America Needs To Completely Leave Afghanistan!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
America needs to get completely out of Afghanistan, NATO and the U.S. made with a deal with the Afghanistan government to militarily get out of the country by the end of 2014 and America should follow those terms exactly. It was positive news last week when President Obama essentially said that this spring U.S forces will stop leading combat operations in Afghanistan but rather take the role of providing support and training for Afghanistan troops in Afghanistan. President Obama would have been fully on the mark if he went further and said U.S. forces will not even be involved in training Afghanistan forces this spring but rather only handle the role of back-up and support because this is the only role that the circumstances in Afghanistan justify for the American people. The bottom line is that U.S. authorities can no longer justify the U.S. fighting of this war to those American families whose members are killed or seriously wounded in this war!

The justification for this war has been eviscerated America has seen too many incidence of Afghanistan citizens in Afganistan military and police jobs kill U.S. and NATO personnel when a country's citizens don't fully support a foreign country's security forces involvement which is what we have here that country does not deserve that foreign country's help and the foreign country's government does not have the justification or legitimacy to use the lives, health and money of their people providing such involvement. Moreover, when a government prosecutes a war ineptly and inadequately as it has in Afghanistan it no longer has justification to use their citizens some of whom will lose life or limb in the war to fight such a war. It's not in any way the America's generals fault it's the fault of the Afghanistan President who forced America's political government to negotiated away the power for the allies to fight the war the way it should be fought. The restrictions on the U.S. military are textbook wrong. U.S. military authorities can't on their own conduct night-time raids on Afghanistan private homes to capture and/or kill enemy leaders or fighters but must first get the host country's military to approve the raid and the host country's military to conduct the raid and the U.S. forces can only hold a back-up role. U.S. military authorities have limitations on their ability to hold enemy combatants they capture but must turn those combatants over to the host country's military. The prosecution of this war has been alarmingly dysfunctional you have U.S. security forces turing over a couple of prisons to the host country's army containing dangerous combatants and combatant leaders just to see these prisons have large scale prison escapes. The host country's government has even succeeded in getting the U.S. government to agree to very quickly turn over the final group of enemy combatants containing the worst of the worst whose allowance to get involved in the war would likely cost many allies lives! America got itself in a war before where there was a lot of effectiveness limiting restrictions on the military (e.g. pilots in flight in combat zones had to seek permission to fire their weapons from a war room in the basement of the White House) it was called the Vietnam War and everybody knows what happened, fighting restraints on the U.S. military were dumb then and they are dumb today if your going to fight a war fight it if your not going to fight it keep your army out of the war!

The justification for this war no longer exists because of the failure of the Afghanistan government, the plan for the Afghanistan war was never to kill or capture every Taliban soldier but rather to help provide security in Afghanistan sufficient enough so that the Afghanistan government could build a good and working society so that the vast vast majority of Afghanistan citizens would embrace and support that society and therefore reject the Taliban whose plan is to destroy that society. But the President Karzai Afghanistan government failed to seize this opportunity for the Afghanistan people, his government failed to really fight public corruption and the drug trade that comes from poppy plants (his government should have implemented capital punishment for serious violators of both wrongdoings). President Karzai was an ineffective leader instead of acting like the top manager of the country providing quality of life services for his people he pilfered a lot of his time away criticizing foreign involvement in Afghanistan. The system of government of Afghanistan was poorly designed which has held the country back from succeeding, the Afghanistan constitution should have called for a decentralized form of government with strong provincial leaders and strong provincial legislatures that would have better facilitated ordinary Afghanistan people seeing a better quality of life for themselves instead of the strong centralized government actually called for where the President of the country at will can replace the provincial leaders; one day generations from now maybe Afghanistan should have a strong central government but today there is too many different ethnic groups in Afghanistan its best to leave them separated as much as possible so there is less conflict and more practical progress which a decentralized form of government would have brought.

The Afghanistan issue calls for the following of a timeless principle of wisdom sometimes when you pursued an endeavor where you have had foul-up piled upon foul-up where one can't even count the number of foul-ups and there is no way of fixing them its best to stop the experimentation and just get back to doing the right thing including some of the tried and true policies that you know that work and are morally good! Afghanistan has been a cluster intersection of foul-ups the harm to American personnel needs to stop America needs to get out of Afghanistan it needs to bring all our troops home we can help the Afghanistan people with foreign economic aid like America has many of our friends for decades!

Two things not discussed enough amongst the American public is that if America keeps 3000 to 10000 troops in Afghanistan past 2014 our presence will be fueling the fighting in that country many Taliban have directly said such they have said they won't agree to a peace settlement with foreign troops remaining in their country, moreover, such presence of American troops will significantly affect domestic politics in Afghanistan it will affect outcomes of elections and so the make-up of the government of Afghanistan that isn't good the Afghanistan people have serious problems which they need to address they don't need the subject of the presence of the Americans in their country distracting and interfering with the Afghanistan people trying to fix these problems. Lastly, recently there was at least one article which very sadly to say indicated that some Afghanistan Generals believe America isn't helping them get the equipment they need to secure the country of Afghanistan against the Taliban past 2014. The American government and its military leaders should fix this. It doesn't make sense to give the Afghanistan Army a lot of tanks because as the world has seen in Libya and Syria enemy forces readily capture these tanks and use them against government forces. But the Afghanistan Army should be given an abundance of propeller-planes, artillery guns and helicopters to blow the Taliban to smithereens - in light of how much America has already invested in Afghanistan we can afford this cost; back in the 1980's when the Russians left Afghanistan America made the mistake of turning off the financial spigot for Afghanistan and American and Afghanistan people have paid a very dear price for that mistake with the rise to power of the Taliban lets not pay such a price again!
America needs to completely withdraw from Afghanistan because we will need those fighters when we have a war we want to win. Right now, Afghanistan is a useful democratic tool to get Americans killed or to prosecute them for idiotic charges like pissing on a terrorist corpse.
Tell it to Obama. He promised to have us out of there years ago.

Yup... One wonders where the outrage over the so-called illegal War in Afghanistan has gone to since Obama took office four long years ago... Apparently dead U.S. troops only seem to matter when a Republican holds office.
obama is tying the troops in Afghanistan with a web of rules and regulations (designed to get them killed) until it drives them to suicide. obama has use of Afghanistan yet.

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