America needs an intervention. Your are Cordially Invited to Participate.

Let's START the intervention eh? I want you to scan the first 2 pages of the USMB Politics forum listings.

Tell me what you see there..

I see sheeple voting for their party.

And you will fix this how?
Let's recap, shall we?

Johnson has no chance. Did you not see the post I gave about the electorial college being fixed?
In 2016, correct. In 2020? Who knows. The transition of the "Fall of the Republican Party" has been taking place since 2000. It may well last for another 16 years. In the end, nature is self-correcting.
Are you implying Trump could win?


America only has one party now. Deal with it.

And no, there is no room for losertarians either. Become a Dim or get crushed.
No, Trump won't win. Disagreed on "one party". The fact the Republican party is imploding is their problem. The Democrats didn't do it, the Republicans did it to themselves. In the end, as history shows, parties come and go, but the differences between Left and Right remain. We'll also have the Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists regardless of party title.

The GOP has had the unenviable task of pretending not to be a Big Government party.

Well I guess people just got tired of the hypocrisy is all, so the GOP gave us Trump.
Are you implying Trump could win?


America only has one party now. Deal with it.

And no, there is no room for losertarians either. Become a Dim or get crushed.
No, Trump won't win. Disagreed on "one party". The fact the Republican party is imploding is their problem. The Democrats didn't do it, the Republicans did it to themselves. In the end, as history shows, parties come and go, but the differences between Left and Right remain. We'll also have the Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists regardless of party title.

How is it you can avoid the critical flaws and deviance of ONE candidate to go pound on the other?
There was just a complete coup in YOUR party leadership. Did the REPUBS do that? Or did "they do it to themselves"????
Let's recap, shall we?

Johnson has no chance. Did you not see the post I gave about the electorial college being fixed?
In 2016, correct. In 2020? Who knows. The transition of the "Fall of the Republican Party" has been taking place since 2000. It may well last for another 16 years. In the end, nature is self-correcting.

Look back on Presidential elections since Bush Sr. Every last President has won a second term.

Hillary will be no different. Power is centralized more and more every year.
Are you implying Trump could win?


America only has one party now. Deal with it.

And no, there is no room for losertarians either. Become a Dim or get crushed.
No, Trump won't win. Disagreed on "one party". The fact the Republican party is imploding is their problem. The Democrats didn't do it, the Republicans did it to themselves. In the end, as history shows, parties come and go, but the differences between Left and Right remain. We'll also have the Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists regardless of party title.

How is it you can avoid the critical flaws and deviance of ONE candidate to go pound on the other?
There was just a complete coup in YOUR party leadership. Did the REPUBS do that? Or did "they do it to themselves"????

I could care less about the GOP, and God knows they could care less about me.

Any conservative in the GOP is treated like a freak of nature. There is no place for a conservative in the US federal government.

To be successful in the US federal government, you have to want to produce very large pots of money to play with, and wage war around the world.
Let's START the intervention eh? I want you to scan the first 2 pages of the USMB Politics forum listings.

Tell me what you see there..
USMB Politics isn't an accurate cross-section of Americans. Like most political forums, it's mostly a listing of political junkies, many of whom lean excessively Left or Right. In the case of USMB, mostly Right. In the case of other political forums, one or the other.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
The intervention was desperately needed twenty years ago. You're late to the game. The smart people are now prepped up @ their bolt holes.

Too late for any real political change, too soon to start shooting the bastards.
Let's START the intervention eh? I want you to scan the first 2 pages of the USMB Politics forum listings.

Tell me what you see there..
USMB Politics isn't an accurate cross-section of Americans. Like most political forums, it's mostly a listing of political junkies, many of whom lean excessively Left or Right. In the case of USMB, mostly Right. In the case of other political forums, one or the other.

Most people are completely ignorant of politics in general, hence the problem
Are you implying Trump could win?


America only has one party now. Deal with it.

And no, there is no room for losertarians either. Become a Dim or get crushed.
No, Trump won't win. Disagreed on "one party". The fact the Republican party is imploding is their problem. The Democrats didn't do it, the Republicans did it to themselves. In the end, as history shows, parties come and go, but the differences between Left and Right remain. We'll also have the Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists regardless of party title.

