America needs an intervention. Your are Cordially Invited to Participate.

The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.

Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.

It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

Not understanding that. There are 3 choices on the ballot. Only ONE offers a break from the partisan poo-flinging. OF COURSE the 2 corporate parties fucked up. They crossed their fingers and hoped you duped party animals would vote for them anyway. Folks like you would say "Hey, the only other choice is a military coupe"..

ONE of the 3 is ASKING for your vote. The other 2 --- EXPECT your vote. That's the difference.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.

Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.

It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

Not understanding that. There are 3 choices on the ballot. Only ONE offers a break from the partisan poo-flinging. OF COURSE the 2 corporate parties fucked up. They crossed their fingers and hoped you duped party animals would vote for them anyway. Folks like you would say "Hey, the only other choice is a military coupe"..

ONE of the 3 is ASKING for your vote. The other 2 --- EXPECT your vote. That's the difference.
No third political party stands a chance in today's politics I don't care who they are. The only chance a new party of any kind would ever stand a chance would be after a SHORT military take over. Say four years. During that four years EVERY standing member in the house, senate and oval office would be removed forever.

Nominations and voting would be opened to those folks who have NEVER served on the federal level. That would allow other parties to have fair shots at seats and say.
Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.

It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

Not understanding that. There are 3 choices on the ballot. Only ONE offers a break from the partisan poo-flinging. OF COURSE the 2 corporate parties fucked up. They crossed their fingers and hoped you duped party animals would vote for them anyway. Folks like you would say "Hey, the only other choice is a military coupe"..

ONE of the 3 is ASKING for your vote. The other 2 --- EXPECT your vote. That's the difference.
No third political party stands a chance in today's politics I don't care who they are. The only chance a new party of any kind would ever stand a chance would be after a SHORT military take over. Say four years. During that four years EVERY standing member in the house, senate and oval office would be removed forever.

Nominations and voting would be opened to those folks who have NEVER served on the federal level. That would allow other parties to have fair shots at seats and say.

I thought you loved the Constitution. And now you are left with ONLY this option? Kinda winging it --- seems like.

If people stopped being dupes for the parties and CARED about their country, wouldn't BE a problem buying something other than "the brand names". It's like folks still fighting over Coke Pepsi after each company POISONED 100,000 people.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.

It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

Not understanding that. There are 3 choices on the ballot. Only ONE offers a break from the partisan poo-flinging. OF COURSE the 2 corporate parties fucked up. They crossed their fingers and hoped you duped party animals would vote for them anyway. Folks like you would say "Hey, the only other choice is a military coupe"..

ONE of the 3 is ASKING for your vote. The other 2 --- EXPECT your vote. That's the difference.
No third political party stands a chance in today's politics I don't care who they are. The only chance a new party of any kind would ever stand a chance would be after a SHORT military take over. Say four years. During that four years EVERY standing member in the house, senate and oval office would be removed forever.

Nominations and voting would be opened to those folks who have NEVER served on the federal level. That would allow other parties to have fair shots at seats and say.

I thought you loved the Constitution. And now you are left with ONLY this option? Kinda winging it --- seems like.

If people stopped being dupes for the parties and CARED about their country, wouldn't BE a problem buying something other than "the brand names". It's like folks still fighting over Coke Pepsi after each company POISONED 100,000 people.
I do love it and may well need the military to protect it against domestic terrorists. DNC and GOP. Its not like calling for re-starting the country. Its a calling for re-starting the parties. The people have not caused parity to leave government, the parties have.
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It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

Not understanding that. There are 3 choices on the ballot. Only ONE offers a break from the partisan poo-flinging. OF COURSE the 2 corporate parties fucked up. They crossed their fingers and hoped you duped party animals would vote for them anyway. Folks like you would say "Hey, the only other choice is a military coupe"..

ONE of the 3 is ASKING for your vote. The other 2 --- EXPECT your vote. That's the difference.
No third political party stands a chance in today's politics I don't care who they are. The only chance a new party of any kind would ever stand a chance would be after a SHORT military take over. Say four years. During that four years EVERY standing member in the house, senate and oval office would be removed forever.

Nominations and voting would be opened to those folks who have NEVER served on the federal level. That would allow other parties to have fair shots at seats and say.

I thought you loved the Constitution. And now you are left with ONLY this option? Kinda winging it --- seems like.

