America needs an intervention. Your are Cordially Invited to Participate.

Guess you get a trip thru the metal detector. And a seat in the "secure" area.. :biggrin:

Or maybe I'll be at the charter desk, helping to coordinate the free helicopter rides.

View attachment 85105

Could be funny but it's not. I'm sure Anarchos are good at something !
Commies aren't funny. Murica has been trying to play nice with them for over a century. There comes a time to quit playing nice.

You going to wait until the gun is literally in your face?

No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.
I happen to think it's BETTER than watching cable news. I learn more in 10 minutes on USMB politics than I do watching HOURS of CNN, Fox or MSNBC. But for the sake of the Intervention --- here's the current Google top list of political news stories... What do you see? What do you NOT see?

View attachment 85102
Unforced Errors: Donald Trump Misses on Two Hillary Clinton Stories - ‎1 hour ago‎

View attachment 85103
'Walmart Moms' lament 2016 options
Politico - ‎12 hours ago‎

View attachment 85104
McClatchy Washington Bureau
How do Muslim parents explain this election to their children?
McClatchy Washington Bureau - ‎4 hours ago‎

Washington Post

Bernie Sanders buys a $575000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy
Washington Post - ‎9 hours ago‎

Huffington Post

Federal Judge Officially Weakens Texas' Voter ID Law Before The Election
Huffington Post - ‎7 hours ago‎

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani defends Donald Trump against GOP national security officials' criticism - ‎Aug 9, 2016‎ Press

Stassen-Berger: Takeaways from the Minnesota primary election Press - ‎2 hours ago‎

Washington Post

Giant T (for Trump) replaces one that was torched on lawn
Salon - ‎6 hours ago‎


Trump Gives Major Economic Address: It Is Time To Remove The Anchor Dragging Us Down
Townhall - ‎Aug 8, 2016‎

ABC News

Split Decisions: George P. Bush Is Latest GOP Latino Tested By Trump - ‎14 hours ago‎

The Hill

Black, Latino journalists re-issue invitation to Trump
The Hill - ‎Aug 9, 2016‎

The Detroit News

AG files emergency motion over straight-ticket voting
The Detroit News - ‎4 hours ago‎

New York Times

Modest to Majestic: A Look at Hillary and Bill Clinton's Homes Over the Years
New York Times - ‎10 hours ago‎


GOP EPA chiefs endorse Clinton
Politico - ‎Aug 9, 2016‎


Clinton makes play for Mormon voters
Politico - ‎8 hours ago‎

The UpTake

Minnesota Primary Winner Is…The Electronic Poll Book
The UpTake - ‎21 hours ago‎


Pence apologizes to GOP lawmaker after alleged Trump camp seating snub
Politico - ‎4 hours ago‎

U.S. News & World Report

Voting-rights activists, anti-fraud crusaders clash over ID laws as election looms
Washington Times - ‎1 hour ago‎


Media Report on Attack on Trump Supporter, Omit That He Was Screaming Racial Slurs at the Time
Mediaite - ‎4 hours ago‎

god what an ugly shirt An innocent older gentleman was beaten with a crowbar for the sole crime of wearing a Donald Trump shirt last week.
I agree this is more fun than just watching the news, but that doesn't negate my point that members here are not a good cross-section of Americans.

As for the Google, search, I find the list interesting because it's so bland. Yes, it's obviously an election year. It has been for the last 18 months.

Are you saying that Twitter or FaceBook is also "not representative" of America? You just witness the hijack of a major party and nearly successful hijack of the other. Is CNN, Fox, MSNBC representative of America? As a whole -- not individually. Just like the NYTimes is no longer by itself -- representative of America...

What is representative of Americans? That is a good question, especially since the mix is constantly increasing across our borders.

It is more like, American has been transformed to the will of the central planners.
Guess you get a trip thru the metal detector. And a seat in the "secure" area.. :biggrin:

Or maybe I'll be at the charter desk, helping to coordinate the free helicopter rides.

