America used the chemical weapons and are trying to blame Assad.

"Today the US dollar is undoubtedly the top international currency. This is true by any of the
conventional measures, for its public or private international roles, whether it is measured as unit of
account, medium of exchange, or store of value (the three traditional roles of money). The first part of
the paper is devoted to justifying this assertion. The second part of the paper then goes on to ask
whether this is likely to continue in the medium term, and concludes that it is. The third part of the
paper asks whether this widespread use of the dollar confers great privileges in terms of US power in
the world, and concludes that the main source of advantage stems from private rather than public use
of the dollar."

Or to put it more succinctly, those who prosper from war and debt privatize all profit while they socialize the costs of Sarin gas attacks and control accounting fraud.
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Do you deny this? If they come uninvited there will be no rule of law, they will have no reason too come too my home other than tyranny, and if that happens as I said there is no rule of law anymore.
How am I any different? Because I have a support system which is made up of 15 police officers 10 deputy sheriff's a couple of NCHP finest, and one FBI agent. including a couple of doctors and lawyers. Don't fuck with me.
north carolina...that explains it .
Do you deny this? If they come uninvited there will be no rule of law, they will have no reason too come too my home other than tyranny, and if that happens as I said there is no rule of law anymore.
How am I any different? Because I have a support system which is made up of 15 police officers 10 deputy sheriff's a couple of NCHP finest, and one FBI agent. including a couple of doctors and lawyers. Don't fuck with me.
north carolina...that explains it .

You have me mixed up quoting what bigrebnc1775 was threatening.

He is a bully and a coward, fully incapable of carrying out any of his threats.
Do you deny this? If they come uninvited there will be no rule of law, they will have no reason too come too my home other than tyranny, and if that happens as I said there is no rule of law anymore.
How am I any different? Because I have a support system which is made up of 15 police officers 10 deputy sheriff's a couple of NCHP finest, and one FBI agent. including a couple of doctors and lawyers. Don't fuck with me.
north carolina...that explains it .

You have me mixed up quoting what bigrebnc1775 was threatening.

He is a bully and a coward, fully incapable of carrying out any of his threats.
UN states rebels guilty of gas use in April. Strongly pointing to them again in the use in August.

New at 11, Fakey.
Yup, the Big Lie continues from the far right.


You're a trip, dude. Cross dresser by day, goth weirdo by night or some shit..... :rofl:
speaking for personal experience ,are we?

You might be, yeah. You're like that creepy dude that hangs out in 20-something college bar. All over weight, balding and bad teeth. Just watching the young ladies....why is it you've isolated yourself to this forum, anyway?


You're a trip, dude. Cross dresser by day, goth weirdo by night or some shit..... :rofl:
speaking for personal experience ,are we?

You might be, yeah. You're like that creepy dude that hangs out in 20-something college bar. All over weight, balding and bad teeth. Just watching the young ladies....why is it you've isolated yourself to this forum, anyway?

sorry to burst your bubble but I'm none of those does read like a journal entry...supporting my first statement!
Riiiggghhht. So that's why you isolate yourself to the conspiracy forum. You really are that creepy dude.

Good to know.
Well then, by all means, tell us why you've isolated yourself to the conspiracy forum. Is it because this is the only forum in which people frequent that you can attempt to feel intellectually superior?

There has to be a reason. You dont have to say though. I'm totally cool with the "creepy guy" position on it.
TASB, you are talking to the guy you are facing in the mirror.

You are seriously unbalanced.

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