America is ripe for destruction....will it go the way of Rome?

Lets just split up for fuck sake.
I dont want to live by bedwetter edict and the bedwetters dont want to have individuality and freedom.
Whats sad is, if we had a CONSTITUTIONAL govt, this wouldnt even be a problem and i wouldnt have to say such things. But, alas, the bedwetters outnumber decent, sane individuals, like me.
Another thing that's for sure, is that our enemies are loving this.

That is for certain, but not for the reasons you think. Biden's and the far left's policies are leading us down a path of economic destruction. But I know you already know this, right?

rump was VERY unpopular among sane Americans

You mean deadbeats who want more "free" stuff. Yes, he was very unpopular in those circles.

Wow. Amazing how a country went from the best in the world to the worst in 7 months. You trumpanzee slobs sure are funny.

Yep, that is just how bad Biden is. It is quite an amazing accomplishment but much more to come. We are in a death spiral. The only hope is for Republicans to start the madness in the midterms, but I fear the Democrats will make sure they have the election fix solidified by then by making sure we extend the pandemic rules for voting. If so, we will crash and crash hard. Don't say you weren't warned.
That is for certain, but not for the reasons you think. Biden's and the far left's policies are leading us down a path of economic destruction. But I know you already know this, right?
I know. It's all the other tribe's fault. I know.
Lets just split up for fuck sake.
I dont want to live by bedwetter edict and the bedwetters dont want to have individuality and freedom.
Whats sad is, if we had a CONSTITUTIONAL govt, this wouldnt even be a problem and i wouldnt have to say such things. But, alas, the bedwetters outnumber decent, sane individuals, like me.
Yes when things arent going your way blame it on the fact nobody is following the Constitution any longer.
That is for certain, but not for the reasons you think. Biden's and the far left's policies are leading us down a path of economic destruction. But I know you already know this, right?

You mean deadbeats who want more "free" stuff. Yes, he was very unpopular in those circles.

Yep, that is just how bad Biden is. It is quite an amazing accomplishment but much more to come. We are in a death spiral. The only hope is for Republicans to start the madness in the midterms, but I fear the Democrats will make sure they have the election fix solidified by then by making sure we extend the pandemic rules for voting. If so, we will crash and crash hard. Don't say you weren't warned.
Yeah if i were you I wouldnt even bother to vote. Those crafty dems will just outwit you again and steal another election. You wouldnt want to look like a fool now would you?
Unless you have blinders on it is undeniable America is falling apart....all the racial problems which will only get worse, the increase in violenr crimes, a menrally challenged president, barbarbarians at the gates...a massive invasion of them on our southern border, the aggressiveness of China, muslim terrorism being given a new life by the biden regime etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

It could be the famed "Mystery Babylon" that is destroyed in The End Times around or during The Tribulation.

I tend to agree that something happens to America about that time where it is ineffective and inconsequential on The World Stage.
Yeah if i were you I wouldnt even bother to vote. Those crafty dems will just outwit you again and steal another election. You wouldnt want to look like a fool now would you?

Oh no, I will vote but I would like to think that there aren't enough ignorant, un-American deadbeats in our country to allow Democrats to ruin our country. I could be wrong. We may have reached that tipping point. I know the Democrats have been desperately trying to get more people on the dole as fast as possible and allowing anybody and everybody to pour over our border and shipping them all around the country hoping to further dilute the pool of those truly loving the US. The less love for the good ole' USA, the better for the Democrats. Truly a sad state of affairs.
Oh no, I will vote but I would like to think that there aren't enough ignorant, un-American deadbeats in our country to allow Democrats to ruin our country. I could be wrong. We may have reached that tipping point. I know the Democrats have been desperately trying to get more people on the dole as fast as possible and allowing anybody and everybody to pour over our border and shipping them all around the country hoping to further dilute the pool of those truly loving the US. The less love for the good ole' USA, the better for the Democrats. Truly a sad state of affairs.
I like how you've been convinced that only people of your ilk "love America". You're truly delusional.
Unless you have blinders on it is undeniable America is falling apart....all the racial problems which will only get worse, the increase in violenr crimes, a menrally challenged president, barbarbarians at the gates...a massive invasion of them on our southern border, the aggressiveness of China, muslim terrorism being given a new life by the biden regime etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Multiculturalism is our undoing.

Our "diversity" is NOT our strength.
So when do we start the purge?
There will be no "purge."

Americans are very nice people.

The current majority ethnicity is currently helping two minority ethnicities to prepare to become the majority sometime this century.

Then in the next century, there will be a PEACEFUL separation so that each group can live peacefully with people of their own cultural values.

Of course, I do not know the details of this divorce.
How weak are democrats that the country's trajectory is dictated by the party that's not in power?
It's the 74 million of you, that willingly chose to spit on democracy to follow the almighty Deceiver....and the Big Liar's lie.... You are weaklings, who give in to his and his network's mind control over you.... You are causing the trouble we are going through in this nation right now and have put us, on the brink of our nation's destruction....because you fail to believe in the truth and facts.... You chose or were brainwashed through your "24/7 hate the democrats media", to believe in a LIAR and a destructive, harmful to our Nation, LIE instead.....

It's time y'all do some soul searching imo. Your Nation, or the Big Lie, liar n chief...?
I have been told our great society was going to fall apart after every election and yet it still keep on ticking like a good ol’Timex!
It's the 74 million of you, that willingly chose to spit on democracy to follow the almighty Deceiver....and the Big Liar's lie.... You are weaklings, who give in to his and his network's mind control over you.... You are causing the trouble we are going through in this nation right now and have put us, on the brink of our nation's destruction....because you fail to believe in the truth and facts.... You chose or were brainwashed through your "24/7 hate the democrats media", to believe in a LIAR and a destructive, harmful to our Nation, LIE instead.....

It's time y'all do some soul searching imo. Your Nation, or the Big Lie, liar n chief...?

Couple things:

First, while I voted for Trump twice, I easily could've been swayed by candidates like Gabbard or Buttegieg. When faced with the choice of Trump or Biden, though, there was no way Biden was getting my vote. The man had been in DC for almost half a century and had accomplished very little of note.

I voted with "my nation" in mind, because the only option to Trump was no legitimate option at all, and Biden's been demonstrating that on almost a daily basis since taking office. He's simply not up to the task of being the most powerful man on the planet. He's just not.

I voted for Trump because the democrats didn't give me an option I thought would be good for America. I'm a registered Independent, but I'm a true Independent. That's why I laugh when conservatives call me a liberal because I support gay marriage and why I laugh when liberals call me a racist because I want true control of our borders.

Now, in 2024, should the democrats put up a candidate I can support, I would certainly vote for such a person; even if Trump is the Republican's nominee.

Now, I realize that libs like you always paint with the broadest brush in the bucket, but why you think that results in you making intelligent observations is a mystery...
It could be the famed "Mystery Babylon" that is destroyed in The End Times around or during The Tribulation.

I tend to agree that something happens to America about that time where it is ineffective and inconsequential on The World Stage.

Oh yeah.. Newspaper theology for the modern heretic.

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