America isn't prepared to deal with crime.

With over crowding states have been holding already sentenced criminals in county jails and paying those jails to house those prisoners. On top of that are private prisons as well. There is a whole lot of money being made from doing this. What's the answer I don't know, but I'm not a fan of anyone making bank on incarcerated prisoners.
We need millions more prison beds.

Part of preparing for war is the production of body bags and coffins, in anticipation of many deaths. We need to prepare the logistics for the war on crime by provide more prison space for the millions that need to be arrested and incarcerated.
what crimes are these people going to be committing??
Prison I worked at went through a a refit.

For what they spent, they could have built 2 new ones on the same property.
LOL....The one I mentioned went through one too.....It closed a year later.....It's the third one I've seen that happen to.....It's like Richmond saw what it cost and flipped-out.....I know two of the three happened (closed) right after one administration left and another took over, I don't remember about the third one.
We are not children.

We all know why we cannot build more prisons.

If we did, they would be filled with gentlemen principally from two certain ethnicities.

And the zeitgeist in 2022 is that offenders from those two ethnicities are in need of counseling, not imprisonment.

Or as the mayor of Chicago recently put it, those young men do those horrible things because they are unloved.

In my humble opinion, mass incarceration WILL return when the Caucasian population becomes a small minority by the end of this century.

The new majority of two certain ethnicities will not tolerate the outrageous violent crime that bleeding heart Caucasian authorities in 2022 are allowing.

What an irony!
We are not children.

We all know why we cannot build more prisons.

If we did, they would be filled with gentlemen principally from two certain ethnicities.

And the zeitgeist in 2022 is that offenders from those two ethnicities are in need of counseling, not imprisonment.

Or as the mayor of Chicago recently put it, those young men do those horrible things because they are unloved.

In my humble opinion, mass incarceration WILL return when the Caucasian population becomes a small minority by the end of this century.

The new majority of two certain ethnicities will not tolerate the outrageous violent crime that bleeding heart Caucasian authorities in 2022 are allowing.

What an irony!

It's not the 70s anymore, one has to put some effort into fucking-up bad enough to go to prison.

I'll tell you what, when one of those animals is cut loose on his discharge day I hope he's deposited right on your doorstep and finds the key under the mat.....Those who won't listen must feel.
The United States is on the list of the highest incarceration rates of people put in prison.

I wonder if some of the sentencing guidlines should be looked at again.

Like there is people probably put in prison for prostitution or marijuana when it is clear the war against weed and hookers is being lost and i wonder how much goverment money is being wasted to fight those things and if that is adding to the debt put on govt.

I think there should be a thing to see how much the gov is spending to fight some things and how much of it is adding to the govt debt.
You seem to think that it is all about the money. If the solution costs money, spend it. Once you have the bad guy locked up, keep him locked up. He can't hurt anyone, locked up. Tear down the revolving door.
It's not the 70s anymore, one has to put some effort into fucking-up bad enough to go to prison.

I'll tell you what, when one of those animals is cut loose on his discharge day I hope he's deposited right on your doorstep and finds the key under the mat.....Those who won't listen must feel.
If I had my druthers (excuse this expression, I am 85 years old!), I would put all sucker punchers, for example, in prison for 5 years. Then Asians could walk down the street without fearing that some young gentleman is going to beat the blank out of them.

And here in California, there are around 800 people on Death Row. If I had my druthers, I would execute all of them -- except those who might possibly be innocent.

But the bleeding heart Caucasians currently in charge of law enforcement will not get tough.

So violent crime will continue until someday people of the new majority crack down -- and they will. They have no illusions about their bad members.
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I once had a policeman quote scripture to me. He said that all have sinned so it really didn't matter who they put in prison. They were all guilty.
If I had my druthers (excuse this expression, I am 85 years old!), I would put all sucker punchers, for example, in prison for 5 years. Then Asians could walk down the street without fearing that some young gentleman is going to beat the blank out of them.

And here in California, there are around 800 people on Death Row. If I had my druthers, I would execute all of them -- except those who might possibly be innocent.

But the bleeding heart Caucasians currently in charge of law enforcement will not get tough.

So violent crime will continue until someday people of the new majority crack down -- and they will. They have no illusions about their bad members.

You are in California? Excellent. Perhaps you can help me. How much more taxes are you willing to pay? I ask that because prisons cost money. A lot of money.

In this thread, your fellow Conservatives think that California is just releasing violent offenders because they are wimps.

Now, none of them address the real problem. The problem of overcrowding. California is limited to running at 137.5% of capacity. You read that right. One third over capacity. to put that simply. If you have room for 100 people, California is allowed to put 137 and a half in that space.

Allowed by a Supreme Court Decision.

California shows that it costs $106k a year to house a prisoner. That is a hundred thousand dollars, a year, to house a single prisoner.

Now, that is a lot of money. But when you consider that California has more than 94k prisoners, you are starting to get an idea. Nearly ten billion dollars a year, every year, to house those prisoners.

Well, execute those on death row you shout. Well that will save us a whopping eight million dollars. A year. That will really help the bottom line. Or something.

So my question is this. How much more are you willing to pay in taxes? How much more are you willing to pay to just lock the all up?

That is the problem with knee jerk common man style conservative answers. They never address anything but the surface of the problem. When it comes time to actually fix the problem, they won’t do it. Ever.