View attachment 85105

Could be funny but it's not. I'm sure Anarchos are good at something !
Commies aren't funny. Murica has been trying to play nice with them for over a century. There comes a time to quit playing nice.

You going to wait until the gun is literally in your face?

No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Time outs? There are no time outs. Have you seen the way Obama has governed? It is a never ending series of pushing the envelope to the left as he dares anyone question him about over reach or being unconstitutional.

Progressives used to move slower, but now they just hit the accelerator with no fear.

You will see this with Hillary as well. And who is gong to stop her? Will her stooge SCOTUS members stop her that she will personally appoint to do her bidding? Will it be the stooge FBI or CIA that works for her? Who exactly will stop her?
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

You may see more of this

DC transit police officer charged with aiding ISIS -

Here we see a policeman trying to help ISIS. He worked in Washington DC.

Will people start aiding enemies of the US once they have given up on their government?
Nanny Staters/Federalists versus the Individualists/anti-Federalists

Why can't we be collectivists....and individualists....and Federalists with respect for State rights?

Are any of those concepts without merit?

Some of those definitely conflict with each other. And I don't want argue with the collective about what's for dinner or where we're going this weekend. But any Libertarian will tell you that you can be Socially liberal and sensitive to social justice and also be in favor of GOOD LEAN GOVT that does a few things well. So there are MORE choices than you currrently have.

And the choices that you ACTUALLY have today --- don't give a happy fuck about philosophy anymore. They are designed and focus tested and poll checked to WIN. And that's very dangerous to be COMPLETELY without a rudder when we are about to go over the falls..
Are you saying that Twitter or FaceBook is also "not representative" of America? You just witness the hijack of a major party and nearly successful hijack of the other. Is CNN, Fox, MSNBC representative of America? As a whole -- not individually. Just like the NYTimes is no longer by itself -- representative of America...
There's a wide gulf between "good cross section" and "representative". Obviously this forum, Twitter, Facebook, etc, are "representative" of America, but it's also representative of the foreigners here too. Russians, Brits, etc.
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
You may see more of this

DC transit police officer charged with aiding ISIS -

Here we see a policeman trying to help ISIS. He worked in Washington DC.

Will people start aiding enemies of the US once they have given up on their government?
Over 750,000 Law enforcement officers in this country and only one is an asshole?

As you may recall, over the past twenty years more than a few LEOs have been revealed to be KKK or white supremacist assholes. Do you think a couple dozen idiots are representative of all LEOs?
Are you saying that Twitter or FaceBook is also "not representative" of America? You just witness the hijack of a major party and nearly successful hijack of the other. Is CNN, Fox, MSNBC representative of America? As a whole -- not individually. Just like the NYTimes is no longer by itself -- representative of America...
There's a wide gulf between "good cross section" and "representative". Obviously this forum, Twitter, Facebook, etc, are "representative" of America, but it's also representative of the foreigners here too. Russians, Brits, etc.

C'mon. Highly paid talking heads are embarrassing the fuck out of themselves parsing the latest gaffs, scandals and partisan sniping.. And we're mincing around with why the social media is FLOODED with crap politics? Stop being a partisan and LOOK at the carnage that's around you. And what WILL accelerate regardless of the ClinTrump election..

Do you DENY it gets exponentially WORSE when EITHER is elected??
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.
Are you saying that Twitter or FaceBook is also "not representative" of America? You just witness the hijack of a major party and nearly successful hijack of the other. Is CNN, Fox, MSNBC representative of America? As a whole -- not individually. Just like the NYTimes is no longer by itself -- representative of America...
There's a wide gulf between "good cross section" and "representative". Obviously this forum, Twitter, Facebook, etc, are "representative" of America, but it's also representative of the foreigners here too. Russians, Brits, etc.

C'mon. Highly paid talking heads are embarrassing the fuck out of themselves parsing the latest gaffs, scandals and partisan sniping.. And we're mincing around with why the social media is FLOODED with crap politics? Stop being a partisan and LOOK at the carnage that's around you. And what WILL accelerate regardless of the ClinTrump election..

