America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Israeli settlers can’t be equaled to Palestinians!

You can’t call someone who agreed to kick someone out of their house and you to take over his property and call’em good people! Israeli settlers are random jews from different countries except Palestine! The Israeli promise is “ come to Israel we promise u a house and a job and we’ll hand you a GUN to kill whoever u want!”

No they’re not equal!
Everything you posted is a lie. How does that make you feel?
You should have thought about that possibility before holding her in front of your cowardly self!
Yes I’d be the piece of shit in this scenario but the point here is that the person I use as a shield is not expendable and it is not ok to take them out to get to me. Basic morality, y’all seem to be missing here
Oh, we haven’t seen anyone from hamas killed hiding behind a baby! We saw women and children murdered while asleep! Mere unarmed civilians killed by a terrorist government!

The question u should ask urself here! Why the Israeli security cowards escaped like rats instead of fighting back and defending Israelis at the concert lol?? Weren’t the people at the concert, BRAVE, WELL-TRAINED SOLDIERS? How tf they shat their pants and we’all saw them running like babies???

They couldn't fight back since they were immediately killed by a much larger force of Hamas fighters.
Through patience and targeted attacks and not pulling the trigger when you know it will kill innocent people.
When the scumbags hide in the civilian population, under your logic they could never be hit. So your solution appears to boil down to never fighting back.

I don’t think anyone would accept your suicidal “solution.” You’re a dope.
And Joshua led Israel into the land of Israel way before the Romans. Abraham was there as well. Israel is a sovereign nation with one flag. The woman raised it to cause contention calling Israel an occupying force. Nations have laws. She broke the law.
Israel is a democracy. They have Muslims in the government. And, what happened October 7th is why the military is at the boarder. We need the military at the US-Mexico boarder too. Most countries have military at the boarder and will be very strict about how people behave at boarders. When is the last time you heard the leaders of Israel call for the death of all Muslims? Never.
Can you not tell the difference in "border" and "boarder"? Fix it!
Haha, Bingo?! So since she chose to be with the man then she is fair game to be targeted and knocked out for the actions of that man? Wow, you have a fucked up moral code. How about that man’s child. If he was holding his child up as a shield do you think it fair game to knock that child out to get to the man?
Why don't you ask Osama Bin Laden's wife about how she felt about him using her as a shield when the SEALs tried to take him captive?

Oh, that's right! You can't because she is DEAD, just like Osama was a few seconds later.
When the scumbags hide in the civilian population, under your logic they could never be hit. So your solution appears to boil down to never fighting back.

I don’t think anyone would accept your suicidal “solution.” You’re a dope.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, however you’re dead wrong about my logic.

While you seem to think it ok to just kill civilians when enemies are hiding amougst then I’d say to wait till they come out of hiding and take the shots when they are clear shots.
I never said not to fight back.

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