America needs an intervention. Your are Cordially Invited to Participate.

I dont know how you people can keep discussing this as if Trump was not drowning little kittens in burlap bags in the cattle tanks across America!

Oh, the Kittehs! The poor, poor kittehs!

And he has been seen in the company of a Hispanic man who hires workers from his own family and there is good reason to believe that some of them ARE ILLEGAL!

And nude photos of Melania Trump are making 35.8% of American women feel ashamed of themselves and intimidated by this horrid woman. Imagine if she were First Lady! Oh the humanity! The horror!

And on top of all that, Trump likes to walk on worms that crawl out on to the sidewalk after a rain storm, and listen to the little popping sounds they make!

Horror! horror!

How can any decent person even consider voting for this monster for President?

Oh, the shame! The SHAME!



Normally all that would considered manic depressive behavior. But since we're here trying to exorcize all that fear and loathing of "the other" ---- would someone pass him a tissue box so we can continue?
I dont need no damned tissues; I have a shirt sleeve, thank you!

The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

What we need is to take away the powers, perks and immunity that Congress has over the years voted itself; give power back to the states that originally belonged to the states; get rid of entrenched politicians whose goal is to remain on the take and continue enriching themselves and their friends; outlaw lobbyists and foreign contributors to campaign funds; change the rules of congress so that no irrelevant amendments or attachments can be made to any one bill and LEAVE OUR CONSTITUTION UNTOUCHED!

The problem with our government is rooted in the corruptibility of politicians by way of unlimited tenure. We need term limits and a method by which the public can have politicians removed without congressional approval.

We need to get rid of the political machine that has taken over a government which was and still is intended to be BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.

Nowadays we are passing laws that 70% of the people do not want just because some asswipe liberals like Obama,Pelosi and Reid that think the people need it and will get it, but Congress and their staff will not be burdened with it. The perks have to stop.

We need to systematically execute a massive OIL CHANGE in Congress by getting rid of every single one of the existing members, one or two at a time for the next few decades and putting in fresh blood with term limits and a lengthy time-out wait before re-election.

The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start.
Not going to happen.

Stop being a good little victim. Stop complying.
Evidently, you are some new strain of FOOL that has infested the forum. Come back when you can successfully complete a paragraph that actually makes sense.
Except in the core constituency of the Libertarian party. Forget Ayn Rand. It's Thoreau with a healthy dose of self-preservation and an innate distrust of a too powerful govt. We are "classic Liberals". With a 21st Century dose of reality about the cliff we are about to go over.
Yeah, it took more than the stereotypical six months for me to give up on the LP too. But you'll eventually come to your senses.

It's only inevitable.

The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

What we need is to take away the powers, perks and immunity that Congress has over the years voted itself; give power back to the states that originally belonged to the states; get rid of entrenched politicians whose goal is to remain on the take and continue enriching themselves and their friends; outlaw lobbyists and foreign contributors to campaign funds; change the rules of congress so that no irrelevant amendments or attachments can be made to any one bill and LEAVE OUR CONSTITUTION UNTOUCHED!

The problem with our government is rooted in the corruptibility of politicians by way of unlimited tenure. We need term limits and a method by which the public can have politicians removed without congressional approval.

We need to get rid of the political machine that has taken over a government which was and still is intended to be BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.

Nowadays we are passing laws that 70% of the people do not want just because some asswipe liberals like Obama,Pelosi and Reid that think the people need it and will get it, but Congress and their staff will not be burdened with it. The perks have to stop.

We need to systematically execute a massive OIL CHANGE in Congress by getting rid of every single one of the existing members, one or two at a time for the next few decades and putting in fresh blood with term limits and a lengthy time-out wait before re-election.

The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start.
Not going to happen.

Stop being a good little victim. Stop complying.
Evidently, you are some new strain of FOOL that has infested the forum. Come back when you can successfully complete a paragraph that actually makes sense.
You'll find I'm right. Give it time.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

What we need is to take away the powers, perks and immunity that Congress has over the years voted itself; give power back to the states that originally belonged to the states; get rid of entrenched politicians whose goal is to remain on the take and continue enriching themselves and their friends; outlaw lobbyists and foreign contributors to campaign funds; change the rules of congress so that no irrelevant amendments or attachments can be made to any one bill and LEAVE OUR CONSTITUTION UNTOUCHED!

The problem with our government is rooted in the corruptibility of politicians by way of unlimited tenure. We need term limits and a method by which the public can have politicians removed without congressional approval.

We need to get rid of the political machine that has taken over a government which was and still is intended to be BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.

Nowadays we are passing laws that 70% of the people do not want just because some asswipe liberals like Obama,Pelosi and Reid that think the people need it and will get it, but Congress and their staff will not be burdened with it. The perks have to stop.

We need to systematically execute a massive OIL CHANGE in Congress by getting rid of every single one of the existing members, one or two at a time for the next few decades and putting in fresh blood with term limits and a lengthy time-out wait before re-election.

The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start.
Not going to happen.

Stop being a good little victim. Stop complying.
Evidently, you are some new strain of FOOL that has infested the forum. Come back when you can successfully complete a paragraph that actually makes sense.
You'll find I'm right. Give it time.
You give yourself far too much credit.
"The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start."