If people stopped being dupes for the parties and CARED about their country, wouldn't BE a problem buying something other than "the brand names". It's like folks still fighting over Coke Pepsi after each company POISONED 100,000 people.
I do love it and may well need the military to protect it against domestic terrorists. DNC and GOP. Its not like calling for re-starting the country. Its a calling for re-starting the parties. The people have not cause parity to leave government, the parties have.
may well need the military

For someone who never was in the military you sure do talk about using it a lot
It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

Not understanding that. There are 3 choices on the ballot. Only ONE offers a break from the partisan poo-flinging. OF COURSE the 2 corporate parties fucked up. They crossed their fingers and hoped you duped party animals would vote for them anyway. Folks like you would say "Hey, the only other choice is a military coupe"..

ONE of the 3 is ASKING for your vote. The other 2 --- EXPECT your vote. That's the difference.
No third political party stands a chance in today's politics I don't care who they are. The only chance a new party of any kind would ever stand a chance would be after a SHORT military take over. Say four years. During that four years EVERY standing member in the house, senate and oval office would be removed forever.

Nominations and voting would be opened to those folks who have NEVER served on the federal level. That would allow other parties to have fair shots at seats and say.

I thought you loved the Constitution. And now you are left with ONLY this option? Kinda winging it --- seems like.

If people stopped being dupes for the parties and CARED about their country, wouldn't BE a problem buying something other than "the brand names". It's like folks still fighting over Coke Pepsi after each company POISONED 100,000 people.
I do love it and may well need the military to protect it against domestic terrorists. DNC and GOP. Its not like calling for re-starting the country. Its a calling for re-starting the parties. The people have not caused parity to leave government, the parties have.

Not sure. The parties DEPEND on YOU to continue the battling to the bottom. THey EXPECT your vote. YOU don't have to give it to them,. The parties have STOLEN the representative process. THey have colluded to divide the territory, the constituencies and the power. There are only 4 people that matter in Congress and THEY are top party operatives. They constantly ABANDON losing districts, leaving up to 40% of their voters disenfranchised. They bully even there own elected politicians. Gag them like the Tape Mouth guy. YOU built that. YOU want to continue that game to the end.
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A typical member of Congress nowadays..

Several good things would happen if America elected Johnson/Weld as a "caretaker intervention"..

1) Appointments would cease to be crony rewards given to raving partisans. To protect "the ass" that sits in the White House. Imagine how refreshing it would be to have all major dept. Heads like the A.G, Dir FBI, IRS chief, EPA head, etc chosen for COMPETENCE and not partisan agenda. Kinda like getting an "independent prosecutor" for EVERY item that comes before DOJ.

2) The cross-blaming would stop or be greatly attenuated. Because the execs in charge wouldn't CARE "who did it first" or "which party is to blame". Solutions would be judged on merit, problem solving would open up beyond "us vs them"..

3) Some things that SEEMS hard -- because the parties collude to KEEP them as problems, could be easily fixed.
Things like corporate welfare, moving towards 21st century labor skills market, southern border control, justice reform, school choices, and our perennial bad foreign policy.

You gotta just take a moment and IMAGINE what America could do in 4 years WITHOUT the partisan bickering and anger. And then take another moment and realize that all that just gets increasing worse if EITHER of lunatic tyrants gets elected.
Sadly, electing a third party President wouldn't change jack.

You STILL have the major parties in charge of Congress, and what would they do? Of course they would spend 4 years making sure that the third party President didn't get SHIT accomplished while in office. Then in the follow up election they would both scream "look, nothing gets done unless you put US in charge"

They are THAT entrenched.

The sad fact of the matter though is, we have the government we deserve. Our country is chock full of stupid people who are allowed to vote, so of course we're going to get terrible politicians.

I've several suggestions for solving the issue.

1. Limit any one individual to ONE elected position at the federal level with term limits. Say 12 years TOTAL , then you go back to the private sector.

2. Blind financial donations to the voting process rather than to individual candidates, or even parties.

3. Make lobbyists illegal.

Problem mostly solved.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

Are you implying Trump could win?


America only has one party now. Deal with it.

And no, there is no room for losertarians either. Become a Dim or get crushed.

You mean the party that just got caught disenfranchising their voters, disrespecting their constiuentcies and had a soft coup d'etat? That party? They are now corporations designed to spar with each other for territory. They regular ABANDON losing districts. They stalk their OWN POLITICIANS and make them fear speaking out against the party line. THE PARTIES have BECOME the tyranny our founders warned about.
Ding ding ding.
Sadly, electing a third party President wouldn't change jack.

You STILL have the major parties in charge of Congress, and what would they do? Of course they would spend 4 years making sure that the third party President didn't get SHIT accomplished while in office. Then in the follow up election they would both scream "look, nothing gets done unless you put US in charge"

They are THAT entrenched.

The sad fact of the matter though is, we have the government we deserve. Our country is chock full of stupid people who are allowed to vote, so of course we're going to get terrible politicians.

