America needs single payer

Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

You haven't researched much have you?

A few years back the government of Manitoba closed my ER. My funeral home is closer. And nothing is free. An ambulance ride is close to 300 bucks.
One, how much do you pay per capita for health care?

Two, what is the average age of death?

Three, what is the percentage of Canadians that want to go an US style health care system?

Your three countries that Matthew put up have the worst.

I'm not even going to play on that. I'm a big believer in two tier. Check out France. I have been promoting this here big time and I'm making headway. You need private and public.

I have been at this for years. And you get way more bang for your buck and people really do receive better care.
Yep, two tier. That's what the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system is.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.
Yeah because big centralized government works so well.

Only an idiot would believe such a thing.

Medicare is efficient with low overhead.
Medicare is efficient?.....Holy shit.
You make a silly statement.
Government is the most inefficient entity ever devised by man...but you would not know this, since the MSNBC failed to inform you.
td does not disappoint. I knew she would go to two tier, and I agree with her. We can morph our current two tier into a system modeled on Australia.

This is not "if" at all. It is "when", and the sooner the better.
td does not disappoint. I knew she would go to two tier, and I agree with her. We can morph our current two tier into a system modeled on Australia.

This is not "if" at all. It is "when", and the sooner the better.

You just can't lose with two tier. First off it gets the wealthy out of the queue. Secondly two tier provides better coverage for the impoverished by allowing the wealthy to get out of the system so more money in the health care system gets directed to the poor.

Just makes sense.

What makes me spit bullets Jake are the idiots in our governments who always spout "we need a made in Canada or made in USA solution" and then they never do anything.

If there are great models out there and they do exist for crying out loud why don't we copy them?

Sheesh. Makes me crazy.
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.

It's funny Jake. I'm in the habit of ignoring any post of yours that starts with "XXXX (the far right, libertarians, another board member, etc ...) is(are) stupid, terrible, etc....". Which is convenient, as it means I can ignore most of your posts.
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.

It's funny Jake. I'm in the habit of ignoring any post of yours that starts with "XXXX (the far right, libertarians, another board member, etc ...) is(are) stupid, terrible, etc....". Which is convenient, as it means I can ignore most of your posts.
You are describing how you post, and thus are projecting your inadequacy onto me. Yes, you are as inadequate as they come. :lol:
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.

The extreme Far Left are ideologically opposed to anything that isn't government provided "free".

They love to have other people pay their bills for them.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being greedy dumbasses.
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.
The extreme Far Left are ideologically opposed to anything that isn't government provided "free". They love to have other people pay their bills for them. Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being greedy dumbasses.
Flash is a great example of why everyone from the responsible right to the far left laugh at the crazy con far right.
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.
The extreme Far Left are ideologically opposed to anything that isn't government provided "free". They love to have other people pay their bills for them. Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being greedy dumbasses.
Flash is a great example of why everyone from the responsible right to the far left laugh at the crazy con far right.

You are a great example of an uneducated low information greedy Moon Bat that thinks everything should be provided to you by the government because you are too sorry to pay your own bills.
Only an idiot would put something as important as their health care and their family's health care into the hands of the filthy ass government.

Of course if the greedy bastards think they are getting something for free then they will do idiotic things.

Here is today's example of how good the friggin Federal government is at being a steward of our money.

Gov’t Watchdog: HUD’s Financial Books Are Impossible To Audit

Gov’t Watchdog: HUD’s Financial Books Are Impossible To Audit

A government watchdog says it can’t audit billions in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) spending because the agency’s financial books are kept so poorly.

HUD’s financial statements and systems are missing records, inaccurate and sometimes even violated federal laws, according to a HUD inspector general report released Monday. Included among the programs with useless financial accounting records is nearly $20 billion at the Government National Mortgage Association.

