America Ought To Do More On Earthquake Relief For Turkey and Syria!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
That was a devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Northern Syria this past Monday; over five-thousand buildings collapsed there is over 8500 deaths in Turkey and 2500 deaths in Syria. America and an abundance of countries have sent in rescue teams to try to save trapped human beings in the collapsed buildings in Turkey. The world community has to do more to help these communities hurt by these earthquakes; unfortunately within a couple of days the window will have closed to rescue these trapped people. But there will be a great need for recovery operations to remove the concrete and steel from these collapsed building so Turkish families can recover their deceased family members and have the important peace that such burials or funerals provide!

There is another critically important aspect to this natural disaster the fate of the Syrian people in Idlib province in Northwest Syria; they were hit hard by these series of earthquakes and should be especially helped because of their history. Idlib province is the last safe haven in Syria for the Syrian rebels that took up arms against the evil and brutal dictator of Bashar Assad of Syria. The Syrian rebels essentially lost that war because Russia intervened on Assads behalf and used its air force to degrade Syrian rebel forces enough for Assad's ground forces to take territory from them now the remaining rebels and their families eke out a survival existence in Idlib province and there is only one entry point from Turkey and the outside world to this province at the town of Bab al Hawa before the earthquakes a thousand trucks per month passed through this crossing and the people were struggling to survive. After the earthquake the border crossing is open but the major road leading to the crossing was significantly damaged and the city in Turkey that is the hub of the aid agencies for Idlib province was also the epicenter of the earthquake and was heavily damaged. America has a deep moral duty to help these remnants and their families of the Syrian rebellion because the American government encouraged this rebellion and then failed the Syrian rebels beyond words and in all fairness was traitorous to their cause. Because what the American government did is it pitted the Syrian rebel groups against one another it painted the Syrian rebel groups that were Islamists as the enemy and aided and coerced the secular rebel groups to fight the Islamist groups which turned out terrible for the secular rebel groups because they were no match for the hardened Islamist fighters and lost big-time and in the process the American government's reputation was justly turned into garbage and there was little rebel interest in the American government help with their stupid strings attached. The American government back then was stupid, foolish and bad beyond measure for dividing the rebels causing the secular rebels to fight the Islamist rebels because the Islamist rebels posed no direct danger to America, it showed a lack of appreciation and consideration of the culture of Syria and it was discriminatory against fundamental Islamic faith. Yes the major Islamist rebel group was an affiliate of al Qaeda but it did not buy into al Qaeda's agenda to destroy or harm America; al Qaeda was a source of money and weapons and fighters for this Syrian rebel group, Syrian rebel areas were impoverished areas where any knowledgeable person knows that in Islamic impoverished areas people turn to their religion and become very orthodox it does not mean they intend to commit jihad against America and destroy America. As a matter of fact the leader of this Al qaeda Syrian affiliate group in the latter part of the Syrian Civil War officially broke from al Qaeda changed its name and said explicitly that its organization had no intention to attack America or any aims outside of the borders of Syria. In short, the American government used its prejudices and biases against the orthodox Islamic faith to decimate and not help the Syria rebel movement leading to its loss of the war.

America should offer up, to six months, to the government of Turkey to send a sizable force of the Army Corps of Engineers and our Helicopter units to aid Turkey in its rescue and recovery effort. They have a desperate need to garnish and move heavy equipment and resources to building collapse areas, the Army's Chinook helicopters could provide valuable help in this area. The Army Engineers could help rebuild where needed the major road to the Bab al Hawa crossing and critical infrastructure in and around Gaziantep. America should also significantly increase amount of financial aid to help Syrians in Idlib province we owe these people for our culpability in their loss of the Syrian Civil War! The U.S. government should also try to lead the international community to offer to the Syrian Assad government a one year reprieve against sanctions except for ones related to stopping the Assad government in acquiring weapons if the Assad government agrees likewise for one year to allow multiple points of entry into Idlib province for humanitarian and non-military aid, the needs especially those caused by the earthquake for the Syrians in Idlib really necessitate these additional channels for relief!
Your Nazi Shadow Government needs every cent to support the Nazi elite in Ukey Land so that their ill gotten gains remain safe .

Governments are not in power to work morally or pander to decency unless there are huge political bonuses for themselves .