I've several suggestions for solving the issue.

1. Limit any one individual to ONE elected position at the federal level with term limits. Say 12 years TOTAL , then you go back to the private sector.

2. Blind financial donations to the voting process rather than to individual candidates, or even parties.

3. Make lobbyists illegal.

Problem mostly solved.

Better chance of accomplishing any of that with a defused partisan environment. None of that will EVER happen with the 2 party standoff and gang wars.

Some of America's BIGGEST problems are actually EASY to solve. If you EXPOSE the reasons that NEITHER the Reps or the Dems WANT to fix them. Corporate/Govt collusion is a good example. Would be a MAJOR breakthru in cutting off the feeding trough and lobbyists. It's NOT the campaign contributions that cause the graft and collusion. It's the POWER Congress/Prez have STOLEN to handout favors that is the primary problem.

Even if no money passed in an election cycle or EVER --- favors could still be done. You need to cut off the vending machine. Reps and Dems would have a hard DEFENDING all that graft without partisan cross-blame and smoke/mirrors.

Same with foreign policy -- It's been chronically moronic and deadly under BOTH these parties. The LParty has consistently pointed out for 25 years. And NOW -- the public is started to understand the immense damage BOTH parties have done.

It's hard to block progress ---- if you remove the cross-blaming and finger pointing and the "They did it first" arguments.
Sadly, electing a third party President wouldn't change jack.

You STILL have the major parties in charge of Congress, and what would they do? Of course they would spend 4 years making sure that the third party President didn't get SHIT accomplished while in office. Then in the follow up election they would both scream "look, nothing gets done unless you put US in charge"

They are THAT entrenched.

The sad fact of the matter though is, we have the government we deserve. Our country is chock full of stupid people who are allowed to vote, so of course we're going to get terrible politicians.

I've several suggestions for solving the issue.

1. Limit any one individual to ONE elected position at the federal level with term limits. Say 12 years TOTAL , then you go back to the private sector.

2. Blind financial donations to the voting process rather than to individual candidates, or even parties.

3. Make lobbyists illegal.

Problem mostly solved.

Better chance of accomplishing any of that with a defused partisan environment. None of that will EVER happen with the 2 party standoff and gang wars.

Some of America's BIGGEST problems are actually EASY to solve. If you EXPOSE the reasons that NEITHER the Reps or the Dems WANT to fix them. Corporate/Govt collusion is a good example. Would be a MAJOR breakthru in cutting off the feeding trough and lobbyists. It's NOT the campaign contributions that cause the graft and collusion. It's the POWER Congress/Prez have STOLEN to handout favors that is the primary problem.

Even if no money passed in an election cycle or EVER --- favors could still be done. You need to cut off the vending machine. Reps and Dems would have a hard DEFENDING all that graft without partisan cross-blame and smoke/mirrors.

Same with foreign policy -- It's been chronically moronic and deadly under BOTH these parties. The LParty has consistently pointed out for 25 years. And NOW -- the public is started to understand the immense damage BOTH parties have done.

It's hard to block progress ---- if you remove the cross-blaming and finger pointing and the "They did it first" arguments.

Favors have ALWAYS been part of every government known to man. THAT isn't going to change.

The rest of your post is spot on though. IT makes me laugh that people think the Dems are different than the GOP somehow. BOTH parties of course favor big business and only care about us little people insofar as they need our votes.
Sadly, electing a third party President wouldn't change jack.

You STILL have the major parties in charge of Congress, and what would they do? Of course they would spend 4 years making sure that the third party President didn't get SHIT accomplished while in office. Then in the follow up election they would both scream "look, nothing gets done unless you put US in charge"

They are THAT entrenched.

The sad fact of the matter though is, we have the government we deserve. Our country is chock full of stupid people who are allowed to vote, so of course we're going to get terrible politicians.

I've several suggestions for solving the issue.

1. Limit any one individual to ONE elected position at the federal level with term limits. Say 12 years TOTAL , then you go back to the private sector.

2. Blind financial donations to the voting process rather than to individual candidates, or even parties.

3. Make lobbyists illegal.

Problem mostly solved.

Better chance of accomplishing any of that with a defused partisan environment. None of that will EVER happen with the 2 party standoff and gang wars.

Some of America's BIGGEST problems are actually EASY to solve. If you EXPOSE the reasons that NEITHER the Reps or the Dems WANT to fix them. Corporate/Govt collusion is a good example. Would be a MAJOR breakthru in cutting off the feeding trough and lobbyists. It's NOT the campaign contributions that cause the graft and collusion. It's the POWER Congress/Prez have STOLEN to handout favors that is the primary problem.

