America needs single payer

It cost our economy more to have the market based system we had before the ACA then single payer does in every country it is tried.

How do you explain this?
Price fixing, collusion, and cost shifting by health practitioners and insurance companies. The problem is not access to health insurance, it's out of control medical care cost.

How the AMA's Price Fixing Distorts Health Care Delivery and Pricing | naked capitalism

Exactly. The stupidity of Commie Care is that they just shifted the cost to other entities but never addressed the cost in the first place.

If you are going to have improvements in our healthcare system, step one is to address the cost. Then step two is to figure out how to pay for it.

Thirty years ago or so medical costs were not an issue. Insurance was cheap because medical care was cheap. What happened?

There are a lot of answers to that question, but none ever looked at carefully. But if you do, you find government behind just about every one.

Only an idiot would expect the entity that created a problem to have the solution to it.
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.
It's a stupid idea. The last thing we need is the Canadian or the British System. Any system for that matter.

Don't give the goverent that much control over your life and don't force me to pay for the healthcare of others.

Fuck those parasites.
Fuck you. You are just pissed your can't any longer use catastrophic insurance to privatize your profit while socializing your risk on the rest of us.

You haven't a clue what you are talking about moron.
I am pretty close to your situation, yes.

Shut up Fakey, no one gives a shit what you think.
Yup, you are a loser on this thread. You want the rest of us to socialize your risk, but you won't do that for others, so sux to be you.
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015. .
Phasing everyone into it as they reach 45 would make the system so much better, give the medical professionals the time they need to adapt, and allow business to structure itself accordingly.
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.

Yes we do indeed...and it would be very easy to lower the eligibility age to zero. Presto, single payer (just like the rest of the first world countries)
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.

YOU are 100% correct!
Starting with the idiocy that 46 million Americans are uninsured when 10 million were illegals, 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and the worst
phony disgusting inclusion was 18 million people under 34 that make over $50,000 that didn't want their employers' plans !
Truth is less then 4 million truly needed and if Obama wasn't a lawyer he would have simply taxed lawyers as he does tanning salons in ACA 10%.
The $27 billion in lawyer taxes would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the 4 million that need and want insurance!
Then with the tax on lawyers tied to declining $850 billion a year in defensive medicine claims solely out of fear of lawsuits, insurance companies UNDER state laws
would NOT be able to increase and probably DECREASE premiums. The reason is state regulators look at the medical liability ratio and if it falls below what the average is i.e. 80% of premiums that means Insurance companies making more money therefore premiums will be reduced!
BUT Obama and over 40% of Congress are lawyers. Yet the proof this would work is in this study:

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!

--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.

BUT 52% of the doctors that were contracted by the Federal government DIDN"T practice defensive medicine.
BECAUSE they can't be sued under the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act.

"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act.
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

WHY did these federally contracted doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.

Yes we do indeed...and it would be very easy to lower the eligibility age to zero. Presto, single payer (just like the rest of the first world countries)
No, that would not be single payer.
Yes, we need to finish completely destroying the Insurance Companies and the health care industry, handing over all of our personal freedom and choice in regards to our health care needs to people who:

- Ran the only exiting Single Payer system into the ground, making it a incestuous cesspool where bureaucrats lined their pockets with over-inflated salaries and undeserved bonuses while veterans were left to die waiting for health care that would never come

- Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from the failed health care system they imposed on the American people, which they will do with 'Single Payer'.

We need Single Payer because everything the United States Government touches becomes so much more efficient, effective, well-run, and is NEVER corrupt, over-priced, or run poorly / criminally!


...and YES, that was a plethora of SARCASM.
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.

Yes we do indeed...and it would be very easy to lower the eligibility age to zero. Presto, single payer (just like the rest of the first world countries)
No, that would not be single payer.

It's close enough for government work.
Yes, we need to finish completely destroying the Insurance Companies and the health care industry, handing over all of our personal freedom and choice in regards to our health care needs to people who:

- Ran the only exiting Single Payer system into the ground, making it a incestuous cesspool where bureaucrats lined their pockets with over-inflated salaries and undeserved bonuses while veterans were left to die waiting for health care that would never come

- Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from the failed health care system they imposed on the American people, which they will do with 'Single Payer'.

We need Single Payer because everything the United States Government touches becomes so much more efficient, effective, well-run, and is NEVER corrupt, over-priced, or run poorly / criminally!


...and YES, that was a plethora of SARCASM. my Single Payer world, the insurance companies do just fine selling supplemental policies.
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.
Which by the WAY Obama HATES Medicare Advantage plans because oh...dastardly capitalists MAKE A PROFIT!!!
Yup.. here is proof!
The new cuts come in the form of a planned reduction in the reimbursement rates the government pays to insurance companies that operate Medicare Advantage plans, which are services administered by private for-profit or non-profit providers that offer additional services than can be found in traditional Medicare.