Be real .
Let's stop hemorrhaging money we don't have. We are borrowing money at hugh interest to give it away. That has got to stop. We pay the UN huge sums of money to help. We have already paid to help Turkey through NATO. We have to stop paying for everything in the world. We have gone broke doing that...
That was a devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Northern Syria this past Monday; over five-thousand buildings collapsed there is over 8500 deaths in Turkey and 2500 deaths in Syria. America and an abundance of countries have sent in rescue teams to try to save trapped human beings in the collapsed buildings in Turkey. The world community has to do more to help these communities hurt by these earthquakes; unfortunately within a couple of days the window will have closed to rescue these trapped people. But there will be a great need for recovery operations to remove the concrete and steel from these collapsed building so Turkish families can recover their deceased family members and have the important peace that such burials or funerals provide!

There is another critically important aspect to this natural disaster the fate of the Syrian people in Idlib province in Northwest Syria; they were hit hard by these series of earthquakes and should be especially helped because of their history. Idlib province is the last safe haven in Syria for the Syrian rebels that took up arms against the evil and brutal dictator of Bashar Assad of Syria. The Syrian rebels essentially lost that war because Russia intervened on Assads behalf and used its air force to degrade Syrian rebel forces enough for Assad's ground forces to take territory from them now the remaining rebels and their families eke out a survival existence in Idlib province and there is only one entry point from Turkey and the outside world to this province at the town of Bab al Hawa before the earthquakes a thousand trucks per month passed through this crossing and the people were struggling to survive. After the earthquake the border crossing is open but the major road leading to the crossing was significantly damaged and the city in Turkey that is the hub of the aid agencies for Idlib province was also the epicenter of the earthquake and was heavily damaged. America has a deep moral duty to help these remnants and their families of the Syrian rebellion because the American government encouraged this rebellion and then failed the Syrian rebels beyond words and in all fairness was traitorous to their cause. Because what the American government did is it pitted the Syrian rebel groups against one another it painted the Syrian rebel groups that were Islamists as the enemy and aided and coerced the secular rebel groups to fight the Islamist groups which turned out terrible for the secular rebel groups because they were no match for the hardened Islamist fighters and lost big-time and in the process the American government's reputation was justly turned into garbage and there was little rebel interest in the American government help with their stupid strings attached. The American government back then was stupid, foolish and bad beyond measure for dividing the rebels causing the secular rebels to fight the Islamist rebels because the Islamist rebels posed no direct danger to America, it showed a lack of appreciation and consideration of the culture of Syria and it was discriminatory against fundamental Islamic faith. Yes the major Islamist rebel group was an affiliate of al Qaeda but it did not buy into al Qaeda's agenda to destroy or harm America; al Qaeda was a source of money and weapons and fighters for this Syrian rebel group, Syrian rebel areas were impoverished areas where any knowledgeable person knows that in Islamic impoverished areas people turn to their religion and become very orthodox it does not mean they intend to commit jihad against America and destroy America. As a matter of fact the leader of this Al qaeda Syrian affiliate group in the latter part of the Syrian Civil War officially broke from al Qaeda changed its name and said explicitly that its organization had no intention to attack America or any aims outside of the borders of Syria. In short, the American government used its prejudices and biases against the orthodox Islamic faith to decimate and not help the Syria rebel movement leading to its loss of the war.

America should offer up, to six months, to the government of Turkey to send a sizable force of the Army Corps of Engineers and our Helicopter units to aid Turkey in its rescue and recovery effort. They have a desperate need to garnish and move heavy equipment and resources to building collapse areas, the Army's Chinook helicopters could provide valuable help in this area. The Army Engineers could help rebuild where needed the major road to the Bab al Hawa crossing and critical infrastructure in and around Gaziantep. America should also significantly increase amount of financial aid to help Syrians in Idlib province we owe these people for our culpability in their loss of the Syrian Civil War! The U.S. government should also try to lead the international community to offer to the Syrian Assad government a one year reprieve against sanctions except for ones related to stopping the Assad government in acquiring weapons if the Assad government agrees likewise for one year to allow multiple points of entry into Idlib province for humanitarian and non-military aid, the needs especially those caused by the earthquake for the Syrians in Idlib really necessitate these additional channels for relief!
Wait… You want us to aid these folk BECAUSE they were violent insurrectionists..?
We should give them Paycheck Protection Loans to make sure they don't financially suffer because they have to take a few days off to search for Granny in the rubble. Otherwise charity gives you what you get. Be grateful :rolleyes:
It would be nice if we could always give to others in need.

I’m not sure that is necessarily a justification for making it an “ought.”

