America isn't running out of everything, but Americans are buying like never before

Americans are buying more stuff than ever. The economy is booming, but the supply cannot keep up with demand. There are a number of reasons for shortages. Time will cure the problem.
Only if republicans get vaccinated for crying out loud.
If not for fallacy, you Nazis would never approach logic.

Your straw man is irrelevant, the subject is the disruption of the supply chain under Quid Pro's staggering mismanagement.
Idiot Republicans refuse to get vaccinated so people are afraid to go out. People working at home and with the zoom buy stuff on Amazon. That is the damn problem obviously. Every single problem we have is because of missinformed unvaccinated functional treasonous Republicans. Rupert Murdock and his pundits and internet crazies doing it for the money are pure scum.
LOL what a load of crap. Why are 60 cargo ships sitting off the coast of California?
The people making money can only spend it at Amazon and the supply chain is running out of people who want to be out and about and worry about running into idiot Republicans who refuse to get vaccinated because total misinformation.
Wow, you had to push the stupid just a bit further.

Yes, I think you personally are Xi Jinping and rule the world... :rolleyes:

Your Reich in alliance with Communist China unleashed the bioweapon, the Wuhan Designer Virus® - with generous funding by Hannibal Fauci and the NIH


A certificate of participation from middle school doesn't make you a "data scientist," sploogy.

Select dbo.idiot_id, dbo.idiot_iq
From Morons as democrats
where idiot_iq<50

One row returned

Golfing Gator 43
You are way out there on a stupid algorithm... Poor America
Idiot Republicans refuse to get vaccinated so people are afraid to go out. People working at home and with the zoom buy stuff on Amazon. That is the damn problem obviously. Every single problem we have is because of missinformed unvaccinated functional treasonous Republicans. Rupert Murdock and his pundits and internet crazies doing it for the money are pure scum.


Such a flaccid little straw man.

You must be humiliated.
Idiot Republicans refuse to get vaccinated so people are afraid to go out. People working at home and with the zoom buy stuff on Amazon. That is the damn problem obviously. Every single problem we have is because of missinformed unvaccinated functional treasonous Republicans. Rupert Murdock and his pundits and internet crazies doing it for the money are pure scum.
You can't fix stupid or trumpism brain rot....
Does it not concern you when your elected democrat politicians blame YOU and other Americans for their failures? Believe me, Bub it ought to really bother you.

We aren't having ANY of these problems in Canada. It's a joke how fucked up your country truly is.

Americans are buying more stuff than ever. The economy is booming, but the supply cannot keep up with demand. There are a number of reasons for shortages. Time will cure the problem.
...and then Jack chopped down the beanstalk, bringing the giant to his unfortunate end, and they lived happily ever after with the goose laying the golden eggs.....

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