America Really Bungled this Freedom of Religion Legislation Matter!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The direction that the country has moved in over the last two weeks on this freedom for religious conscience legislation is not fully the right direction. It will take a lot of courage and there will be political fallout for leaders that take the fully right position but they should do it for it is important to stand up for what is good here it has social ramifications. The major earthquake change the country has seen in the last two weeks vis-a-vis the state of Indiana and the state of Arkansas legislation is that the country appeared to be for legislation protecting people's right in business to follow their religious belief to follow their religious conscience. The country then saw the LGBT community rise up and say this legislation will lead to discrimination against our community which is wrong and needs to be stopped and America's business community lined up behind them in record speed creating a Tsunami against this legislation and so protections were written into the legislation to protect against this discrimination.

I am not advocating that the law should be restricted to stop discrimination against this community what I am advocating is that the definition of discrimination be restricted by law. Specifically, I am referring to the issue of gay marriage ceremonies. The law in many states and it may be the law of the land in the near future depending on an upcoming Supreme court ruling is that people have the right to enter into gay marriage and if such is the law no person in society should be permitted to stop such a marriage. But it is a whole different issue on whether the law should force a person or business to participate in such a ceremony. For instance, many commentators on this public debate say florist and caterers should not be forced to participate in a gay marriage wedding if gay marriage is against their religious beliefs. These commentators are right the important right here at stake is the right to marry for gay people and no one in these scenarios is blocking that right the gay couple can still get married. People in business reject customers for a host of reasons that can be considered hurtful but there is no law against it. There is caterers and musicians that don't do events because the customer doesn't have the stature these businesses guard their reputation carefully and doing such jobs would hurt their reputation. The stakes for these businesses is important many people hold the religious belief that gay relationships are a grave offense against God and that God opposes such relationship because it hurts society allowing such marriages will encourage the gay lifestyle hurting some people living such lifestyle and hurting society at large from this. The mass of people behind this cataclysmic change over the last two weeks aren't appreciating the other sides point of view and America is at large over it!

Readers of this writing should not be mistaken that this writer believes there is a fundamental right to gay marriage because this writer doesn't. There is a fundamental right to live in a gay marriage union with all the material rights involved in a heterosexual union but no such right to a gay marriage. The reason being is that a marriage license is a societal stamp of approval and society does not have to give such an approval especially when it is not in the best interest of society at large to give it. Having the law of the land in America be that there is a fundamental right to gay marriage will encourage and promote homosexuality which is a bad thing for society to do for a person being a homosexual is regularly found to be a cause for a person committing suicide and having mental illness just to name a couple of the problems.
The stakes for these businesses is important many people hold the religious belief that gay relationships are a grave offense against God and that God opposes such relationship because it hurts society allowing such marriages will encourage the gay lifestyle hurting some people living such lifestyle and hurting society at large from this.

The Constitution forbids religious discrimination and that is the basis for your position. Therefore what you are advocating is unconstitutional.

There is a fundamental right to live in a gay marriage union with all the material rights involved in a heterosexual union but no such right to a gay marriage. The reason being is that a marriage license is a societal stamp of approval and society does not have to give such an approval especially when it is not in the best interest of society at large to give it.

Everyone has equal rights under the law of the land so all marriages are equal under the law. You don't get to discriminate against interracial or interfaith or even civil marriages so you can't discriminate against same sex marriages either.

for a person being a homosexual is regularly found to be a cause for a person committing suicide and having mental illness just to name a couple of the problems.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

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