My wife and I made a contribution already. Maybe that’s what Americans do. Privately; not as a matter of government spending.
Let's stop hemorrhaging money we don't have. We are borrowing money at hugh interest to give it away. That has got to stop. We pay the UN huge sums of money to help. We have already paid to help Turkey through NATO. We have to stop paying for everything in the world. We have gone broke doing that...
That's correct. The U.N. can use our money and resources we have already given them. And, we are already sending teams over there to help. If Turkey and Syria asks for more help, I'm sure there are private companies ready to go and help.
Turkey is only a US ally to the extent it benefits Turkey and the only reason we ever joined lots with them was to check the threat of communism in Greece. I feel for the people affected, but there is nothing we can do to unshake the ground. They need to have better building codes. It isn't like this is their first earthquake.
That was a devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Northern Syria this past Monday; over five-thousand buildings collapsed there is over 8500 deaths in Turkey and 2500 deaths in Syria. America and an abundance of countries have sent in rescue teams to try to save trapped human beings in the collapsed buildings in Turkey. The world community has to do more to help these communities hurt by these earthquakes; unfortunately within a couple of days the window will have closed to rescue these trapped people. But there will be a great need for recovery operations to remove the concrete and steel from these collapsed building so Turkish families can recover their deceased family members and have the important peace that such burials or funerals provide!

There is another critically important aspect to this natural disaster the fate of the Syrian people in Idlib province in Northwest Syria; they were hit hard by these series of earthquakes and should be especially helped because of their history. Idlib province is the last safe haven in Syria for the Syrian rebels that took up arms against the evil and brutal dictator of Bashar Assad of Syria. The Syrian rebels essentially lost that war because Russia intervened on Assads behalf and used its air force to degrade Syrian rebel forces enough for Assad's ground forces to take territory from them now the remaining rebels and their families eke out a survival existence in Idlib province and there is only one entry point from Turkey and the outside world to this province at the town of Bab al Hawa before the earthquakes a thousand trucks per month passed through this crossing and the people were struggling to survive. After the earthquake the border crossing is open but the major road leading to the crossing was significantly damaged and the city in Turkey that is the hub of the aid agencies for Idlib province was also the epicenter of the earthquake and was heavily damaged. America has a deep moral duty to help these remnants and their families of the Syrian rebellion because the American government encouraged this rebellion and then failed the Syrian rebels beyond words and in all fairness was traitorous to their cause. Because what the American government did is it pitted the Syrian rebel groups against one another it painted the Syrian rebel groups that were Islamists as the enemy and aided and coerced the secular rebel groups to fight the Islamist groups which turned out terrible for the secular rebel groups because they were no match for the hardened Islamist fighters and lost big-time and in the process the American government's reputation was justly turned into garbage and there was little rebel interest in the American government help with their stupid strings attached. The American government back then was stupid, foolish and bad beyond measure for dividing the rebels causing the secular rebels to fight the Islamist rebels because the Islamist rebels posed no direct danger to America, it showed a lack of appreciation and consideration of the culture of Syria and it was discriminatory against fundamental Islamic faith. Yes the major Islamist rebel group was an affiliate of al Qaeda but it did not buy into al Qaeda's agenda to destroy or harm America; al Qaeda was a source of money and weapons and fighters for this Syrian rebel group, Syrian rebel areas were impoverished areas where any knowledgeable person knows that in Islamic impoverished areas people turn to their religion and become very orthodox it does not mean they intend to commit jihad against America and destroy America. As a matter of fact the leader of this Al qaeda Syrian affiliate group in the latter part of the Syrian Civil War officially broke from al Qaeda changed its name and said explicitly that its organization had no intention to attack America or any aims outside of the borders of Syria. In short, the American government used its prejudices and biases against the orthodox Islamic faith to decimate and not help the Syria rebel movement leading to its loss of the war.

America should offer up, to six months, to the government of Turkey to send a sizable force of the Army Corps of Engineers and our Helicopter units to aid Turkey in its rescue and recovery effort. They have a desperate need to garnish and move heavy equipment and resources to building collapse areas, the Army's Chinook helicopters could provide valuable help in this area. The Army Engineers could help rebuild where needed the major road to the Bab al Hawa crossing and critical infrastructure in and around Gaziantep. America should also significantly increase amount of financial aid to help Syrians in Idlib province we owe these people for our culpability in their loss of the Syrian Civil War! The U.S. government should also try to lead the international community to offer to the Syrian Assad government a one year reprieve against sanctions except for ones related to stopping the Assad government in acquiring weapons if the Assad government agrees likewise for one year to allow multiple points of entry into Idlib province for humanitarian and non-military aid, the needs especially those caused by the earthquake for the Syrians in Idlib really necessitate these additional channels for relief!
Once America manages to house it's own population without them having to poop in the street, then that's the moment they should help others with any spare tax payers money that's left. But until then.....
That was a devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Northern Syria this past Monday; over five-thousand buildings collapsed there is over 8500 deaths in Turkey and 2500 deaths in Syria. America and an abundance of countries have sent in rescue teams to try to save trapped human beings in the collapsed buildings in Turkey. The world community has to do more to help these communities hurt by these earthquakes; unfortunately within a couple of days the window will have closed to rescue these trapped people. But there will be a great need for recovery operations to remove the concrete and steel from these collapsed building so Turkish families can recover their deceased family members and have the important peace that such burials or funerals provide!