Only Hillary wants to overturn Citizens United and lobbying laws....Trump? You're kidding. He wants tax cuts on the richest AGAIN and less regulation, ie MORE lobbying...Ay caramba.

What is needed Fanco are term limits.

Congress was suppose to be public service, not a means of enriching yourself with lavish retirement plans and special health care no one else can obtain.

The only way to get this done is the article V movement.
Quit letting fringe loonies near microphones. The media is going to interview the guy foaming at the mouth just because it is more info-taining. More reasonable people should have the courage to say that the crazy person does not speak for them, there's a lot more of this than usual this time around, cautiously optimistic.
You mean gal.....
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
That would be like not taking a dump for 4 years...impossible..
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
That would be like not taking a dump for 4 years...impossible..

Better than wading thru the pile of shit that is this election cycle. You may BE part of the problem. You should think on that. 15 seconds of silence so that Moonie can think. :badgrin:
Actually, the GOP needs an intervention - like an exorcism. The GOP has been hijacked by assorted religious nutters, NRA gun nutters, and poorly educated low-information nutters. A mass exorcism is clearly needed.
Actually, the GOP needs an intervention - like an exorcism. The GOP has been hijacked by assorted religious nutters, NRA gun nutters, and poorly educated low-information nutters. A mass exorcism is clearly needed.

Who needs the exorcism again?

Actually, the GOP needs an intervention - like an exorcism. The GOP has been hijacked by assorted religious nutters, NRA gun nutters, and poorly educated low-information nutters. A mass exorcism is clearly needed.

Who needs the exorcism again?

Never realized it before and it's far off-topic, but look at what she has in her hand. Is it an endorsement for chilly Starbucks' drinks? Or did a pissed off staffer order a triple expresso shot in that cup.. ?

I know this is all fun and games. Until you poke an eye out playing like that. Stop it. Just stop the madness. Vote for sanity.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
Nicely put.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.

Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.

Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.
How about we elect an adult like mcmullin instead of someone we will need to drug test every 30 days?
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.

Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.

It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
How about we elect an adult like mcmullin instead of someone we will need to drug test every 30 days?

You talking about Gary Johnson? He's a triathlete. Like Michael Phelps, it's not an issue when he's in training.

I'd consider a different mgt team to mediate. But picking names out the air aint' gonna get them elected in 90 days at this point. The offer is on the table in 50 states..
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
We have been driven and prepared for this sh#t storm for the last eight years. It is the natural conclusion to the "grooming" we have undergone.

I don't see how a vote for anybody is going to quell this. Thanks to Wiki we know elections can and more importantly HAVE been fixed. That not only throws a cloud over this election but all future elections.

The seed of doubt is always stronger then fact but as in this case the seed of doubt is rooted in FACT making it that much more harmful. Does refusing to point the finger of blame help when the burden of proof is met? No, no it does not. And the refusal to do so may bring cause to some to harm others.

That is the part you want to mediate as soon as possible. That task is daunting however when the side who is caught red handed does little to nothing to mediate it. That is where the real failing is and can ignite the feeling of need for retribution.

Because when you get down to it you are talking one little guy VS the "elite" and even when the elite are caught they not only walk away but laugh about it. That is a taunt. The crime committed may piss the person off but the taunt lights the fuse.

Right now I think we have a chance at 50/50 at best. 50% somewhat peaceful and 50% chance of the most violent post election violence in history. And with the seed of doubt rooted in fact? Not good in a "civilized" country.

Citing the fact that side #1 "gets caught redhanded" and still "the burden of proof is not met". THAT is the problem. Because as part of that interaction, all the similar instances of side #2 are cited as precedent. With that cross-blaming -- you can only go LOWER into deception and unaccountability.

Put in a "mediation team" -- let them appoint and AG and Dir FBI that are NOT raving partisans and VOILA ..
You have an instant Independent Counsel for EVERY issue that is presented to them. And they report not to a highly partisan Presidential team, but to a team that will NEVER accept the excuse "that the other side did this before".

Every one of these slippery slope deals ends up in a National 1 to 1 stalemate. With the party in power winning the case. That's what a mediation team DOES. It breaks the stalemate between TWO warring parties, it solves problems without the built up biases and hate.
The problem you have here is the cause may well have set the effect in motion here. The emails pissed somebody off. Don't know where or who but they are out there.

Those five cops in Dallas died as a reaction to a death in an entirely different part of the nation. In this case I feel the only way to lessen the chance of violence is if the main player recuses her self from the running.

And given the ego involved that is simply not going to happen. Thus the possible future is cast in stone.

It's OK.. That's what this intervention is all about. You just illustrated the cross-blaming. Never got beyond "what the other side did". Didn't consider how to FIX anything. Just driven by hate of the other side.

Put America in Time-out. What happened in the past won't dictate what we do in the future.

A LOT of folks are not sit gonna idly by and watch you 2 warring tribes destroy yourselves and America. Time to give it up. Put it in trust for a bit. Ain't gonna be any worse than electing EITHER of those arrogant lunatics and continuing the Epic struggle to the death. Give the parties time to re-design themselves. WITHOUT the emphasis being on winning power..
Did you ever stop to think the two choices you have are the two choices they want you to have? The only other option you have that would even allow your approach would be a military take over.

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