America needs an intervention. Your are Cordially Invited to Participate.

Thank you Bro Asaratis for testifying. Listen to this voter. Congress no longer even WRITE LAWS. They pass blank legislation that is to be filled in by the Minions of Morons in the bureaucracy.. Painfully, slowly, and largely without oversight. Congress has lost control of the Minions of Morons. Can not get a straight answer from the beast anymore. Start VETOING blank legislation for which Congress never did the homework up front.

Mr Veto -- Gary Johnson -- would DO that. Demand that Congress study and LEARN the issues before drafting bills. The mediation team would explain all that when the time comes to STOP that practice.

Jesse Ventura tried a similar course. He is the most veto overridden Governor in MN history. Gary is no Jesse.
Guess you get a trip thru the metal detector. And a seat in the "secure" area.. :biggrin:

Or maybe I'll be at the charter desk, helping to coordinate the free helicopter rides.

View attachment 85105

Could be funny but it's not. I'm sure Anarchos are good at something !
Commies aren't funny. Murica has been trying to play nice with them for over a century. There comes a time to quit playing nice.

You going to wait until the gun is literally in your face?

No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.
...and who will be doing the re-evaluation, your people or my people?

It's more of a partisan bullship filtering process. Than a 3rd way. Stop pretending you can't fix gov/corp collusion and immigration without MASSIVE effort. Stop bombing 4 Arab countries a year and wonder why terrorism spreads and gets worse . It's simple if you want it. The team will obviously rely on the best qualified from both sides of the Dem/Rep elected to participate. Might even enjoy each other a bit if the effort is focused on PROBLEM-SOLVING and fixing shit. But I also imagine that fiscal sanity and social tolerance will be "imposed" on the solutions.

Only so much you can EXPECT in a 4 year intervention. It would smart to just promise a new tone and emphasis on how works in Wash DC.
OK. We all reject the Helicopter rides on Constitutional grounds. Please refrain. If the mediation fails to cure the partisan demise of America -- you Anarchos are welcomed to sponsor a different intervention. :cool-45:
Progressives are aggressors by definition.

Rothbard approved voting as a form of self defense. Agree as I may, commies will never quit. Given that, I'll take that to the natural extreme of Hoppe & Pinochet, that physical removal of statist aggressors is also a legitimate act of self defense.
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

Tolerance? Should we have tolerance for leaders who blatantly lie and who are blatantly guilty of violating the law, only to be dismissed by the corrupt infrastructure that supports them? Should we tolerate gun violence in our cities like Chicago, while turning a blind eye to it that has cost over 2000 black deaths? Should we tolerate leaving American servicemen to die in Benghazi because it was the politically expedient thing to do?

I'm sorry, but a lot of the problems I see today is a result of too much tolerance.
B) Legalize and tax pot. More treatment for hard drugs.
c) BENGAZEE!!!!!! BS...

You -- the paid shills for continuing the demise of America politics -- please report to the overflow room. Sit in the appropriate jeering section please.
Paid? You RWers are right off the wall lol. Tax the rich their fair share, cut taxes on the rest, raise pay, invest in training and education, and pass a Fairness Doctrine so some media has to stop producing hater dupe idiots like you people. The USA isn't going anywhere, but the New BS GOP is self destructing from the weight of its own BS lies...
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
Progressives are in NO WAY compatible with being free. They creep in like the kudzu -I assume that the FLA & TENN part of you knows all about that- and take no quarter.

If push comes to shove, they'll shoot you in the face. Time to stop playing nice.