There is another critically important aspect to this natural disaster the fate of the Syrian people in Idlib province in Northwest Syria; they were hit hard by these series of earthquakes and should be especially helped because of their history. Idlib province is the last safe haven in Syria for the Syrian rebels that took up arms against the evil and brutal dictator of Bashar Assad of Syria. The Syrian rebels essentially lost that war because Russia intervened on Assads behalf and used its air force to degrade Syrian rebel forces enough for Assad's ground forces to take territory from them now the remaining rebels and their families eke out a survival existence in Idlib province and there is only one entry point from Turkey and the outside world to this province at the town of Bab al Hawa before the earthquakes a thousand trucks per month passed through this crossing and the people were struggling to survive. After the earthquake the border crossing is open but the major road leading to the crossing was significantly damaged and the city in Turkey that is the hub of the aid agencies for Idlib province was also the epicenter of the earthquake and was heavily damaged. America has a deep moral duty to help these remnants and their families of the Syrian rebellion because the American government encouraged this rebellion and then failed the Syrian rebels beyond words and in all fairness was traitorous to their cause. Because what the American government did is it pitted the Syrian rebel groups against one another it painted the Syrian rebel groups that were Islamists as the enemy and aided and coerced the secular rebel groups to fight the Islamist groups which turned out terrible for the secular rebel groups because they were no match for the hardened Islamist fighters and lost big-time and in the process the American government's reputation was justly turned into garbage and there was little rebel interest in the American government help with their stupid strings attached. The American government back then was stupid, foolish and bad beyond measure for dividing the rebels causing the secular rebels to fight the Islamist rebels because the Islamist rebels posed no direct danger to America, it showed a lack of appreciation and consideration of the culture of Syria and it was discriminatory against fundamental Islamic faith. Yes the major Islamist rebel group was an affiliate of al Qaeda but it did not buy into al Qaeda's agenda to destroy or harm America; al Qaeda was a source of money and weapons and fighters for this Syrian rebel group, Syrian rebel areas were impoverished areas where any knowledgeable person knows that in Islamic impoverished areas people turn to their religion and become very orthodox it does not mean they intend to commit jihad against America and destroy America. As a matter of fact the leader of this Al qaeda Syrian affiliate group in the latter part of the Syrian Civil War officially broke from al Qaeda changed its name and said explicitly that its organization had no intention to attack America or any aims outside of the borders of Syria. In short, the American government used its prejudices and biases against the orthodox Islamic faith to decimate and not help the Syria rebel movement leading to its loss of the war.

America should offer up, to six months, to the government of Turkey to send a sizable force of the Army Corps of Engineers and our Helicopter units to aid Turkey in its rescue and recovery effort. They have a desperate need to garnish and move heavy equipment and resources to building collapse areas, the Army's Chinook helicopters could provide valuable help in this area. The Army Engineers could help rebuild where needed the major road to the Bab al Hawa crossing and critical infrastructure in and around Gaziantep. America should also significantly increase amount of financial aid to help Syrians in Idlib province we owe these people for our culpability in their loss of the Syrian Civil War! The U.S. government should also try to lead the international community to offer to the Syrian Assad government a one year reprieve against sanctions except for ones related to stopping the Assad government in acquiring weapons if the Assad government agrees likewise for one year to allow multiple points of entry into Idlib province for humanitarian and non-military aid, the needs especially those caused by the earthquake for the Syrians in Idlib really necessitate these additional channels for relief!
I'm more interested in Biden helping Ohio today. Biden and every Democrat who actually voted for the guy is a worthless POS
So, the US congress has voted against ending the occupation of Syria. This is their version of "rules-based order". They accuse Russia of violating Ukraine's sovereignty, but they continue to violate Syria's sovereignty. What a bunch of despicable hypocrites.
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