America needs an intervention. Your are Cordially Invited to Participate.

Are you saying that Twitter or FaceBook is also "not representative" of America? You just witness the hijack of a major party and nearly successful hijack of the other. Is CNN, Fox, MSNBC representative of America? As a whole -- not individually. Just like the NYTimes is no longer by itself -- representative of America...
There's a wide gulf between "good cross section" and "representative". Obviously this forum, Twitter, Facebook, etc, are "representative" of America, but it's also representative of the foreigners here too. Russians, Brits, etc.

C'mon. Highly paid talking heads are embarrassing the fuck out of themselves parsing the latest gaffs, scandals and partisan sniping.. And we're mincing around with why the social media is FLOODED with crap politics? Stop being a partisan and LOOK at the carnage that's around you. And what WILL accelerate regardless of the ClinTrump election..

Do you DENY it gets exponentially WORSE when EITHER is elected??

I said some time ago that conservatives like myself will look back on Obama in 10 or 20 years and think of him as a decent moderate President. Keep in mind I despise the man.

Listen to Brother Votto Testify. Let's link hands, take a moment of silence and WISH JFK was available for a draft.

Don't think we'll feel that way about Carter or Clinton tho. Although EITHER of them was far less risky than the current choices.
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

Tolerance? Should we have tolerance for leaders who blatantly lie and who are blatantly guilty of violating the law, only to be dismissed by the corrupt infrastructure that supports them? Should we tolerate gun violence in our cities like Chicago, while turning a blind eye to it that has cost over 2000 black deaths? Should we tolerate leaving American servicemen to die in Benghazi because it was the politically expedient thing to do?

I'm sorry, but a lot of the problems I see today is a result of too much tolerance.
What is representative of Americans? That is a good question, especially since the mix is constantly increasing across our borders.

It is more like, American has been transformed to the will of the central planners.
If true, then we did it to ourselves as Alexander Tytler predicted in 1854:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
^^ RW insanity. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Say 2 minutes of sanity every hour on Rush, Savage, Sean etc etc etc...

The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
Welcome to democracy -- actually to our form of it which is a democratic republic -- a hybrid of the Greeks and Romans.

Aristotle warned everybody about democracy -- he said it can become a tyranny of the masses over the rich.

The Founding Fathers speculated that the Republic would only last as long as society had any real moral fiber to it.

For you see, a moral society spends its money wisely and helps those who are in need.

Now that morality has vanished from society and been replaced by secular humanism, it is all a mad scramble over materialism and government redistribution, a never ending conflict.

Perhaps we should have started with a prayer Brother Votto? Just stop using religion as a wedge tool. BOTH sides. Like there are no religious Dems or agnostic Reps. Burn that stuff. It's toxic.

Morality can't find a foothold with this much anger and hate. You got to pull the plug on the brawling first.
^^ RW insanity. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Say 2 minutes of sanity every hour on Rush, Savage, Sean etc etc etc...

Here is an idea, let people say what the hell they wish to say.

What are you so worried about? Obviously the conservative voices in America that are free to talk are having no effect on Dim domination of the US and the world.

How much power do you actually need exactly?
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.
Welcome to democracy -- actually to our form of it which is a democratic republic -- a hybrid of the Greeks and Romans.

Aristotle warned everybody about democracy -- he said it can become a tyranny of the masses over the rich.

The Founding Fathers speculated that the Republic would only last as long as society had any real moral fiber to it.

For you see, a moral society spends its money wisely and helps those who are in need.

Now that morality has vanished from society and been replaced by secular humanism, it is all a mad scramble over materialism and government redistribution, a never ending conflict.

Perhaps we should have started with a prayer Brother Votto? Just stop using religion as a wedge tool. BOTH sides. Like there are no religious Dems or agnostic Reps. Burn that stuff. It's toxic.

Morality can't find a foothold with this much anger and hate. You got to pull the plug on the brawling first.

Did I say religion once? No. I said morality

It is insightful, however, that you seem to think that morality is absent when religion is absent.

As I plainly stated, the issue is freedom. Those who have freedom and are morally responsible and self regulated don't need a police state as where those who are free and are amoral require a police state.

Which state do you wish to live in?
Listen to Brother Votto Testify. Let's link hands, take a moment of silence and WISH JFK was available for a draft.

Don't think we'll feel that way about Carter or Clinton tho. Although EITHER of them was far less risky than the current choices.
Carter was incompetent, Clinton was and is cancerous.

A modern Pinochet looks better by the minute.
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

Tolerance? Should we have tolerance for leaders who blatantly lie and who are blatantly guilty of violating the law, only to be dismissed by the corrupt infrastructure that supports them? Should we tolerate gun violence in our cities like Chicago, while turning a blind eye to it that has cost over 2000 black deaths? Should we tolerate leaving American servicemen to die in Benghazi because it was the politically expedient thing to do?