Personally, and I'll whisper this to you so that I don't blow my neutral cover -- I'd rather deal with ethical principled conservatives and progressives than leftists or rightists who are only concerned with obtaining power. And I'd rather deal with any of them --- than Anarcho - Capitalists that like the idea of helicopter rides and don't Love the Constitution and diversity of political thought. Best debate in the world would be Bernie vs Johnson. Folks would learn A LOT about political principles and how to RESPECT "your opposition". I'm hoping the Lparty can pull off something like that if the mediation gets blocked from the big corporate Dem/Rep debate.
Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

Tolerance? Should we have tolerance for leaders who blatantly lie and who are blatantly guilty of violating the law, only to be dismissed by the corrupt infrastructure that supports them? Should we tolerate gun violence in our cities like Chicago, while turning a blind eye to it that has cost over 2000 black deaths? Should we tolerate leaving American servicemen to die in Benghazi because it was the politically expedient thing to do?

I'm sorry, but a lot of the problems I see today is a result of too much tolerance.
B) Legalize and tax pot. More treatment for hard drugs.
c) BENGAZEE!!!!!! BS...

You -- the paid shills for continuing the demise of America politics -- please report to the overflow room. Sit in the appropriate jeering section please.
Paid? You RWers are right off the wall lol. Tax the rich their fair share, cut taxes on the rest, raise pay, invest in training and education, and pass a Fairness Doctrine so some media has to stop producing hater dupe idiots like you people. The USA isn't going anywhere, but the New BS GOP is self destructing from the weight of its own BS lies...

At this point Franco, as pointless as you GENERALLY ARE -- you're in the wrong intervention. And embarrassing yourself by not even understanding the topic of this thread. Because if you think this is the Partisan Poo-Flinging convention -- that's out this door and in the parking lot.. Please find the RIGHT meeting. Before I start funnying you.. Don't mess with progress dude.
"The most crucial phase is to rid Congress of the pay-for-play syndrome that drives Congressmen to vote for whatever lines their own pockets. That is exactly what Trump stands for and his Presidency would be a good start."

Only Hillary wants to overturn Citizens United and lobbying laws....Trump? You're kidding. He wants tax cuts on the richest AGAIN and less regulation, ie MORE lobbying...Ay caramba.
No -- that's why I'm suggesting America in political time out. In the freaking penalty box. In the corners with the dunce caps ------------------ for about 4 years. And then we'll re-evaluate the patient's progress.

Or maybe the people who want to be free quit taking the shit of the statists and start warming up the helicopters.

IMO, the time for playing nice is over. Progressives are disinterested in playing nice.

Hoppe FTW.

No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.

Everyone wants freedom. The problem with freedom, however, is that people abuse others around them with their freedom.

That is the conundrum. The only fix is to focus on morality. People must govern their own moral compass if they want to be free, or others will do it for them and they will lose their freedom.

It's really not about economics and redistribution and starting wars.

Freedom doesn't work without tolerance. NOBODY speaks to tolerance anymore. That's part of the mediation. To restore the concept of TOLERATING others exercise of freedom and not RUN to legislate that requirement.

Morality might be a big part. Given what we are seeing. But all government can do is ACT morally and competently and set an example. To do that IN THIS ENVIRONMENT --- you have to separate the warring partisans --- put them in "time out" and stop EXCUSING immorality and ethical violations and CRIMINAL ACTIONS in govt by saying that "Both Parties Do IT" !!!!! Give a mediation team a chance to demonstrate. One that doesn't have a HUGE corporate style of corruption built into it..

Tolerance? Should we have tolerance for leaders who blatantly lie and who are blatantly guilty of violating the law, only to be dismissed by the corrupt infrastructure that supports them? Should we tolerate gun violence in our cities like Chicago, while turning a blind eye to it that has cost over 2000 black deaths? Should we tolerate leaving American servicemen to die in Benghazi because it was the politically expedient thing to do?

I'm sorry, but a lot of the problems I see today is a result of too much tolerance.

