America isn't running out of everything, but Americans are buying like never before

Many workers aren't returning to bad crappy jobs. The good ones are filled. There is no labor shortage
Many workers aren't returning to bad crappy jobs. The good ones are filled. There is no labor shortage
Ask McDonald's management or the hospital that is short handed. See what answer you get. There IS a shortage of qualified labor. Open your eyes...turn off FOX....
Are you really that stupid? No, don't answer that.

Where does a narrative begin?

Let Me help you. It begins with the spin spewed by the left-stream media. They are beginning to set a "its not Biden's fault" narrative and it looks like they are going to switch it to the American people in general.
Sure --- that's how it works. You blame the epidemic on the people who are catching it. You blame the shortages on the workers even though you've put a gazumpteen mandates against them. You blame the shortages on the people trying to buy stuff and say they're just buying too much, see.

Whatever happens, the pols blame the people for how they themselves have screwed up, again.
A couple points. The shortages were far worse during the pandemic than they are now.

And I thought to myself "nobody is stupid enough to not understand that supply chain disruptions would not cause major issues till economies had reopened after the pandemic" ....but then I realized who I was dealing with, and you are that fucking stupid.

Thanks for your gaslighting explanation... We can always count on your Nazis to fucking lie explain things.
Ask McDonald's management or the hospital that is short handed. See what answer you get. There IS a shortage of qualified labor. Open your eyes...turn off FOX....
Are you suggesting that if you pay people to not work it causes labor shortages?

Who could have predicted such a thing? Next you'll tell me that Xi's man is forced to import millions of illegal aliens to do the jobs that your Reich pays Americans to not do?
Food is being affected by Quid Pro's incompetence.

In Denver, public-school children are facing shortages of milk. In Chicago, a local market is running short of canned goods and boxed items.

But there’s plenty of food. There just isn’t always enough processing and transportation capacity to meet rising demand as the economy revs up.

More than a year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic upended daily life, the supply of basic goods at U.S. grocery stores and restaurants is once again falling victim to intermittent shortages and delays.

“I never imagined that we’d be here in October 2021 talking about supply-chain problems, but it’s a reality,” said Vivek Sankaran, chief executive officer of Albertsons Companies, who echoed the laments of other retailers. “Any given day, you’re going to have something missing in our stores, and it’s across categories.”}

I've learned the hard way that when in the supermarket to buy desired items when I see them because they often are out of stock when I need them. This is a problem that I never saw before, not having a normally stocked item was unheard of. I'm thinking about buying a upright freezer, but most of them are out of stock. Cars are out of stock, When was the last time you saw a car dealership with no new cars in the showroom? When I was at the dealer a month or so ago to buy out the lease on my Fusion Hybrid, the salesman told me he had a customer coming in from Missouri the next day to pick up a diesel F450. The customer won a bidding war for it, he paid 25% OVER list before the dealer even got the truck. The customer was waiting for it to be delivered from the factory. Oh by the way, the salesman offered my four grand over what I owed on my car and told me he could sell in in days for at least eight grand over the buyout price. Without doing anything except detailing it. There is a major problem with our economy and the democrats and their friends in the media are downplaying it. I topped off on gas at COSTCO today, it was up over twenty cents a gallon from last week at the same pump. Food, housing and fuel prices have been eliminated from the consumer price index so inflation is far higher than the government admits. We are in serious trouble and it's getting worse.
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This is true, but we had never had a supply chain disruption like the one caused by COVID before. We have not had the labor problems coupled with the buying before.

But hey I get it, it is far easier for you to just blame Biden for every ill in the world today, it takes no brain power and keeps you in good with your fellow party members.

I am happy for you.
I hate to point it out to you, but "supply chain disruptions" are just one of the reasons conservatives were against the democrats shutting down the entire economy last year. None of the changes that caused these disruptions would have happened if people's lives weren't uprooted changing demand patterns. When you uproot an entire society these things happen. But no, you liberals were so afraid of a simple disease that you panicked and shut down an entire nation which affected the entire world's trade practices. The massive inflation is all on you as well, you can't give away trillions of dollars that you don't actually have without causing massive inflation. You people got your way all of 2019 and 2020 and now we all are paying for it. The only good thing to come out of it will be the enjoyment I get from watching the democratic leaders run out of town on a rail in 2022 and 2024. But it's going to be expensive entertainment. It took decades for us to recover from Jimmie Carter's botched economy and he did far less damage than Biden, Pelosi and Schiff have done already.
Then why do I see help wanted signs in the windows of most store fronts and restaurants I walk by? There is a massive labor shortage going on.
It's the MAGA way. Don't believe your eyes. Believe what we tell you....which is usually a lie.
Thanks for your gaslighting explanation... We can always count on your Nazis to fucking lie explain things.

I try to use small word so someone with your limited intellect can understand, but even the most basic concepts seem to be beyond you
But no, you liberals were so afraid of a simple disease that you panicked and shut down an entire nation which affected the entire world's trade practices.

I do not know how to break the news to you, but your god the Repub was in charge when everything was shut down.
I try to use small word so someone with your limited intellect can understand, but even the most basic concepts seem to be beyond you

Maybe if you just lie harder, someone might believe you?

Probably not though...

Supply chain disruptions are vastly worse now than any time in the last 24 months. But in all fairness, deaths from the Wuhan Designer Virus® have been higher since Xi's man was appointed than they were under the last legitimate President.

We had a run on toilet paper (for some odd reason) after you unleashed the bioweapon on the world. But gas, food, basic household goods, appliances, cars, etc. were readily available. I know you need to lie to cover for the failures of Quid Pro, but your lies are so absurd all we can do is laugh at you. Reich above all, still you're talking events that are recent and fresh. Empty store shelves are a result of the moron China installed as regional potentate of America. When we used to have a president, we didn't suffer these shortages. You gaslighting us doesn't alter reality.
I do not know how to break the news to you, but your god the Repub was in charge when everything was shut down.
It wasn’t shut down by Trump. The President doesn’t have the power. The country was shut down by governors, usually democrat ones at that. And I don’t think Trump was a god, deifing politicians is more of a liberal thing. I think Trump was a middling good President, one better than I expected him to be.
Wow, you think that I personally unleashed a bioweapon.

Wow, you had to push the stupid just a bit further.

Yes, I think you personally are Xi Jinping and rule the world... :rolleyes:

Your Reich in alliance with Communist China unleashed the bioweapon, the Wuhan Designer Virus® - with generous funding by Hannibal Fauci and the NIH

I am a data scientist, not a biological one


A certificate of participation from middle school doesn't make you a "data scientist," sploogy.

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