How is it you can avoid the critical flaws and deviance of ONE candidate to go pound on the other?
There was just a complete coup in YOUR party leadership. Did the REPUBS do that? Or did "they do it to themselves"????

I could care less about the GOP, and God knows they could care less about me.

Any conservative in the GOP is treated like a freak of nature. There is no place for a conservative in the US federal government.

To be successful in the US federal government, you have to want to produce very large pots of money to play with, and wage war around the world.

Then a parliament it is. Because there is room for a Conservative, Socialist, Moderate and Libertarian party in America. The TWO in place have BOTH lost their way and their tents are full of holes and bodies. Those corporations need to be disassembled and reconstructed.
Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists

Why can't we be collectivists....and individualists....and Federalists with respect for State rights?

Are any of those concepts without merit?
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
The intervention was desperately needed twenty years ago. You're late to the game. The smart people are now prepped up @ their bolt holes.

Too late for any real political change, too soon to start shooting the bastards.

All governments have a life span.

Governments are like stars. They grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. They explode or the collapse on themselves and create a black hole that sucks in everything around them.
Look back on Presidential elections since Bush Sr. Every last President has won a second term.

Hillary will be no different. Power is centralized more and more every year.
Not worried. Human nature has been fixed for tens of thousands of years. A mere 24 years is a blip in history.

As for Hillary. I wonder if she is good for a second term. Both she and Trump are pushing 70. We've all seen how the job of POTUS ages people. Regardless of who wins (and it will probably be Hillary) I doubt they'll go for a second term.
Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists

Why can't we be collectivists....and individualists....and Federalists with respect for State rights?

Are any of those concepts without merit?
There are always those who see a middle ground, but as this and other forums display, we also have a lot of people who favor extremes.

It seems most people do favor a middle ground, but they are the "silent majority", while the loud mouths favor extremes.
Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists

Why can't we be collectivists....and individualists....and Federalists with respect for State rights?

Are any of those concepts without merit?

You don't understand, do you?

Collectivists want full control, not just over their own government, but governments all around the world.

It is how they roll.

What you are fighting is human nature. Mankind seeks control, and the once he has control he seeks to secure his control, and then seeks more power.
Look back on Presidential elections since Bush Sr. Every last President has won a second term.

Hillary will be no different. Power is centralized more and more every year.
Not worried. Human nature has been fixed for tens of thousands of years. A mere 24 years is a blip in history.

As for Hillary. I wonder if she is good for a second term. Both she and Trump are pushing 70. We've all seen how the job of POTUS ages people. Regardless of who wins (and it will probably be Hillary) I doubt they'll go for a second term.

You look at human history and say don't worry?

The vast majority of humans have either been slaves or died in wars for their collectivist masters.
All governments have a life span.

Governments are like stars. They grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. They explode or the collapse on themselves and create a black hole that sucks in everything around them.
Or, in the instance of Chile, a man who wasn't going to take any shit to assume power.

Murica doesn't need a revolution, it needs a Pinochet.
You don't understand, do you?

Collectivists want full control, not just over their own government, but governments all around the world.

It is how they roll.

What you are fighting is human nature. Mankind seeks control, and the once he has control he seeks to secure his control, and then seeks more power.

Never met such a person - are you sure he/she exists outside your head?
All governments have a life span.

Governments are like stars. They grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. They explode or the collapse on themselves and create a black hole that sucks in everything around them.
Or, in the instance of Chile, a man who wasn't going to take any shit to assume power.

Murica doesn't need a revolution, it needs a Pinochet.

You assume a person could actually be allowed to assume power who has not already sold their soul to the powers that be.
You look at human history and say don't worry?

The vast majority of humans have either been slaves or died in wars for their collectivist masters.
Correct. I'm a big fan of the Serenity Prayer. Worrying yourself to death over shit you can't do anything about is a waste of energy. However, it's your life to live. Feel free to shit your pants over something you can't change.

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