Oh hell no brother. You've been SOLD that bill of goods. Because that UNI-party you thinks exists DEPENDS on conditioning you to ACCEPT ever-increasing graft, corruption and abuses of power. I can hear your pain.. You don't HAVE to live like that. Vote for a cool down. Vote for making the system WORK again. Vote for people because they ASK YOU for your vote. NOT because you OWE it to them.
You don't know what a marxist IS, hater dupe. LOL
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
Progressives are in NO WAY compatible with being free. They creep in like the kudzu -I assume that the FLA & TENN part of you knows all about that- and take no quarter.

If push comes to shove, they'll shoot you in the face. Time to stop playing nice.

Personally, and I'll whisper this to you so that I don't blow my neutral cover -- I'd rather deal with ethical principled conservatives and progressives than leftists or rightists who are only concerned with obtaining power. And I'd rather deal with any of them --- than Anarcho - Capitalists that like the idea of helicopter rides and don't Love the Constitution and diversity of political thought. Best debate in the world would be Bernie vs Johnson. Folks would learn A LOT about political principles and how to RESPECT "your opposition". I'm hoping the Lparty can pull off something like that if the mediation gets blocked from the big corporate Dem/Rep debate.
My knee jerk response is that there are no principled leftists, but that impulse is wrong. They are principled, and their principles are vehemently opposed to the freedom of individual people.

By their measure, there is no debate. You are wrong. You will be destroyed.
I dont know how you people can keep discussing this as if Trump was not drowning little kittens in burlap bags in the cattle tanks across America!

Oh, the Kittehs! The poor, poor kittehs!

And he has been seen in the company of a Hispanic man who hires workers from his own family and there is good reason to believe that some of them ARE ILLEGAL!

And nude photos of Melania Trump are making 35.8% of American women feel ashamed of themselves and intimidated by this horrid woman. Imagine if she were First Lady! Oh the humanity! The horror!

And on top of all that, Trump likes to walk on worms that crawl out on to the sidewalk after a rain storm, and listen to the little popping sounds they make!

Horror! horror!

How can any decent person even consider voting for this monster for President?

Oh, the shame! The SHAME!


Mr Veto -- Gary Johnson -- would DO that.
and then have his veto completely over ridden by the two major parties in Congress.

Whooooa Brother Jim. What a remarkable breakthru you've made here. Isn't it BRILLIANT if you can UNITE the two parties to OPPOSE or SUPPORT the same things? :biggrin:

Not by sacrificing principles. But by finding solutions that don't wreck the treasury and don't violate the Constitution and that are FULLY FORMED BILLS that Congress has actually filled out the details on.

If it's BAD legislation that they support each other on -- we'll say so. And go on record if by SOME FUCKING MIRACLE both of the parties want it that badly.
My knee jerk response is that there are no principled leftists, but that impulse is wrong. They are principled, and their principles are vehemently opposed to the freedom of individual people.

By their measure, there is no debate. You are wrong. You will be destroyed.
Classic liberals had principles, but they no longer exist in the halls of political power.
You don't know what a marxist IS, hater dupe. LOL
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
Progressives are in NO WAY compatible with being free. They creep in like the kudzu -I assume that the FLA & TENN part of you knows all about that- and take no quarter.

If push comes to shove, they'll shoot you in the face. Time to stop playing nice.

Personally, and I'll whisper this to you so that I don't blow my neutral cover -- I'd rather deal with ethical principled conservatives and progressives than leftists or rightists who are only concerned with obtaining power. And I'd rather deal with any of them --- than Anarcho - Capitalists that like the idea of helicopter rides and don't Love the Constitution and diversity of political thought. Best debate in the world would be Bernie vs Johnson. Folks would learn A LOT about political principles and how to RESPECT "your opposition". I'm hoping the Lparty can pull off something like that if the mediation gets blocked from the big corporate Dem/Rep debate.
My knee jerk response is that there are no principled leftists, but that impulse is wrong. They are principled, and their principles are vehemently opposed to the freedom of individual people.

By their measure, there is no debate. You are wrong. You will be destroyed.

