America or trump

It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

" People like you are what civil wars are created for. "

People like you lost the last civil war. You will lose again too. Badly.

dumbass civil wars have happened in other countries not just North and South. I know you miss your master but the civil war that you and the other idiot look to play a part in will make that civil war look like child play

Well there was another civil war where people that thought like you got mopped as well by people that look and think like me. I know they dont teach you this in history but the Hati Revolution brought about the first nation to abolish slavery. It wasnt pretty for your like minded peers.

The Haitian Revolution was brutal. I hope your not proud of the Africans who took part in that revolution, because they massacred lots of women and children. The torturing and terrible brutality was disgusting.

All revolutions are brutal. Considering what they did to the enslaved over there all deaths were mere chump change regarding what they really had coming. Yes I am extremely proud of those Africans. They created the first nation to abolish slavery. Isnt that something to be proud of? Freedom?

yet slavery is alive and well in Africa today
A fascist like you doesn't know a damn thing about freedom

Its not alive and well in Hati which you are deflecting from. Remember that when you even dream of doing anything and wake and apologize.

your own ancestors didn't want you

Things didn't quite happen like that.
Whats the american choice? Jo the libertarian? Thats who im voting for.
Because it sure aint the chinese suck up, dementia ridden pedophile.
You really have swallowed the right wing lie.
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.
Don't vote for him then, leftist turd.
Lock arms with the republican political operatives and globalist shit stains in the Lincoln Project and sing Kumbaya as the Marxists slowly take over like a malevolent virus.

Don't forget to hide in a hole when the shooting starts.
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

" People like you are what civil wars are created for. "

People like you lost the last civil war. You will lose again too. Badly.

dumbass civil wars have happened in other countries not just North and South. I know you miss your master but the civil war that you and the other idiot look to play a part in will make that civil war look like child play

Well there was another civil war where people that thought like you got mopped as well by people that look and think like me. I know they dont teach you this in history but the Hati Revolution brought about the first nation to abolish slavery. It wasnt pretty for your like minded peers.

The Haitian Revolution was brutal. I hope your not proud of the Africans who took part in that revolution, because they massacred lots of women and children. The torturing and terrible brutality was disgusting.

All revolutions are brutal. Considering what they did to the enslaved over there all deaths were mere chump change regarding what they really had coming. Yes I am extremely proud of those Africans. They created the first nation to abolish slavery. Isnt that something to be proud of? Freedom?

I suppose but it resulted in a nation that has always been terribly poor.

Thats what happens when you embarrass 3 european super powers and have a nervous US standing by to assist in the economic blockade. I'm pretty sure they would rather be poor and free than poor and enslaved.

You’re still blaming whitey for Haiti’s problems of today. I don’t believe the political situation that existed in the late 1700s continued for very long, but Haiti has been poor ever since.
It's Trump or Communism.....
trump is communism. Watch this again and understand that these are the things authoritarians do.

The founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.....

The vileness of you and the other democrat party members knows no bounds.

We have lived white white fascism for 400 years. STFU.

Ask your brothers why they sold your ancestors into slavery to begin with.....but we aren't supposed to tell those facts are we..
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

" People like you are what civil wars are created for. "

People like you lost the last civil war. You will lose again too. Badly.

dumbass civil wars have happened in other countries not just North and South. I know you miss your master but the civil war that you and the other idiot look to play a part in will make that civil war look like child play

Well there was another civil war where people that thought like you got mopped as well by people that look and think like me. I know they dont teach you this in history but the Hati Revolution brought about the first nation to abolish slavery. It wasnt pretty for your like minded peers.

The Haitian Revolution was brutal. I hope your not proud of the Africans who took part in that revolution, because they massacred lots of women and children. The torturing and terrible brutality was disgusting.

All revolutions are brutal. Considering what they did to the enslaved over there all deaths were mere chump change regarding what they really had coming. Yes I am extremely proud of those Africans. They created the first nation to abolish slavery. Isnt that something to be proud of? Freedom?

I suppose but it resulted in a nation that has always been terribly poor.

Thats what happens when you embarrass 3 european super powers and have a nervous US standing by to assist in the economic blockade. I'm pretty sure they would rather be poor and free than poor and enslaved.

You’re still blaming whitey for Haiti’s problems of today. I don’t believe the political situation that existed in the late 1700s continued for very long, but Haiti has been poor ever since.

Evidently you dont know much about the history of Haiti and the role the US and the other white powers played in it. Dont be ignorant. Dont you be ignorant. :)
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It's Trump or Communism.....
trump is communism. Watch this again and understand that these are the things authoritarians do.