“This audit report contains nine material weaknesses, eight significant deficiencies in internal controls and six instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations,” the report says. “These weaknesses were due to an inability to establish a compliant control environment, implement adequate financial accounting systems, retain key financial management staff and identify appropriate accounting principles.”
Our far right are ideologically opposed and politically against anything the other sides suggest is the problem.
The extreme Far Left are ideologically opposed to anything that isn't government provided "free". They love to have other people pay their bills for them. Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being greedy dumbasses.
Flash is a great example of why everyone from the responsible right to the far left laugh at the crazy con far right.

You are a great example of an uneducated low information greedy Moon Bat that thinks everything should be provided to you by the government because you are too sorry to pay your own bills.
Flash I pay five times in taxes in my retirement than you make in your gross income.
And that is why such systems work in most of the civilized first world. I aint saying there won't be a private sector like Mexico and Canada either for the rich to pay for specialized care. Just that most of our population shouldn't have to die or be dead broke because they get cancer.
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.
This whole ordeal has been amplified by the fact that we have medical professionals in the family both here and there. The one here will toss out a treatment idea and the one there says yeah, that would be nice, but it's not something we can do here. Pretty frustrating.
I was also surprised with some of the inefficiencies that they have that did not carry over to the states. I expected some of the idiosyncrasies to be grater over here considering the much larger threat of being sued but it was the opposite. For instance, my son had a port placed in his chest for frequent injections. In Germany we had to drive to the hospital every 2 days during outpatient services in order to have them flush the line with blood thinner to ensure it did not becomes scabbed over inside his vein. In the states I simply did it myself. The doctor gave us a prescription and we flushed the line on our own. Hell, we even had a home IV pump for some of the chemo so that he could stay home and did not need to go into spend the entire 2 year cycle at the hospital. That is something that we would never had in Germany.

Was there a mitigating circumstance like here, you live out in the sticks whereas there, you lived fairly close to a treatment center?
Nope, we are going to move Canada here, because we don't do it right.

Even Bernie Sanders agreed that it ain't going to happen. The lobbyists are simply too strong.

The rich get richer Republican objective. When are you sad-sacks going to learn?

The rich are setting records at getting richer under Democrats... Might want to focus on that considering you voted for them and they actually hold office. We already know you would never vote Republican even if you really liked the person running, so bitch about the people you elected that are doing the evil you bitch about future Republicans doing.
Yeah, Democrats suck almost as badly as Republicans but the reason the rich are getting much richer is that we've passed the tipping point for corporate control of our society.
A public option really is our best bet. This is why Obama screwed up with his healthcare plan when he took the Public option off the table too soon.
100% of all people have healthcare
Canada used to ban private health insurance to supplement their shitty health care system, until their Supreme Court overrode that law.

Do you know why?

"Access to a Waiting List is NOT Access to Health Care"

Call it the hip that changed health-care history. When George Zeliotis of Quebec was told in 1997 that he would have to wait a year for a replacement for his painful, arthritic hip, he did what every Canadian who's been put on a waiting list does: He got mad. He got even madder when he learned it was against the law to pay for a replacement privately. But instead of heading south to a hospital in Boston or Cleveland, as many Canadians already do, he teamed up to file a lawsuit with Jacques Chaoulli, a Montreal doctor...

The court's decision strikes down a Quebec law banning private medical insurance and is bound to upend similar laws in other provinces. Canada is the only nation other than Cuba and North Korea that bans private health insurance...
Only a group of people with a lack of ideas could come up with something like "single payer" to address such an large problem this country faces.
Single payer is a one size fits all type of approach, no diversity to it unfortunately. No freedom in it...
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system.

The rich motherfuckers in single payer countries get far better healthcare because they supplement the free healthcare with private health insurance.

There's a great Benny Hill clip about that. I'll see if I can find it.
Nope, we are going to move Canada here, because we don't do it right.

Even Bernie Sanders agreed that it ain't going to happen. The lobbyists are simply too strong.

That should worry you. These mercenaries are paid to keep the insurance companies huge and profitable, at the expense of your health. They don't discriminate. They want everyone to die once they become ill, not just the poor.

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