Do you DENY it gets exponentially WORSE when EITHER is elected??

I said some time ago that conservatives like myself will look back on Obama in 10 or 20 years and think of him as a decent moderate President. Keep in mind I despise the man.
You mean the party that just got caught disenfranchising their voters, disrespecting their constiuentcies and had a soft coup d'etat?

When you parrot lunatic conspiracy theories like that, it's impossible to take you seriously. All you demonstrate is that libertarians need an intervention, where everone informs them they aren't in touch with reality.

So, nice try with the phony equivalence fallacy. To bad nobody is buying it. We've got one party, the Democrats, who are acting like grownups, and Republicans, Libertarians and Greens who aren't.

You're obviously NOT partisan. You are just here to disrupt the intervention. And to flame me because I actually CARE about America. Not about winning. You're dismissed.
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
Progressives are in NO WAY compatible with being free. They creep in like the kudzu -I assume that the FLA & TENN part of you knows all about that- and take no quarter.

If push comes to shove, they'll shoot you in the face. Time to stop playing nice.
Well let's see, people like you want everyone's guns,


they despise a free market and want to dictate how we spend our money and how much money we can actually have

False, False, False

, then you want to terrorize anyone who is not PC by publically shaming them to the point where they have no more social life and can't find a job,


they pass about 40,000 new laws and regulations in the US government every year, and as we know, with each law freedom wanes.


As I said, such collectivists want full and absolute control.

True, you did say it...but it's false.

Why do you make up this bullshit? Does it make feel better? Does your head hurt less from not having to deal with real people, but rather caricatures?
Last edited:
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
Progressives are in NO WAY compatible with being free. They creep in like the kudzu -I assume that the FLA & TENN part of you know all about that- and take no quarter.

If push comes to shove, they'll shoot you in the face. Time to stop playing nice.

They will shoot you in the streets like they do innocent police officers and create violence at Trump rallies.
Well let's see, people like you want everyone's guns,


they despise a free market and want to dictate how we spend our money and how much money we can actually have

False, False, False

, then you want to terrorize anyone who is not PC by publically shaming them to the point where they have no more social life and can't find a job,


they pass about 40,000 new laws and regulations in the US government every year, and as we know, with each law freedom wanes.


As I said, such collectivists want full and absolute control.

True, you did say it...but it's false.

Good, I'm glad we agree then, liberals are fascists.

(If Hillary can do it, so can I)
Some of those definitely conflict with each other. And I don't want argue with the collective about what's for dinner or where we're going this weekend. But any Libertarian will tell you that you can be Socially liberal and sensitive to social justice and also be in favor of GOOD LEAN GOVT that does a few things well. So there are MORE choices than you currrently have.

And the choices that you ACTUALLY have today --- don't give a happy fuck about philosophy anymore. They are designed and focus tested and poll checked to WIN. And that's very dangerous to be COMPLETELY without a rudder when we are about to go over the falls..
Agreed with your first paragraph, but don't completely agree with the second since it's always been like this. Sometimes a lot worse.

Our nation has seen a lot worse times than now. If anything, we, as a nation, have gotten too soft and whine too much. The "Greatest Generation" was great because adversity builds character and they had adversity by the truck load. Going from government corruption to the Great Depression directly into a war that killed over 400,000 Americans in less than 4 years is a tough row to hoe. Meanwhile, in the 21st Century, people are whining because they can't afford a quarter of a million dollar home and a new Beemer for the wife.

The National WWII Museum | New Orleans: Learn: For Students: WWII by the Numbers: World-Wide Deaths
Well let's see, people like you want everyone's guns,


they despise a free market and want to dictate how we spend our money and how much money we can actually have

False, False, False

, then you want to terrorize anyone who is not PC by publically shaming them to the point where they have no more social life and can't find a job,


they pass about 40,000 new laws and regulations in the US government every year, and as we know, with each law freedom wanes.


As I said, such collectivists want full and absolute control.

True, you did say it...but it's false.
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

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