America used the chemical weapons and are trying to blame Assad.

Yes, you do all the time. Yesterday you were saying there were no feebee in your militia group and there was no group. I just showed you were a liar.

I am so sick of your crap.
Yes, you do all the time. Yesterday you were saying there were no feebee in your militia group and there was no group. I just showed you were a liar.

I am so sick of your crap.

What in the fuck is a feebee? All I said was nope nope to your fucking bull shit.
You lied and you were caught. You are not going to Troll this thread. That's over.

Let's stay on topic.

No one is giving aid and assistance to America's enemies in Syria from the US government.

Heavens knows what the unorganized militia is giving to AQ.
Do you deny this? If they come uninvited there will be no rule of law, they will have no reason too come too my home other than tyranny, and if that happens as I said there is no rule of law anymore.
How am I any different? Because I havve a support system which is made up of 15 police officers 10 deputy sheriff's a couple of NCHP finest, and one FBI agent. including a couple of doctors and lawyers. Don't fuck with me.
Do you deny this? If they come uninvited there will be no rule of law, they will have no reason too come too my home other than tyranny, and if that happens as I said there is no rule of law anymore.
How am I any different? Because I havve a support system which is made up of 15 police officers 10 deputy sheriff's a couple of NCHP finest, and one FBI agent. including a couple of doctors and lawyers. Don't fuck with me.

Hell no I don't deny saying that WTF?
Then you lied about it earlier, as I pointed out.

bigrebnc, you are not smart enough to lie your way out of things.

Good night.
Then you lied about it earlier, as I pointed out.

bigrebnc, you are not smart enough to lie your way out of things.

Good night.

No I didn't dumb ass so butt hurt trying to pin something on me only to meet up with Mr. Fail.
Fuck off
Pretty thin source. Actually the Clinton administration used poison gas in Waco Tx. CN gas is commonly known as tear gas and it's pretty potent stuff in a concentrated environment but the CS gas they used is a far more toxic blend that is even forbidden for use in prisons. American military tanks pumped the CS powder which was carried along by a gas similar to and as volatile as lacquer thinner for hours. The residents of the compound and the wounded who were apparently not offered medical attention were forced into the lowest point and then....boom...the gas ignited and the siege was over. If America tried the same thing in Iraq the Military leaders would be crucified but they got away with it in Texas because the media supported it.
Can anyone explain the advantages to America if such an attack on Syria happens, please?
Can anyone explain the advantages to America if such an attack on Syria happens, please?

Saying "America" is a false assumption. The division is not along national lines. There are those who pay and those who prosper.

Those who pay the money and get shot at is one group of people. Those who rake in the dough in war and conquest (yes many are Americans) are a different group.
Can anyone explain the advantages to America if such an attack on Syria happens, please?

Saying "America" is a false assumption. The division is not along national lines. There are those who pay and those who prosper.

Those who pay the money and get shot at is one group of people. Those who rake in the dough in war and conquest (yes many are Americans) are a different group.

Let me get this right; you're saying, the rich guys get paid whilst letting the prols die.
Ah, I get it; the American government is a corrupt set of bastards who pander to the arms dealers and oil companies but don't give a flying fuck how many Americans die as long as they get rich.
Can anyone explain the advantages to America if such an attack on Syria happens, please?

Saying "America" is a false assumption. The division is not along national lines. There are those who pay and those who prosper.

Those who pay the money and get shot at is one group of people. Those who rake in the dough in war and conquest (yes many are Americans) are a different group.

Let me get this right; you're saying, the rich guys get paid whilst letting the prols die.
Ah, I get it; the American government is a corrupt set of bastards who pander to the arms dealers and oil companies but don't give a flying fuck how many Americans die as long as they get rich.

Sounds like the guys arming Hezbollah and Hamas and AQ.
» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Germany, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty;


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards

The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.


Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?

You are a tenth degree idiot. If any "outsiders" were responsible for the chem attack isn't it far more likely that they are agents of your own muslim oil producing nations? Price of a barrel of crude up about $10 in just a week. GEE ??? Who gains? The USA? Ya right ya fuckin 10 degree idiot.

Muslims are as dumb as a bag of door knobs. That is except the ones with the big oil bank accounts.
» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Germany, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty;


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards

The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.


Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?

You are a tenth degree idiot. If any "outsiders" were responsible for the chem attack isn't it far more likely that they are agents of your own muslim oil producing nations? Price of a barrel of crude up about $10 in just a week. GEE ??? Who gains? The USA? Ya right ya fuckin 10 degree idiot.

Muslims are as dumb as a bag of door knobs. That is except the ones with the big oil bank accounts.

I'm sorry to offer this link because it has quite a lot of long words in it so your limited mind may have problems.

If it's too long and/or difficult, perhaps you might like to watch this.
It's more your level and has pretty pictures.

[ame=]Learn the Alphabet! Learn the ABCs with our funny people characters. Fun learning for children. - YouTube[/ame]

You are a tenth degree idiot. If any "outsiders" were responsible for the chem attack isn't it far more likely that they are agents of your own muslim oil producing nations? Price of a barrel of crude up about $10 in just a week. GEE ??? Who gains? The USA? Ya right ya fuckin 10 degree idiot.

Muslims are as dumb as a bag of door knobs. That is except the ones with the big oil bank accounts.

I'm sorry to offer this link because it has quite a lot of long words in it so your limited mind may have problems.

If it's too long and/or difficult, perhaps you might like to watch this.
It's more your level and has pretty pictures.

[ame=]Learn the Alphabet! Learn the ABCs with our funny people characters. Fun learning for children. - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't read anything in your link that applies directly to Syria.

I did find it "interesting" that in the local news yesterday the broadcaster said Syria "attacked" the U S in the gas usage and posed the question "when would Obama retaliate?" I found THAT astounding.

Why is the media rallying around the idea that it is a forgone conclusion we bomb Syria in retaliation... Not the leaders of course... So if we don't target the leaders who gets blown to red mist? Civillians? This is a land mine for Obama. I hope he has enough sense to see he is being led into a no win situation. WE have nothing to gain by bombing Syria. If WE bomb Syria we are allowing "them" to use that action any way they want with publicity.

There are a lot of Arab countries with planes and bombs. Let the Muslims bomb Syria if they are so outraged by the gas.

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