Even if no money passed in an election cycle or EVER --- favors could still be done. You need to cut off the vending machine. Reps and Dems would have a hard DEFENDING all that graft without partisan cross-blame and smoke/mirrors.

Same with foreign policy -- It's been chronically moronic and deadly under BOTH these parties. The LParty has consistently pointed out for 25 years. And NOW -- the public is started to understand the immense damage BOTH parties have done.

It's hard to block progress ---- if you remove the cross-blaming and finger pointing and the "They did it first" arguments.

Favors have ALWAYS been part of every government known to man. THAT isn't going to change.

The rest of your post is spot on though. IT makes me laugh that people think the Dems are different than the GOP somehow. BOTH parties of course favor big business and only care about us little people insofar as they need our votes.

It's gotten to point where lavishing loans and subsidies on SOME companies in a market segment HURTS American competitiveness in the whole segment. Like boosting Solyndra or Tesla to the detriment of other companies that might have as good or better ideas.

There should be NO funding of ANY product that is already introduced to the market. Save some of that cash for REAL R&D -- parceled out in more equitable fashion.

It needs to stop. No reason why an appliance company should get a $40 tax break for every energy efficient dishwasher. The Dems and Reps CONSPIRE on this favoritism. You need new mgt to break up the collusion.

LESS favors -- more real R&D..... Could be done tomorrow. And EVERYONE would be happy. Except the Power Whores.
Sadly, electing a third party President wouldn't change jack.

You STILL have the major parties in charge of Congress, and what would they do? Of course they would spend 4 years making sure that the third party President didn't get SHIT accomplished while in office. Then in the follow up election they would both scream "look, nothing gets done unless you put US in charge"

They are THAT entrenched.

The sad fact of the matter though is, we have the government we deserve. Our country is chock full of stupid people who are allowed to vote, so of course we're going to get terrible politicians.

I've several suggestions for solving the issue.

1. Limit any one individual to ONE elected position at the federal level with term limits. Say 12 years TOTAL , then you go back to the private sector.

2. Blind financial donations to the voting process rather than to individual candidates, or even parties.

3. Make lobbyists illegal.

Problem mostly solved.

Better chance of accomplishing any of that with a defused partisan environment. None of that will EVER happen with the 2 party standoff and gang wars.

Some of America's BIGGEST problems are actually EASY to solve. If you EXPOSE the reasons that NEITHER the Reps or the Dems WANT to fix them. Corporate/Govt collusion is a good example. Would be a MAJOR breakthru in cutting off the feeding trough and lobbyists. It's NOT the campaign contributions that cause the graft and collusion. It's the POWER Congress/Prez have STOLEN to handout favors that is the primary problem.

Even if no money passed in an election cycle or EVER --- favors could still be done. You need to cut off the vending machine. Reps and Dems would have a hard DEFENDING all that graft without partisan cross-blame and smoke/mirrors.

Same with foreign policy -- It's been chronically moronic and deadly under BOTH these parties. The LParty has consistently pointed out for 25 years. And NOW -- the public is started to understand the immense damage BOTH parties have done.

It's hard to block progress ---- if you remove the cross-blaming and finger pointing and the "They did it first" arguments.

Favors have ALWAYS been part of every government known to man. THAT isn't going to change.

The rest of your post is spot on though. IT makes me laugh that people think the Dems are different than the GOP somehow. BOTH parties of course favor big business and only care about us little people insofar as they need our votes.

It's gotten to point where lavishing loans and subsidies on SOME companies in a market segment HURTS American competitiveness in the whole segment. Like boosting Solyndra or Tesla to the detriment of other companies that might have as good or better ideas.

There should be NO funding of ANY product that is already introduced to the market. Save some of that cash for REAL R&D -- parceled out in more equitable fashion.

It needs to stop. No reason why an appliance company should get a $40 tax break for every energy efficient dishwasher. The Dems and Reps CONSPIRE on this favoritism. You need new mgt to break up the collusion.

LESS favors -- more real R&D..... Could be done tomorrow. And EVERYONE would be happy. Except the Power Whores.

of course that is true. Government isn't supposed to play favorites.

IF the government feels that they need to be involved in such R&D then instead of picking companies to reward with huge contracts to TRY to do so something, why don't they simply offer rewards to companies that actually DO something?

Hell, offer a $1B reward for any company that can produce an internal combustion engine that produces at least 300 HP and returns 100 MPG. Within 10 years, someone would collect that reward.

MUCH more productive than dumping monies into technologies HOPING that one day they will be able to replace the ICE, for example.

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