew me away. That ended my voting democrat anymore. Obama is the worst thing to have happened to this country.


And the Muslim WON. What's that tell YOU? That tells YOU that YOU need to find another place to live. This place sucks way to bad for YOU. I can tell. LMAO.
I guess paying $4 dollars for a gallon of gas and close to $5 for a gallon of milk is called, a wonderful rebound thanks to the wonderful Leader Obama

how frikken sad are some people

A little over $1 per quart of milk does not sound unreasonable to me. $4 for gas is what most of the rest of the world pays, if not more, except in the oil rich Gulf countries.

Stop whining.:eusa_boohoo:

Americans talk about the sense of privilege kids in America feel. I wonder where they get it from.....
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I was a registered democrat until obama was elected and then i switched to independent. I could not believe the democrats voted for a muslim to lead our country. I voted for mitt, only because i could not put a muslim in office. Then when i saw that obama was elected i switched parties. I still can't believe how the liberals think, and it was best i switched parties. Obama was the worst candidate i have ever seen the liberals put up for election and that just blew me away. That ended my voting democrat anymore. Obama is the worst thing to have happened to this country.

Happy 4th of July! You need it.
I was a registered democrat until obama was elected and then i switched to independent. I could not believe the democrats voted for a muslim to lead our country. I voted for mitt, only because i could not put a muslim in office. Then when i saw that obama was elected i switched parties. I still can't believe how the liberals think, and it was best i switched parties. Obama was the worst candidate i have ever seen the liberals put up for election and that just blew me away. That ended my voting democrat anymore. Obama is the worst thing to have happened to this country.

The beautiful thing about our Union is the freedom for each person to express his or her opinions.

So, thank you for expressing your opinion. G-d bless you.

But, President Obama is not a muslim. He is a protestant Christian.

Have a great 4th of July!
I guess paying $4 dollars for a gallon of gas and close to $5 for a gallon of milk is called, a wonderful rebound thanks to the wonderful Leader Obama

how frikken sad are some people

A little over $1 per quart of milk does not sound unreasonable to me. $4 for gas is what most of the rest of the world pays, if not more, except in the oil rich Gulf countries.

Stop whining.:eusa_boohoo:

Americans talk about the sense of privilege kids in America feel. I wonder where they get it from.....

So your thinking is that American people should suffer because other people in the world who live under dysfunctional governments suffer.
Meanwhile, every US household is deprived of an average of over $8k of disposable income annually because of this hack's energy policy and the resulting $4 gas plus the effect that has rippling through the price of all consumer goods. That's over a trillion dollars annually our economy is deprived of because of this un-American president.
Take him with you.

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