I might agree that neither leftists or rightists HAVE principles. Since their MAIN concern is obtaining and abusing power. But both Conservatives and Progressives HAVE principles. YOU --- I'm not sure that matters to an Anarcho. :lmao:
You don't know what a marxist IS, hater dupe. LOL
No breakthrus with you are there? Just have another sangria and play along. In the meantime realize that Pinochet Helicopter rides are in NO WAY compatible with spouting off about being free.. People will learn about free the hard way if this intervention does not work.
Progressives are in NO WAY compatible with being free. They creep in like the kudzu -I assume that the FLA & TENN part of you knows all about that- and take no quarter.

If push comes to shove, they'll shoot you in the face. Time to stop playing nice.

Personally, and I'll whisper this to you so that I don't blow my neutral cover -- I'd rather deal with ethical principled conservatives and progressives than leftists or rightists who are only concerned with obtaining power. And I'd rather deal with any of them --- than Anarcho - Capitalists that like the idea of helicopter rides and don't Love the Constitution and diversity of political thought. Best debate in the world would be Bernie vs Johnson. Folks would learn A LOT about political principles and how to RESPECT "your opposition". I'm hoping the Lparty can pull off something like that if the mediation gets blocked from the big corporate Dem/Rep debate.
My knee jerk response is that there are no principled leftists, but that impulse is wrong. They are principled, and their principles are vehemently opposed to the freedom of individual people.

By their measure, there is no debate. You are wrong. You will be destroyed.
After the pure catastrophe of BOOOOSH and 8 years of the "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME, you're about right....but at the ballot box, thanks. The Dems have the right policies, the GOP just tax cuts for the rich AGAIN. Brilliant. This is the greatest country in the world, STILL, and is about to correct its course after 35 years of GOP nuttinesss. See sig pp 1.
My knee jerk response is that there are no principled leftists, but that impulse is wrong. They are principled, and their principles are vehemently opposed to the freedom of individual people.

By their measure, there is no debate. You are wrong. You will be destroyed.
Classic liberals had principles, but they no longer exist in the halls of political power.

Except in the core constituency of the Libertarian party. Forget Ayn Rand. It's Thoreau with a healthy dose of self-preservation and an innate distrust of a too powerful govt. We are "classic Liberals". With a 21st Century dose of reality about the cliff we are about to go over.
I might agree that neither leftists or rightists HAVE principles. Since their MAIN concern is obtaining and abusing power. But both Conservatives and Progressives HAVE principles. YOU --- I'm not sure that matters to an Anarcho. :lmao:
It matters. They are both statists.

Your vote for who will be the warden doesn't change your status as a prisoner.
I dont know how you people can keep discussing this as if Trump was not drowning little kittens in burlap bags in the cattle tanks across America!

Oh, the Kittehs! The poor, poor kittehs!

And he has been seen in the company of a Hispanic man who hires workers from his own family and there is good reason to believe that some of them ARE ILLEGAL!

And nude photos of Melania Trump are making 35.8% of American women feel ashamed of themselves and intimidated by this horrid woman. Imagine if she were First Lady! Oh the humanity! The horror!

And on top of all that, Trump likes to walk on worms that crawl out on to the sidewalk after a rain storm, and listen to the little popping sounds they make!

Horror! horror!

How can any decent person even consider voting for this monster for President?

Oh, the shame! The SHAME!



Normally all that would considered manic depressive behavior. But since we're here trying to exorcize all that fear and loathing of "the other" ---- would someone pass him a tissue box so we can continue?
I might agree that neither leftists or rightists HAVE principles. Since their MAIN concern is obtaining and abusing power. But both Conservatives and Progressives HAVE principles. YOU --- I'm not sure that matters to an Anarcho. :lmao:
It matters. They are both statists.

Your vote for who will be the warden doesn't change your status as a prisoner.

No -- I meant I never ever considered anarchos and principled in the same paragraph. Give me a week to ponder that. :badgrin:

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