America needs single payer

Ask vets if they want to go to private care at their cost, or to VA at your cost.

The great majority of us are quite happy with our care.
Ask vets if they want to go to private care at their cost, or to VA at your cost.

The great majority of us are quite happy with our care.
Ask vets if they want the federal government to HONOR their promise to them by providing good, quality health care that is not trashed and abused by PO$es who are more focused on lining their pockets than keeping that promise!
It's a stupid idea. The last thing we need is the Canadian or the British System. Any system for that matter.

Don't give the goverent that much control over your life and don't force me to pay for the healthcare of others.

Fuck those parasites.
You pay for others' care now, every time a poor person visits the emergency room.

There is also the much ignored fact that it takes 300 million paying taxes to fund the VA for a million people. And the chief complaint with the military is that it costs to much. Ever wonder why expenses are so high? The VA is part of that expense.

For those that have been in the system, we understand how terrible the care actually is as well. It takes a month to go see your doctor so that he can tell you he is going to ignore what you came in for and that it is all your fault. Then you get some 'vitamin M' - does not matter what the ailment is. That will fix it.

I am a veteran but I refuse to use the VA system because of the inefficiency and stupid government bureaucracy.

A few years ago I had a problem that the VA would have treated for free. Instead I went through my private insurance and paid the couple of thousands in deductibles and co payments.

At least I got good quality care in a timely manner. Had I gone to the VA I probably still would not be treated.

Like AmericanFirst1 said "Single Payer would be worse".

Only these greedy selfish assholes that are too sorry to pay their own bills want Single Payer because they want somebody else to pay for their health care. Despicable, isn't it?

That's what's happening with Commie Care. Commie Care was designed to help the most needy which are Democrat voters. Those who have to pay for the system are more successful people who had great healthcare likely to be Republican voters.

If America wants to have a single-payer system, then what choice would I have. The only problem is that (like Commie Care) it becomes political where one group of people are favored over another. If the Democrats were in charge, you bet they would try to soak the wealthy people for all the costs.

So if we are going to have a socialized system, I say we fund it through a consumption tax. Everybody pays; rich, poor, middle-class, and anybody in between. That's fair for everybody and we get to get rid of all these other socialized failed programs like Medicare, VA and Medicaid, all that get ripped off by the billions of dollars every single year.
Like these poor republicans?
Ask vets if they want to go to private care at their cost, or to VA at your cost.

The great majority of us are quite happy with our care.
Ask vets if they want the federal government to HONOR their promise to them by providing good, quality health care that is not trashed and abused by PO$es who are more focused on lining their pockets than keeping that promise!
You as usual talk about adult matters you don't understand.

Most of us are quite happy with our care, and we want the same care given to the rest who have not been as fortunate in the VA.
It's a stupid idea. The last thing we need is the Canadian or the British System. Any system for that matter.

Don't give the goverent that much control over your life and don't force me to pay for the healthcare of others.

Fuck those parasites.
You pay for others' care now, every time a poor person visits the emergency room.
We also pay for millions of NON-Citizen Illegals who have no respect for the Constitution, the Rule of Law, the American Tax Paying citizen, and have no gratitude for those hard working Americans paying for their benefits; yet, Liberals support and advocate for this continued 'F*ing' of the American Middle Class while claiming to BE 'Champions' of the American Middle Class...
Most of us are quite happy with our care, and we want the same care given to the rest who have not been as fortunate in the VA.

Thanks, Jake, for demonstrating what Liberals like you and Obama think:

"I got MINE. I'm happy with MINE. As long as it doesn't affect ME F*CK 'EM!"
The far right is certainly not the champion of the middle or working classes.
Most of us are quite happy with our care, and we want the same care given to the rest who have not been as fortunate in the VA.

Thanks, Jake, for demonstrating what Liberals like you and Obama think:

"I got MINE. I'm happy with MINE. As long as it doesn't affect ME F*CK 'EM!"
Those are your words, easyloser, not mine. I have earned mine, but you have not earned yours at all, yet you want us to subsidize your health care.
easyt is unhappy. The VA has generally done a good job, hit a rough patch, is doing better, and easyt is unhappy that it is doing better. He is a confused tosser
The far right is certainly not the champion of the middle or working classes.
And like the self-proclaimed 'Constitutional Scholar' who has repeatedly violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, YOU would know, JS!
The far right is certainly not the champion of the middle or working classes.
And like the self-proclaimed 'Constitutional Scholar' who has repeatedly violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, YOU would know, JS!
You are acting loony again. We the American mainstream will never allow a far right mccarthyism to rule this country. easyt and his buddies are here because we tolerate them in this country. We follow the Constitution and we ensure his ilk do as well.
Those are your words, easyloser, not mine. I have earned mine, but you have not earned yours at all, yet you want us to subsidize your health care.