The founders of black lives matter stated they are trained marxists.....

The vileness of you and the other democrat party members knows no bounds.

We have lived white white fascism for 400 years. STFU.

Ask your brothers why they sold your ancestors into slavery to begin with.....but we aren't supposed to tell those facts are we..

I did and they laughed and told me white boys have many fables and Black americans shouldnt listen to them.

My other favorite is the one where white boys say no one was in south africa when they got there. :)
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It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

Why do white men like you always talk that civil war shit? Do you understand that if your ilk declared war on this country, you would be wiped out in record time? You talk that bolo shit white boy, but you would be fighting the US military. Your AR 47's, Bigfoot trucks and crop dusters don't stand a chance. There ain't enough fertilizer you can buy to defend yourself against a US Air Force bombing campaign. So your talk about a civil war is retarded.
It's Trump or Communism.....
trump is communism. Watch this again and understand that these are the things authoritarians do.

here's what you support a police state kind of dictator

Nah, this ain't 1993. Crack isn't on the rampage like it was then. That's why blacks supported the crime bill.
The US didn't have much of a part in Hatian history. The French did and the rebellion led by Francois Toussiant was agains the French. A very bloody and brutal rebellion it was. Some say that to win freedom the Hatians made a pact with the devil and that is what has kept them in misery and poverty.
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

Why do white men like you always talk that civil war shit? Do you understand that if your ilk declared war on this country, you would be wiped out in record time? You talk that bolo shit white boy, but you would be fighting the US military. Your AR 47's, Bigfoot trucks and crop dusters don't stand a chance. There ain't enough fertilizer you can buy to defend yourself against a US Air Force bombing campaign. So your talk about a civil war is retarded.

" Why do white men like you always talk that civil war shit? "

Its just pent up frustration. Imagine going through life petrified of Black people but along comes the internet so you can type anonymously.
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

Why do white men like you always talk that civil war shit? Do you understand that if your ilk declared war on this country, you would be wiped out in record time? You talk that bolo shit white boy, but you would be fighting the US military. Your AR 47's, Bigfoot trucks and crop dusters don't stand a chance. There ain't enough fertilizer you can buy to defend yourself against a US Air Force bombing campaign. So your talk about a civil war is retarded.

Negro WTF is an AR-47?
The US didn't have much of a part in Hatian history. The French did and the rebellion led by Francois Toussiant was agains the French. A very bloody and brutal rebellion it was. Some say that to win freedom the Hatians made a pact with the devil and that is what has kept them in misery and poverty.
L'Ouverture whipped Napoleans white ass and sent him back to France. Had the US decided to fuck with them at that time, they would have lost too. Some don't say shit. You get your history from stormfront.
Democrats are evil and unAmerican at the very root. There is nothing worthwhile about them. Even pigs won't eat them.
Reminds me of a joke...… What's the difference between Hillary and a bowling ball?

If you HAD to, you could eat a bowling ball. :laugh:

What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? With the porcupine the pricks are on the outside.
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

What i realize is that you were the fetus that survived a botched abortion, and after that you were sent to an orphanage where no one wanted you , as you watch kid after kid get adopted, you just stewed how you hated this life of yours. Then once you got released with a GED on your own, you had to live in the ghetto's robbing and murdering your own kind, just to survive. Then with your Obamaphone and free hookup at a local lamp post across from the CNN building, you now bitch and moan about everyone who inst black, because it has been always the blacks that have mistreated you, which is why you have no issue murdering and robbing them. You are such pitiful, petulant, piece of flesh that survived the planned parenthood...

Good stuff. Are you writing a screenplay or something? Hit up Tyler Perry. Otherwise, keep your fantasies to the writer's section.

I like Tyler Perry, don't put this asshat into the same category as Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry I can relate to; This guy? No.
It has come down to this choice. You are either for America or for trump. Because what trump represents is unamerican on it's face.

When did this lie happen? When did the president call out troops?
I tell you what snowflake Going with America will also be going with the president
People like you are what civil wars are created for.

Why do white men like you always talk that civil war shit? Do you understand that if your ilk declared war on this country, you would be wiped out in record time? You talk that bolo shit white boy, but you would be fighting the US military. Your AR 47's, Bigfoot trucks and crop dusters don't stand a chance. There ain't enough fertilizer you can buy to defend yourself against a US Air Force bombing campaign. So your talk about a civil war is retarded.

Negro WTF is an AR-47?

It doesn't matter, your asses would be up against the US military if you tried starting a civil war. Consider that the next time one of you white male racists balls swell up and you start talking that civil war or race war bullshit.

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