America needs single payer

Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

My cousin and I just had this conversation over the holiday. His doctor is from the UK. He was a practicing doctor there as well. He told my cousin that he lived and practiced under a socialized system over there and now he lives in practices under our system here. He said there is a reason he continues to stay here instead of going back there.
Sure, he makes more money. It does not mean that he is a better doctor or that his patients get better care.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

How is the QUALITY of healthcare of Mexico, Canada, and UK compared to US? How do you explain people from those countries coming to US for healthcare if theirs is so great? Canada's doctors leave Canada to go practice in the US.
Your statements mean nothing without context. Please give it, with facts, figures, and links.
The fact is that health care inflation has flattened tremendously since ACA was passed in 2010.

  1. Health inflation hits historic low. A victory for...
    Nov 19, 2013 · ... Act has helped slow the growth of health-care costs. ... inflation hits historic low. A ... (ACA) passed, the growth of health-care spending has ...

  2. How Much Will You Pay for Health Care in 2015?...
    How Much Will You Pay for Health Care in ... health care costs slowing, health care inflation, ... Since 2010 (when the ACA passed) health care spending is no ...
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.
This whole ordeal has been amplified by the fact that we have medical professionals in the family both here and there. The one here will toss out a treatment idea and the one there says yeah, that would be nice, but it's not something we can do here. Pretty frustrating.
It can be. In Germany they have an entirely different concept of healthcare. Some of it is cultural and some of it is the system that they have. You do not ask your doctor questions, you do not get involved in your own healthcare and you certainly do not make decisions about what treatments you are going to undergo. The doctor always thought we didn't like him or his care because we were involved in my sons care. There, the doctor tells you what you are going to do and when you are going to do it - there is no decisions and there are no second opinions. You are not part of your own healthcare.

I was also surprised with some of the inefficiencies that they have that did not carry over to the states. I expected some of the idiosyncrasies to be grater over here considering the much larger threat of being sued but it was the opposite. For instance, my son had a port placed in his chest for frequent injections. In Germany we had to drive to the hospital every 2 days during outpatient services in order to have them flush the line with blood thinner to ensure it did not becomes scabbed over inside his vein. In the states I simply did it myself. The doctor gave us a prescription and we flushed the line on our own. Hell, we even had a home IV pump for some of the chemo so that he could stay home and did not need to go into spend the entire 2 year cycle at the hospital. That is something that we would never had in Germany.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.
So where do you make up the $100 billion A YEAR that the 1,400 insurance companies that would be out of business come from or the 450,000 people that would be unemployed?
Did you add THAT costs into it?
Why don't you deal with facts:
A) $850 billion in claims are paid EVERY YEAR by insurance companies that simply raise the premiums...for what the experts i.e. doctors say is a waste!
ANSWER: Proof is 90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.

BUT 52% of the doctors that were contracted by the Federal government DIDN"T practice defensive medicine.
BECAUSE they can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act.

"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act.
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

WHY did these federally contracted doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!
Do you understand? doctors federally contracted can't be sued BECAUSE it is the law! Tort reform.

B) Tax the $270 billion a year lawyers make 10% just as Obama care taxed tanning salons because tanning causes cancer. Well fear of lawsuits cause
the $850 billion in wasted duplicate tests. Take the $27 billion and with it pay the premium for those 4 million truly uninsured that need it as there NEVER were
46 million uninsured Americans as Obama LIED to get Obamacare passed.
When 10 million of the 46 million were illegals, 14 million already eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it and 18 million that don't want or need health insurance as they are under 34 years old make over $50,000 a year and don't use their employers' health plan....that leaves 4 million truly that can be covered by the $27 billion.

That simple and no need to destroy as Obama is doing the health insurance industry costing $100 billion in taxes A YEAR and putting 450,000 people out of work!
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It's a stupid idea. The last thing we need is the Canadian or the British System. Any system for that matter.

Don't give the goverent that much control over your life and don't force me to pay for the healthcare of others.

Fuck those parasites.
"no need to destroy . . . the health insurance industry costing $100 billion in taxes A YEAR and putting 450,000 people out of work!" is the nonsense rant of a nutter.

(1) The health care industry can thank itself for the situation in which it finds itself.

(2) How much is paid for health care now? How much five years ago?

(3) Nobody in health insurance has a constitutional right to a job, one, and everyone should be able to retrain in plenty of time, two.

healthmyths is the fount of his own health myths.
It's a stupid idea. The last thing we need is the Canadian or the British System. Any system for that matter.

Don't give the goverent that much control over your life and don't force me to pay for the healthcare of others.

Fuck those parasites.
Fuck you. You are just pissed your can't any longer use catastrophic insurance to privatize your profit while socializing your risk on the rest of us.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

All of those systems are collapsing...and the care sucks for the old.....if you are young and don't need care...they are great...old and need actual treatment...they suck....
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.
This whole ordeal has been amplified by the fact that we have medical professionals in the family both here and there. The one here will toss out a treatment idea and the one there says yeah, that would be nice, but it's not something we can do here. Pretty frustrating.
It can be. In Germany they have an entirely different concept of healthcare. Some of it is cultural and some of it is the system that they have. You do not ask your doctor questions, you do not get involved in your own healthcare and you certainly do not make decisions about what treatments you are going to undergo. The doctor always thought we didn't like him or his care because we were involved in my sons care. There, the doctor tells you what you are going to do and when you are going to do it - there is no decisions and there are no second opinions. You are not part of your own healthcare.