No, Jake, that is what your words are demonstrating...and you have no idea what you are talking about, as usual. I spent over 20 years in the military in some of the worst places on this planet under some of the worst conditions doing some of the worst 'jobs' most people would not understand so Liberals could run their mouth, betray this country, and try to FORCE their ideology onto people, the way Obama and Liberals are doing now. You 'earned' yours? I'll have to take your word for it. but unless you wore a uniform and served your country we have very different definitions of 'earned'. Those Vets this PO$ administration / Government let die waiting for health care and who are STILL waiting EARNED their health care. The politicians who exempted themselves from the health care they imposed on us and instead use OUR tax dollars to buy the best health care our money can buy did NO!
The far right is certainly not the champion of the middle or working classes.

Neither are the far Left bozos. They are the champions of the welfare queens and White Guilt Limousine Liberals. Maybe you can throw in a few greedy Unions assholes into the mix.

By the way the most extreme far Left shithead to ever be President got more funding from Wall Street than his Republican opponents in 2008 and 2012 and he paid them back by bailing them out. The dumb Bitch that all you nitwits are going to vote for in 2016 is a Wall Street fat cat so don't give me any of this class warfare bullshit.
Ask vets if they want to go to private care at their cost, or to VA at your cost.

The great majority of us are quite happy with our care.

I am a vet and I sure as hell don't want to be subjected to the filthy ass government bureaucracy and inefficiency of these clinics that don't really give a damn if you get treatment or not.

You know who I am talking about don't you? The bureaucrats that will destroy veterans records so that their treatment records looks good so they can get a big bonus.

I understand some veterans are forced to use the VA because they are victims of Obama's failed economy and cannot afford real health care. However, anybody that can afford private care would be a fool to use the VA.

Which one are you? A fool or you have no other choice?
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

My cousin and I just had this conversation over the holiday. His doctor is from the UK. He was a practicing doctor there as well. He told my cousin that he lived and practiced under a socialized system over there and now he lives in practices under our system here. He said there is a reason he continues to stay here instead of going back there.
Simple. He is a greedy asshole who is more worried about making 100k here vs 75k there. So much for helping people because he enjoys doing the job.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

My cousin and I just had this conversation over the holiday. His doctor is from the UK. He was a practicing doctor there as well. He told my cousin that he lived and practiced under a socialized system over there and now he lives in practices under our system here. He said there is a reason he continues to stay here instead of going back there.
Simple. He is a greedy asshole who is more worried about making 100k here vs 75k there. So much for helping people because he enjoys doing the job.

People don't go through a dozen of years grueling schooling and clinicals to make $75k a year. I make more than that and I'm not a doctor.

The only person portraying greed is you.
Canada, Mexico, Britian and most of the more respectable european nations have it.
1. 100% of all people have healthcare
2. Most of these nations spend less dollars. What do we get for $8,100/person??? Canada is far cheaper!!! They also don't allow their drug companies to jack up prices to take away peoples retirements.
3. No one is left dying while some rich mother fucker is getting millions of dollars off of the system. It is called a failure of the market system. Canada has shown us the way and it is time to dump this shit!!!!

What's funny is the reality that none of these other nations soak the people most in need as much as we do. And for what? Oh'yesss, so some ceo or board member can live like a king.

I say replace Obamacare with single payer!!! Do it now. I honestly don't understand why the republicans would want a system that been shown to fail and costs this nation so much.

My cousin and I just had this conversation over the holiday. His doctor is from the UK. He was a practicing doctor there as well. He told my cousin that he lived and practiced under a socialized system over there and now he lives in practices under our system here. He said there is a reason he continues to stay here instead of going back there.
Simple. He is a greedy asshole who is more worried about making 100k here vs 75k there. So much for helping people because he enjoys doing the job.

People don't go through a dozen of years grueling schooling and clinicals to make $75k a year. I make more than that and I'm not a doctor.

The only person portraying greed is you.
People don't become doctors to make lots of money,they become doctors to help people. Simple as that.
Those are your words, easyloser, not mine. I have earned mine, but you have not earned yours at all, yet you want us to subsidize your health care.

No, Jake, that is what your words are demonstrating...and you have no idea what you are talking about, as usual. I spent over 20 years in the military in some of the worst places on this planet under some of the worst conditions doing some of the worst 'jobs' most people would not understand so Liberals could run their mouth, betray this country, and try to FORCE their ideology onto people, the way Obama and Liberals are doing now. You 'earned' yours? I'll have to take your word for it. but unless you wore a uniform and served your country we have very different definitions of 'earned'. Those Vets this PO$ administration / Government let die waiting for health care and who are STILL waiting EARNED their health care. The politicians who exempted themselves from the health care they imposed on us and instead use OUR tax dollars to buy the best health care our money can buy did NO!
I served as well, your approval is not necessary or required, and my VA health care has been competent to outstanding. It has not been so for some of our comrades under Bush and Obama. It needs to be better under the next President. To suggest it is all bad is simply stupid, because that is not so.

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