America ruined Iraq!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Before we invaded Iraq women there were working as lawyers and doctors and they wore skirts to work everyday. If I were Bush I would have butchered every religious extremist there. Bush was a pussy!
Before we invaded Iraq women there were working as lawyers and doctors and they wore skirts to work everyday. If I were Bush I would have butchered every religious extremist there. Bush was a pussy!
"In Iraq, some brave attempts to collect and analyze data about war-related mortality have at least given us a sense of the scale of mayhem.

"Several household surveys, the state-of-the-art method favored by epidemiologists, indicate a death toll reaching well into the hundreds of thousands. (This includes all Iraqis, not just civilians, from direct violence and indirectly due to other factors – so-called excess deaths above the pre-war mortality rate.)

"Even the oft-cited tally of Iraq Body Count, a U.K.-based NGO, holds that more than 100,000 civilians have died as a result of violence. IBC’s method is crude and incomplete—it gathers data mainly from English-language newspapers—and they acknowledge an undercount by at least a factor of two.

"The lowest estimate of all the household surveys—a large, randomized sample conducted by the Ministry of Health in the spring of 2006—was 400,000 excess deaths in the 2003-2006 period, and there was still a lot of killing to come.

"By using data on widows, displaced persons (up to 5 million), and the household surveys, I estimate the number of war-related dead to be at least 600,000 and possibly as much as one million."

The Human Cost of the War in Iraq

Every thing the US has done in the ME over the past half-century has been to enhance the power of religious extremists at the expense of secular-nationalists like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad.
Before we invaded Iraq women there were working as lawyers and doctors and they wore skirts to work everyday. If I were Bush I would have butchered every religious extremist there. Bush was a pussy!

I am sure many on the far left will agree with you, however the history of Iraq existed long before 2003..
"High rates of malnutrition, lack of medical supplies, and diseases from lack of clean water were reported during sanctions.[25]

"In 2001, the chairman of the Iraqi Medical Association's scientific committee sent a plea to the BMJ to help it raise awareness of the disastrous effects the sanctions were having on the Iraqi healthcare system.[26]

"The modern Iraqi economy had been highly dependent on oil exports; in 1989, the oil sector comprised 61% of the GNP. A drawback of this dependence was the narrowing of the economic base, with the agricultural sector rapidly declining in the 1970s.

"Some claim that, as a result, the post-1990 sanctions had a particularly devastating effect on Iraq’s economy and food security levels of the population."

Sanctions against Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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