I was also surprised with some of the inefficiencies that they have that did not carry over to the states. I expected some of the idiosyncrasies to be grater over here considering the much larger threat of being sued but it was the opposite. For instance, my son had a port placed in his chest for frequent injections. In Germany we had to drive to the hospital every 2 days during outpatient services in order to have them flush the line with blood thinner to ensure it did not becomes scabbed over inside his vein. In the states I simply did it myself. The doctor gave us a prescription and we flushed the line on our own. Hell, we even had a home IV pump for some of the chemo so that he could stay home and did not need to go into spend the entire 2 year cycle at the hospital. That is something that we would never had in Germany.
Very sorry to hear about your son, thanks for the info.
No, 2aguy, the systems are not collapsing, the care for the old is competent, the young need good cae, too, and they live longer, are healthier, and the systems cost less per person.

You can stop your lying now.
It's a stupid idea. The last thing we need is the Canadian or the British System. Any system for that matter..
The problem is that health care has now become a political issue - that means that it become dumbed down and bumperstickered into oblivion.

Both sides of the political spectrum are screaming platitudes with little working knowledge of our health care delivery/payment systems.

"Single payer" fits on a bumper sticker, and that's enough for many.
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.
This whole ordeal has been amplified by the fact that we have medical professionals in the family both here and there. The one here will toss out a treatment idea and the one there says yeah, that would be nice, but it's not something we can do here. Pretty frustrating.
It can be. In Germany they have an entirely different concept of healthcare. Some of it is cultural and some of it is the system that they have. You do not ask your doctor questions, you do not get involved in your own healthcare and you certainly do not make decisions about what treatments you are going to undergo. The doctor always thought we didn't like him or his care because we were involved in my sons care. There, the doctor tells you what you are going to do and when you are going to do it - there is no decisions and there are no second opinions. You are not part of your own healthcare.

I was also surprised with some of the inefficiencies that they have that did not carry over to the states. I expected some of the idiosyncrasies to be grater over here considering the much larger threat of being sued but it was the opposite. For instance, my son had a port placed in his chest for frequent injections. In Germany we had to drive to the hospital every 2 days during outpatient services in order to have them flush the line with blood thinner to ensure it did not becomes scabbed over inside his vein. In the states I simply did it myself. The doctor gave us a prescription and we flushed the line on our own. Hell, we even had a home IV pump for some of the chemo so that he could stay home and did not need to go into spend the entire 2 year cycle at the hospital. That is something that we would never had in Germany.
Very sorry to hear about your son, thanks for the info.
Thanks but we are doing well. He is out of treatment for about 3 years now. He went through almost 4 years of treatment (it came back after the first cycle) but all is well now. Going through something like that really gives you a lot of insight on the healthcare system though.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

All of those systems are collapsing...and the care sucks for the old.....if you are young and don't need care...they are great...old and need actual treatment...they suck....
That actually depends on where you are at in those systems. Getting to the initial care is a problem and where much of the issues are. It can take months to be properly diagnosed and get treatment. Some die in that period - my son almost did as well. It took them 5 weeks to actually take a look at him and realize the diagnosis that they were going with was asinine. The only reason that he survived is that we had one doctor that wasn't a moron and ordered the proper tests. The first 3 didn't bother to do their damn jobs.

HOWEVER, after you get passed that first issue there are some positives. The care you get is no longer in question and once you get to the proper specialists the quality of care increases DRASTICALLY. You also get whatever meds you need them when you need them. There was an injection that my son required that cost more than platinum yet there was no issue in him getting 4-6oz of the stuff every 3 months for a year. I have not had to deal with insurance for something like that so I don't know if it would have gone nearly as smooth. OTOH, the major drawback to a single payer is that, as I said above, you have zero control over your actual healthcare. This can be fine, though frightening, should you get a good doctor. This can also be horrific should you get a shitty one.

Look around, you see it happening MN small private clinics are closing or being bought up by Alina or Fairview....choices are drying up
Mergers are the name of the game and would happen with or without ACA.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

My cousin and I just had this conversation over the holiday. His doctor is from the UK. He was a practicing doctor there as well. He told my cousin that he lived and practiced under a socialized system over there and now he lives in practices under our system here. He said there is a reason he continues to stay here instead of going back there.

That's the absolute truth.

I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. When you walk into the main campus downtown, you feel like the foreigner. Most of the doctors are from other countries. It's like being in the UN or something.

Sure, we train foreign doctors here who have every intent on returning home to help their own people. But once here, they have a great financial advantage by staying here, and they end up becoming citizens.
At this moment I have two sisters-in-law who are fighting cancer.

One lives in America, the other near London.

The differences in speed of care and (most importantly) treatment options are stark and real.

An expansion of Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplements? Yes. True single payer? I sure hope not.
We have also received cancer care in the states and Germany. The differences are quite stark.

The other side to this coin is, of course, that we had coverage. There is another story for those that do not. In our case, everyone gets covered to some extent though - the number of charities out there for what we went through is massive and there is help almost everywhere.

My neighbor died of lung cancer two years ago next month. She didn't have insurance and got quality care until the day she died. As for her house, she willed it out to her son and nobody every bothered him about a doctor or hospital bill.

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