America must stop selling weapons to Israel

And you're an idiot
No, but obviously beings like YOU are, because scumbags like you don't oppose nor condemn Israels war-crimes conducted presently via around 350,000 IDF personal, but can only point out the crimes of some 1000 Hamas terrorist that infiltrated into Israel. - idiot

So how come Hamas doesn't have 350,000 members? according to beings like you - all the Palestinians are in support of Hamas. According to the Gaza population demographics - they could easily recruit 350,000 members in the age-group 18-45. - idiot

Fact is however that Hamas has less then 30,000 militia members (after 17 years!!) of which around 25,000 are just street hoodlums terrorizing and extorting 2.2 million Palestinians - idiot.
Their hardcore fanatics (those that committed the attack onto Israel) are less then 5000 of which less then 3000 can be considered to be on par with the IDF or at least proficiently trained. - idiot

So the IDF needs 350,000 IDF members and needs to indiscriminately bomb the shit out of Gaza (according to the IDF more then 12000 !!! targets have been attacked since October 8th. - to eliminate 3000-5000 Hamas radicals? - idiot

According to the IDF "we only attack Hamas" - so what did those present 12000 targets behold? 2 Hamas members each? - then why is Israel still bombing them? they ALL (25,000) MUST be all dead already and the ground offensive hasn't even penetrated significantly into Gaza yet - idiot.

According to the IDF: "Hamas is a relatively primitive force" - you idiot
That militias/terrorist groups seek cover amongst civilians and civilian infrastructure is known to everyone - idiot

That the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians will only enhance future recruitment's by Hamas&Co is also known - idiot

Israel is clearly conducting a war against the entire Gaza population - idiot
And they don't give a shit about how many Palestinian civilians die (Nazi mentality - just like Hamas) - idiot.

So far around 8000 Palestinians have been killed - 4800 of them women and children - idiot
Israel and the IDF have no proof whatsoever - that the remaining 3200 are Hamas members - idiot

But there is ample proof that documents the utter, systematic and reckless devastation of Gaza - idiot.

And Israel has no excuse via stating - we warned them and who doesn't flee will die" - idiot

According to your idiotic mindset - Hitler should have just warned the civilians of those countries he attacked - anyone killed would be the fault of the Polish, French, Belgium, Dutch etc. etc etc. etc. etc. government and it's respective population - idiot

France had surrendered officially - therefore rendering half it's territory and population under German law and jurisdiction. And yet these french Partisan animals dared to kill innocent Wehrmacht occupation personal, incl. women, French Police and French civilians incl. children and women. Bastards right? despite the German occupation administration have informed by writing and hangouts that Partisans and those supporting them will be severely punished. - they had been clearly warned!!

Upon French partisan animals having killed and butchered innocent SS troops (merely defending their country - incl. France against Anglo-American aggression, not fighting against the French population!!!) The SS punished those French partisan animals (rightfully according to Nazis like you) and those that helped and aided them - resulting into e.g. Oradour-sur-Glance with around 650 civilians murdered.

Due to a lack of missiles/bombs/artillery and aircraft, the SS couldn't wipe out those Partisans hiding in the village amongst civilians with "indirect" strikes thus causing unwanted "collateral damage" - but had to do it "directly".

Germany aka Nazi-Germany was rightfully punished for this due to it having been declared as a WAR-CRIME - idiot
Israel is doing the exact same thing, so far "indirectly" - and you are defending and applauding these actions - idiot and Nazi.

And ALL those supporting and applauding IDF's actions in Gaza. are idiots, and human scumbags beholding a NAZI philosophy
I just don’t give a flying fuck what you or your kangaroo court think.
Off course not - why do idiots and Nazis like you always need to stress the obvious?

Any Neo-Nazi in e.g. Germany - fully agrees with your human scumbag and psychopathic statements
I do make the distinction when that is the case. And I have always made that distinction. But in the last few weeks that doesn't appear to be the case at all. Apartment buildings are being leveled, cafés, stores, refugee camp, etc. Why not go after the perpetuators of the Oct 7 in a more targeted way, by using the most advanced intelligence in the world?

All sane people have already emphatically condemned the evil terrorist acts of Oct. 7.
That is exactly what they are doing because Hamas is operating out of those buildings or tunnels underneath them.
Tell it to Hamas. You know, your buddies.
I’ve expressed that about Hamas many many times in this thread. You just ignore it because you need to make me a Hamas sympathized to feel superior after exposed yourself as an immoral evil bastard that thinks there are situations that make it ok to murder children
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

View attachment 851542

May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.

Apartheid South-Africa's population were 80% Kaffers - you moron - and Arabs in Israel are commonly referred to as "dirty Arabs" - you moron

I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
Please stop spamming the board with this idiocy!
Arab nationalist are much more popular in Palestine. People like Nasser of Egypt

The Palestinian people don’t care for the Iranian government. Power players in Israel Want you to believe that Iran is somehow admired in Palestine…. it’s not.

Hamas it’s only supported by a tiny fraction a Palestinians.
Hamas and all Gaza residents are one and the same.
They elected Hamas.
They failed to even send one text warning that an attack was being mounted.
They refuse to take out Hamas after the attack.
Here is the dumbest poster here. Obviously.
Sorry can't really agree with you - those scumbag advocates towards supporting and applauding the killing of civilians are all the same Nazi ideology possessed psychopaths who act as sycophants towards each others Nazi mentality. Hence all post of these beings are equally dumb and sick.

MAGA needs to be changed to HAMAS - Heil All Mentally Affiliated Sycophants

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