America needs single payer

The filthy ass government needs to get out of the business of health care.

The government screws up everything it touches and we sure as hell do not need the welfare queens getting health care paid for by other people. That is despicable.

A real non government interference competitive free market will produce the highest quality health care at the lowest price.

Single Payer or Socialized Medicine will produce an ineffective high cost non responsive system that will be substandard health care. We see that in almost all the countries that have Socialized Medicine.

The VA is a great example of what happens when the filthy ass American government runs a health care system. Veterans die because nobody really gives a shit because after all it is the government.
There is also the much ignored fact that it takes 300 million paying taxes to fund the VA for a million people. And the chief complaint with the military is that it costs to much. Ever wonder why expenses are so high? The VA is part of that expense.

For those that have been in the system, we understand how terrible the care actually is as well. It takes a month to go see your doctor so that he can tell you he is going to ignore what you came in for and that it is all your fault. Then you get some 'vitamin M' - does not matter what the ailment is. That will fix it.
Single payer would be worse.
Single payer would be better.

VA care in much of the system is good: I know.

Cut the huge costs for DOD and re-allocate some of that money for care of our veterans.
Of course it would be, there are no alternatives in that scenario and there would not be 300 times the people receiving it to pay for it.

There is also the much ignored fact that it takes 300 million paying taxes to fund the VA for a million people. And the chief complaint with the military is that it costs to much. Ever wonder why expenses are so high? The VA is part of that expense.

For those that have been in the system, we understand how terrible the care actually is as well. It takes a month to go see your doctor so that he can tell you he is going to ignore what you came in for and that it is all your fault. Then you get some 'vitamin M' - does not matter what the ailment is. That will fix it.

I am a veteran but I refuse to use the VA system because of the inefficiency and stupid government bureaucracy.

A few years ago I had a problem that the VA would have treated for free. Instead I went through my private insurance and paid the couple of thousands in deductibles and co payments.

At least I got good quality care in a timely manner. Had I gone to the VA I probably still would not be treated.

Like AmericanFirst1 said "Single Payer would be worse".

Only these greedy selfish assholes that are too sorry to pay their own bills want Single Payer because they want somebody else to pay for their health care. Despicable, isn't it?
Flash, I have received wonderful service in Texas, Louisiana, and Utah.
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
Nope, we are going to move Canada here, because we don't do it right.

Even Bernie Sanders agreed that it ain't going to happen. The lobbyists are simply too strong.

The rich get richer Republican objective. When are you sad-sacks going to learn?

Ummm, under the Current admin.....Democrat so they claim, the one percent has grown more more wealthy, more rapidly than they ever did under a repub admin. Just sayin....
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.
This whole ordeal has been amplified by the fact that we have medical professionals in the family both here and there. The one here will toss out a treatment idea and the one there says yeah, that would be nice, but it's not something we can do here. Pretty frustrating.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

My cousin and I just had this conversation over the holiday. His doctor is from the UK. He was a practicing doctor there as well. He told my cousin that he lived and practiced under a socialized system over there and now he lives in practices under our system here. He said there is a reason he continues to stay here instead of going back there.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

How is the QUALITY of healthcare of Mexico, Canada, and UK compared to US? How do you explain people from those countries coming to US for healthcare if theirs is so great? Canada's doctors leave Canada to go practice in the US.
I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

Republicans didn't pass ObamaCare, dipshit.
It wouldn't make that much of a difference it is just a talking point pipe dream. Canada can't be compared to America as long as people are fleeing Canada to America.

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