America must stop selling weapons to Israel

I can’t believe this needs to be explained to you
You are engaging with psychopaths, human scum who advocate and bathe in the thought of killing civilians and spreading false accusations
and self-envisioned atrocity stories.

None of them condemns the war crimes committed by Israel

They totally lack any basic moral attitude, and have very limited to zero knowledge about history. - the right stuff SA troopers were made off. Imagine the same SA scumbags in the timeline of today's internet availability and their postings !!!

They are infested with Nazi ideology and spread Zionist-Nazi paroles.
You are engaging with psychopaths, human scum who advocate and bathe in the thought of killing civilians and spreading false accusations
and self-envisioned atrocity stories.

None of them condemns the war crimes committed by Israel

They totally lack any basic moral attitude, and have very limited to zero knowledge about history. - the right stuff SA troopers were made off. Imagine the same SA scumbags in the timeline of today's internet availability and their postings !!!

They are infested with Nazi ideology and spread Zionist-Nazi paroles.
It has been pretty mind blowing to hear some of these responses and utter lack of concern for innocent human life. Sad that these people exist
No moron. I ain’t playing your junior high game.

Let’s make this applicable to this situation, K?

I see on my newsfeed that a terrorist broke into my home and killed my child and admitted to have done it and swore he would keep killing my children until he killed them all.

He crossed the border, out of the reach of my countries law enforcement.

I track the ahole down, and when he sees me, the cowardly bastard surrounds himself with oodles of his relatives, children, women and the elderly.

I issue a warning that I was there to kill the creep and anyone who stands in my way will suffer whatever it takes for me to insure the barbarian can never hurt another of my children.

Those that leave are spared, those that stayed have made a choice. If he holds some against their will? Their fate is on him. My only obligation is to insure the safety of my own.

Got it cuck?
And upon being convicted by a court - you will go to prison for murder or even get a death sentence - and the international UN court is preparing such charges presently for Hamas members and Israeli's who committed and still are committing war crimes.

You are dumb to no end - a Nazi dogma propagator and a supporter of war criminals - ain't going to waist my time with cretins like you and your ilk any further.
You are engaging with psychopaths, human scum who advocate and bathe in the thought of killing civilians and spreading false accusations
and self-envisioned atrocity stories.

None of them condemns the war crimes committed by Israel

They totally lack any basic moral attitude, and have very limited to zero knowledge about history. - the right stuff SA troopers were made off. Imagine the same SA scumbags in the timeline of today's internet availability and their postings !!!

They are infested with Nazi ideology and spread Zionist-Nazi paroles.
And you're an idiot
Ok, now playing off your scenario. Directly, no dancing. You can choose to burn the house down knowing there are children inside and that they will die. This action would NOT be justified and would make you a morally bankrupt sick fuck.

Or you can camp out and wait to take a clear shot at the guy. This would be totally justified.

Our law enforcement has developed rules for engagement for hostage situations and they are NOT allowed to just kill everybody as a means of diffusing the situation…. Even if they warn them and tell them to leave, they can’t always do that.

Don’t know why you think Israel should get a free pass to murder in this situation but as we just established, you are morally bankrupt so I guess that explains it

Camping out risks an escape and chance my children die.

Burn baby burn.

My only duty of protection is my children.

The guy in the house has the duty to protect those inside.

Of course, he could act like a man (something you wouldn’t know the first thing about), and come out and face me one on one.

Neither Hamas, nor your friend the assailant, would have guts enough to do the right thing.

Too Bad, So sad cuck
Give no pass to evil. And those savages you support are evil. Remember on September 11 2001 when they were cheering in Palestine?

More lies from you. Who do you think I’m supporting and why? See if you can explain yourself… moron
And upon being convicted by a court - you will go to prison for murder or even get a death sentence - and the international UN court is preparing such charges presently for Hamas members and Israeli's who committed and still are committing war crimes.

You are dumb to no end - a Nazi dogma propagator and a supporter of war criminals - ain't going to waist my time with cretins like you and your ilk any further.

Good to hear from you Adolph. I just don’t give a flying fuck what you or your kangaroo court think. As long as I protected my children, I’m golden . And you are a dickless cuck.
Yeah Hamas is horrible and needs to be punished. Not the women and children they are holding hostage as shields. The fact you think these humans are expendable is mind blowing and evil
Camping out risks an escape and chance my children die.

Burn baby burn.

My only duty of protection is my children.

The guy in the house has the duty to protect those inside.

Of course, he could act like a man (something you wouldn’t know the first thing about), and come out and face me one on one.

Neither Hamas, nor your friend the assailant, would have guts enough to do the right thing.

Too Bad, So sad cuck
You’re guilty of multiple counts of murder in your case and would be sentenced to death. No sympathy for somebody willing to kill an innocent child. Lord have mercy on your soul
Ok, now playing off your scenario. Directly, no dancing. You can choose to burn the house down knowing there are children inside and that they will die. This action would NOT be justified and would make you a morally bankrupt sick fuck.

Or you can camp out and wait to take a clear shot at the guy. This would be totally justified.

Our law enforcement has developed rules for engagement for hostage situations and they are NOT allowed to just kill everybody as a means of diffusing the situation…. Even if they warn them and tell them to leave, they can’t always do that.

Don’t know why you think Israel should get a free pass to murder in this situation but as we just established, you are morally bankrupt so I guess that explains it
Conflating domestic LAW ENFORCEMENT with a historic, murderous, barbaric, terrorist attack? Seriously?

Lol. You know nothing. Stop posting.

Apparently the news doesn’t reach you. Israel has mass murdered thousands of innocent women and children since 10/7.

You might be the dumbest poster on this board.
Bombing Hamas is mass murder to you? I have always thought you to be incredibly stupid, but now you prove you are a coward also!

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