When will we see a Conservative running for office in California under the pay more taxes and lock the criminals up banner? No conservative would vote for anyone who campaigned on higher taxes, no matter what the taxes would be used for.

Take the money from other programs, that’s the conservative answer. Starve children, cut money to education, cut money to the elderly. But don’t raise taxes. Ever.

So what do you suggest California do? Raise taxes? Or just release the prisoners early?
We need millions more prison beds.

Part of preparing for war is the production of body bags and coffins, in anticipation of many deaths. We need to prepare the logistics for the war on crime by provide more prison space for the millions that need to be arrested and incarcerated.

Maybe it'd be more productive to make people that don't end up committing crimes int he first place.

I mean, the US has the WORST crime record of any first world nation.
I think judges handing out too many life without parole sentences is one problem we need to fix. When a judge does this we are losing that bed space until that offender dies behind bars. Do I think many criminals need to be locked up forever, you bet your ass I do. But we could sentence some to many many years in prison than release them with a monitor on their ankle. We could free up some bed space this way.
If someone has life without parole they did something terribly bad....No ankle monitors for people who need to be locked away from society. If you want to give them a chance out of prison, then I support placing them in the middle of the ocean in a row boat with a compass, a case of drinking water, an oar and a piece of string with a fishing hook.. Then let them live out their remaining time as free people. I am not a mean person, we can give them a straw hat and a cheap pair of sunglasses to keep the sun out of their eyes. Oh and they can have a plastic worm for bait.
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You are in California? Excellent. Perhaps you can help me. How much more taxes are you willing to pay? I ask that because prisons cost money. A lot of money.

In this thread, your fellow Conservatives think that California is just releasing violent offenders because they are wimps.

Now, none of them address the real problem. The problem of overcrowding. California is limited to running at 137.5% of capacity. You read that right. One third over capacity. to put that simply. If you have room for 100 people, California is allowed to put 137 and a half in that space.

Allowed by a Supreme Court Decision.

California shows that it costs $106k a year to house a prisoner. That is a hundred thousand dollars, a year, to house a single prisoner.

Now, that is a lot of money. But when you consider that California has more than 94k prisoners, you are starting to get an idea. Nearly ten billion dollars a year, every year, to house those prisoners.

Well, execute those on death row you shout. Well that will save us a whopping eight million dollars. A year. That will really help the bottom line. Or something.

So my question is this. How much more are you willing to pay in taxes? How much more are you willing to pay to just lock the all up?

That is the problem with knee jerk common man style conservative answers. They never address anything but the surface of the problem. When it comes time to actually fix the problem, they won’t do it. Ever.

When will we see a Conservative running for office in California under the pay more taxes and lock the criminals up banner? No conservative would vote for anyone who campaigned on higher taxes, no matter what the taxes would be used for.

Take the money from other programs, that’s the conservative answer. Starve children, cut money to education, cut money to the elderly. But don’t raise taxes. Ever.

So what do you suggest California do? Raise taxes? Or just release the prisoners early?
Quit treating violent criminals like little puppy dogs and it will cost 1/4th of what you claim. Give one meal a day and if they don;t like it they can wait til the next day for something else. Give them one blanket, one clean set of prison garb per month, one bar of soap per month. And quit grooming little boys to cut off their dingers just so you perverts have more dating opportunities. After 5 years if they have behaved let them work in a prison facility to help earn money to pay for their keep and then let them have two meals a day with clean clothes once a week. Prison is not supposed to be a vacation.
We need millions more prison beds.

Part of preparing for war is the production of body bags and coffins, in anticipation of many deaths. We need to prepare the logistics for the war on crime by provide more prison space for the millions that need to be arrested and incarcerated.
When is this war supposed to start? Did all this crime suddenly start when Biden was elected? Thought so.
Quit treating violent criminals like little puppy dogs and it will cost 1/4th of what you claim. Give one meal a day and if they don;t like it they can wait til the next day for something else. Give them one blanket, one clean set of prison garb per month, one bar of soap per month. And quit grooming little boys to cut off their dingers just so you perverts have more dating opportunities. After 5 years if they have behaved let them work in a prison facility to help earn money to pay for their keep and then let them have two meals a day with clean clothes once a week. Prison is not supposed to be a vacation.

Cost a quarter of what I claim? Those numbers are from the California State Legislature. The people who do the budgets.

The biggest portion as shown in the link is Security. You know. Guards who make sure the Prisoners don’t escape? The cost per inmate for that is $44k a year.

Now reducing the costs to 25% means we have to cut security costs. That is a courageous position for a Conservative to take. So are you going to tell the guards that they are going to have their salaries cut by more than half? Or are you going with telling the guards that they will just have to deal with being all alone surrounded by starving violent criminals? Either way, I’m sure they will applaud you. Or something.

As I said above. The common man simple solution never is simple. And it never addresses the problem. If anything it highlights the stupidity of the simple solution advocates.
So what do you suggest California do? Raise taxes? Or just release the prisoners early?
I am not smart enough to answer your question.

There are now so many bad people out of control in this country that it is impossible to lock them all up because of financial reasons (as you have pointed out) and because of social reasons (activists will charge "racism").

The United States of America is in big trouble.

The future for our great-grandchildren is dire, IMHO.

Have a nice day!

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