I'm sorry, but a lot of the problems I see today is a result of too much tolerance.
B) Legalize and tax pot. More treatment for hard drugs.
c) BENGAZEE!!!!!! BS...
You mean the party that just got caught disenfranchising their voters, disrespecting their constiuentcies and had a soft coup d'etat?

When you parrot lunatic conspiracy theories like that, it's impossible to take you seriously. All you demonstrate is that libertarians need an intervention, where everone informs them they aren't in touch with reality.

So, nice try with the phony equivalence fallacy. To bad nobody is buying it. We've got one party, the Democrats, who are acting like grownups, and Republicans, Libertarians and Greens who aren't.

I'm trying to tell him that there is only one party now, but he just won't listen.


There only SEEMS to be one party. They collude to define deviance UP and govt competency and performance DOWN. BECAUSE --- they play off each other's lust for POWER. Not principles. The vast section of the politically homeless that doesn't participate or is politically homeless have known this for decades. When it's all about POWER -- there is no morality left. And the media is a large part of that collusion conspiracy.

We NEED a mediation team that ASKED to be brought in -- like Johnson/Weld rather than a EXPECTATION that America will continue to OWE their votes to this farce.

It's critical we do it now. Four years of "cooling off". Four years of ending the finger pointing and the excuses. Four years of shutting down the power grabs.
Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

Tolerance? Should we have tolerance for leaders who blatantly lie and who are blatantly guilty of violating the law, only to be dismissed by the corrupt infrastructure that supports them? Should we tolerate gun violence in our cities like Chicago, while turning a blind eye to it that has cost over 2000 black deaths? Should we tolerate leaving American servicemen to die in Benghazi because it was the politically expedient thing to do?

I'm sorry, but a lot of the problems I see today is a result of too much tolerance.
B) Legalize and tax pot. More treatment for hard drugs.
c) BENGAZEE!!!!!! BS...

You -- the paid shills for continuing the demise of America politics -- please report to the overflow room. Sit in the appropriate jeering section please.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

What we need is to take away the powers, perks and immunity that Congress has over the years voted itself; give power back to the states that originally belonged to the states; get rid of entrenched politicians whose goal is to remain on the take and continue enriching themselves and their friends; outlaw lobbyists and foreign contributors to campaign funds; change the rules of congress so that no irrelevant amendments or attachments can be made to any one bill and LEAVE OUR CONSTITUTION UNTOUCHED!

The problem with our government is rooted in the corruptibility of politicians by way of unlimited tenure. We need term limits and a method by which the public can have politicians removed without congressional approval.

We need to get rid of the political machine that has taken over a government which was and still is intended to be BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.

Nowadays we are passing laws that 70% of the people do not want just because some asswipe liberals like Obama,Pelosi and Reid that think the people need it and will get it, but Congress and their staff will not be burdened with it. The perks have to stop.

We need to systematically execute a massive OIL CHANGE in Congress by getting rid of every single one of the existing members, one or two at a time for the next few decades and putting in fresh blood with term limits and a lengthy time-out wait before re-election.

The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

What we need is to take away the powers, perks and immunity that Congress has over the years voted itself; give power back to the states that originally belonged to the states; get rid of entrenched politicians whose goal is to remain on the take and continue enriching themselves and their friends; outlaw lobbyists and foreign contributors to campaign funds; change the rules of congress so that no irrelevant amendments or attachments can be made to any one bill and LEAVE OUR CONSTITUTION UNTOUCHED!

The problem with our government is rooted in the corruptibility of politicians by way of unlimited tenure. We need term limits and a method by which the public can have politicians removed without congressional approval.

We need to get rid of the political machine that has taken over a government which was and still is intended to be BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.

Nowadays we are passing laws that 70% of the people do not want just because some asswipe liberals like Obama,Pelosi and Reid that think the people need it and will get it, but Congress and their staff will not be burdened with it. The perks have to stop.

We need to systematically execute a massive OIL CHANGE in Congress by getting rid of every single one of the existing members, one or two at a time for the next few decades and putting in fresh blood with term limits and a lengthy time-out wait before re-election.

The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start.
Not going to happen.

Stop being a good little victim. Stop complying.
Guess you get a trip thru the metal detector. And a seat in the "secure" area.. :biggrin:

Or maybe I'll be at the charter desk, helping to coordinate the free helicopter rides.

View attachment 85105

Could be funny but it's not. I'm sure Anarchos are good at something !
Commies aren't funny. Murica has been trying to play nice with them for over a century. There comes a time to quit playing nice.

You going to wait until the gun is literally in your face?

No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Time outs? There are no time outs. Have you seen the way Obama has governed? It is a never ending series of pushing the envelope to the left as he dares anyone question him about over reach or being unconstitutional.

Progressives used to move slower, but now they just hit the accelerator with no fear.