In a Feb. 15 regulatory filing, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the surprised rate cuts of 2.3 percent – meaning it would pay health care providers 2.3 percent less for providing services to patients.

CMS said it was cutting payments because it foresaw the overall costs of the Medicare Advantage program shrinking by 3.2 percent, despite the fact that health care costs – the driver of all federal health care program costs – are only rising.

Medicare Advantage is like traditional Medicare except that its plans are administered by insurance companies, who are paid a per-enrollee reimbursement fee by the government. If insurance companies can provide care to seniors at less than what the government pays them for it, they make a profit.

Medicare Advantage provides coverage for approximately 28 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries, offering them higher-quality services and additional benefits, such as vision and dental care, than the traditional government program at slightly higher cost.

The Obama administration already plans to cut the Medicare Advantage program by $200 billion as part of Obamacare. However, the proposed reductions it announced in February are new, and will cut the program in addition to the planned $200 billion in Obamacare cuts, most of which are delayed in 2014.
Obama Administration Plans to Cut Medicare Advantage Reimbursements

GUESS what???
ALL those evil profit making Advantage plans BY STATE laws MUST make a profit or they can't sell the advantage plans!

Of all the Medicare failures Advantage plans are the BEST operating, provides best management of Medicare beneficiaries!
As simplistic to understand and bumper-sticker friendly as Single Payer may be, the fact remains we already have a successful, efficient, fully-functioning blend of public and private health care delivery and payment: The Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program.

But because it doesn't fit into a three-second sound bite, very few people actually understand how it works.

More than three seconds? Naw, I don't wanna know. America, 2015.
Which by the WAY Obama HATES Medicare Advantage plans because oh...dastardly capitalists MAKE A PROFIT!!!
Yup.. here is proof!
The new cuts come in the form of a planned reduction in the reimbursement rates the government pays to insurance companies that operate Medicare Advantage plans, which are services administered by private for-profit or non-profit providers that offer additional services than can be found in traditional Medicare.

In a Feb. 15 regulatory filing, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the surprised rate cuts of 2.3 percent – meaning it would pay health care providers 2.3 percent less for providing services to patients.

CMS said it was cutting payments because it foresaw the overall costs of the Medicare Advantage program shrinking by 3.2 percent, despite the fact that health care costs – the driver of all federal health care program costs – are only rising.

Medicare Advantage is like traditional Medicare except that its plans are administered by insurance companies, who are paid a per-enrollee reimbursement fee by the government. If insurance companies can provide care to seniors at less than what the government pays them for it, they make a profit.

Medicare Advantage provides coverage for approximately 28 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries, offering them higher-quality services and additional benefits, such as vision and dental care, than the traditional government program at slightly higher cost.

The Obama administration already plans to cut the Medicare Advantage program by $200 billion as part of Obamacare. However, the proposed reductions it announced in February are new, and will cut the program in addition to the planned $200 billion in Obamacare cuts, most of which are delayed in 2014.
Obama Administration Plans to Cut Medicare Advantage Reimbursements

GUESS what???
ALL those evil profit making Advantage plans BY STATE laws MUST make a profit or they can't sell the advantage plans!

Of all the Medicare failures Advantage plans are the BEST operating, provides best management of Medicare beneficiaries!
Insurance companies would have vast new markets opened up for them, employers would have a massive monkey taken off their back, intense market competition/innovation remains, Medicare could easily be re-structured to fully cover preventive & diagnostic, the list goes on and on.

The sticking point would be some required increased provider reimbursement costs, but that would be mitigated largely through adding such a huge low-risk population, among other things.

The answer is sitting right in front of us, but the partisans and politicians have their heads too far up their asses to see it.
Last edited: my Single Payer world, the insurance companies do just fine selling supplemental policies.

I am happy for 'your world', but when the Federal Government takes over everyone's health care world it will not look like yours.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.
We already have one...the white working class... my Single Payer world, the insurance companies do just fine selling supplemental policies.

I am happy for 'your world', but when the Federal Government takes over everyone's health care world it will not look like yours.

Of course it would. You know, I lived with "governement" health care for 20 years. Best care I ever received. Doctor orders something done, it's done. No going through an insurance company first. Damn, those were the days...
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.
If you want single-player so badly, move to Canada.
Of course it would. You know, I lived with "governement" health care for 20 years. Best care I ever received. Doctor orders something done, it's done. No going through an insurance company first. Damn, those were the days...
Again, I am sure they were, but - again - once the Federal Government takes over all of health care - like they have with Obamacare - it will go to shite, and it will be nothing like what you had. don't think so? Ask a Vet STILL ALIVE and waiting for health care or the grieving families of those who died waiting for it.

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