You will see this with Hillary as well. And who is gong to stop her? Will her stooge SCOTUS members stop her that she will personally appoint to do her bidding? Will it be the stooge FBI or CIA that works for her? Who exactly will stop her?

Replace Obama with a non-partisan Mediation team. Things will improve. Johnson/Weld intends to run the Presidency as a highly coupled team. A "two-fer". One to undo the abuses of Power, the other to fix the negligence of critical domestic/international problems. Done. Respond to their "request" to be appointed. They could not muck up Judicial appointments any worse than the partisan choices. Because we LOVE the Constitution. and that is the ONLY litmus test that should matter.
You -- the paid shills for continuing the demise of America politics -- please report to the overflow room. Sit in the appropriate jeering section please.
He is the exact reason I call for a new Pinochet and helicopter rides.

They will never quit. There is no dealing with them.
The country needs a mediation team to detoxify the political environment. To separate the rapidly descending childish fights. pranks, gaffs and hissy fits and put the rabid partisans in "time out". I would say 4 years with a leadership team that will FOCUS ALL Americans on the issues and not on the side show.

The intervention is not only for the partisans, it is also for the media, who seem to thrive on baiting, trolling, and polarizing the public with tantalizing scandals and gaffes. Each one more outrageous than the previous.

Where are we going? We're headed straight to partisan HELL if either of the Dem/Rep candidates win. That would be like hitting the accelerator, when we should be braking and slowing down the inevitable meltdown. This is actually a National Leadership crisis. America just does not know it yet.

We are facing a ClinTrump victory that would seal America's demise as a "great country" -- regardless of the rhetoric. Because EITHER candidate is MORTALLY flawed, completely arrogant, unpredictable, and LARGELY disliked and not trusted.

What kind of mediation team would defuse the situation? A team like Johnson/Weld. Get America desensitized to partisan cross-blaming. Refuse to use the words :" they hit me first". Step into the middle of fights with a calm 3rd voice that solves problems --- not throw fuel on the fire. Two experienced "moderate" Governors that are ASKING for your vote -- not EXPECTING it. A team that only wants to see AMERICA win.

Four years of that would restore some calm to the shit storm we wake up to everyday now. Expecting both candidates to WIN or eventually go down in flames. And at the end of those four years -- you are welcome to start the brawl all over again. AFTER the intervention shows the love and respect that is DUE to this cherished process.

What we need is to take away the powers, perks and immunity that Congress has over the years voted itself; give power back to the states that originally belonged to the states; get rid of entrenched politicians whose goal is to remain on the take and continue enriching themselves and their friends; outlaw lobbyists and foreign contributors to campaign funds; change the rules of congress so that no irrelevant amendments or attachments can be made to any one bill and LEAVE OUR CONSTITUTION UNTOUCHED!

The problem with our government is rooted in the corruptibility of politicians by way of unlimited tenure. We need term limits and a method by which the public can have politicians removed without congressional approval.

We need to get rid of the political machine that has taken over a government which was and still is intended to be BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE.

Nowadays we are passing laws that 70% of the people do not want just because some asswipe liberals like Obama,Pelosi and Reid that think the people need it and will get it, but Congress and their staff will not be burdened with it. The perks have to stop.

We need to systematically execute a massive OIL CHANGE in Congress by getting rid of every single one of the existing members, one or two at a time for the next few decades and putting in fresh blood with term limits and a lengthy time-out wait before re-election.

The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start.

Thank you Bro Asaratis for testifying. Listen to this voter. Congress no longer even WRITE LAWS. They pass blank legislation that is to be filled in by the Minions of Morons in the bureaucracy.. Painfully, slowly, and largely without oversight. Congress has lost control of the Minions of Morons. Can not get a straight answer from the beast anymore. Start VETOING blank legislation for which Congress never did the homework up front.

Mr Veto -- Gary Johnson -- would DO that. Demand that Congress study and LEARN the issues before drafting bills. The mediation team would explain all that when the time comes to STOP that practice.
Guess you get a trip thru the metal detector. And a seat in the "secure" area.. :biggrin:

Or maybe I'll be at the charter desk, helping to coordinate the free helicopter rides.

View attachment 85105

Could be funny but it's not. I'm sure Anarchos are good at something !
Commies aren't funny. Murica has been trying to play nice with them for over a century. There comes a time to quit playing nice.

You going to wait until the gun is literally in your face?

No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.
...and who will be doing the re-evaluation, your people or my people?
You -- the paid shills for continuing the demise of America politics -- please report to the overflow room. Sit in the appropriate jeering section please.
He is the exact reason I call for a new Pinochet and helicopter rides.

They will never quit. There is no dealing with them.

OK. We all reject the Helicopter rides on Constitutional grounds. Please refrain. If the mediation fails to cure the partisan demise of America -- you Anarchos are welcomed to sponsor a different intervention. :cool-45:

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